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Everything posted by hraban

  1. Hi, with missing vernier it looks more then RD-0124. The Nozzle looks very strange conical. RD-0110 RD-0124
  2. According to the MM settings from the configurations it can be seen that the airbag and float parts could be adapted in scale and position to the planned capsule. Whether this should work without errors should be determined by tests.
  3. Basically a few questions about the used models of the floats and airbags. Is it possible to adjust the position and the scale of the parts for the capsule type used? The idea of your Mod I think is excellent but would have to be clarified before whether an insert in my Mod would be possible. Best regards from CONTARES
  4. There is nothing technical behind it. Visually, 4 different colored tubes are visible within the supporting structure. The part has full crossfeed.
  5. More pictures from COSMOS III Launch of SAR LUPE recon satellite Now that there is no nice and usable light weight truss, this part has been designed which can guide up to 4 liquid or gaseous substances. On the picture a CONTARES 4 way RCS is mounted.
  6. As announced some time ago Contares hereby presents the first pictures of the COSMOS III carrier rocket. As a source and inspiration serves the Космос-3М.
  7. @CobaltWolf, thanks for the offer. I will consider if and how I will proceed in this case and report about via PM.
  8. Well, the BDB solar experiment orbiter missing the bus (main body) and the gyro's ,so contares build a basic pack as additional.
  9. New and vintage tweakable satellite BUS systems. Thank you to BDB and Coatl for the nice and helpfull created science experiments! KERBUS1000 for IridiumNEXT satellite DT-001 BUS for small and medium optical instruments Vintage style BBBP-001
  10. Hello @CobaltWolf, does the figure represent the current state of the Atlas main tank? If so, it would be nice if the bumpmap effect on the weld seams of the stainless steel plates would be a bit more subtle so less deeply designed. Otherwise it can only be said that the work of the textures are excellent. Keep it up!
  11. PPTS is named as FEDERAZIJA in contares. CTV-II is closer to the first and last PPTS studies but without the landing leg's. The RIVER launcher craft file you can find in the craft-files download and a blueprint / building description in the contares 'illustrated construction book'
  12. For KVTK the engine 'RK-Z-0146 solo' is recommended in single or double arrangement. The picture shows the double arrangement.
  13. Addition to KERLOT, update to SUNKAR with new first and second stage tank, use RK-Z-0124D for second stage.
  14. Cleaning up the workbench Visual a military medium range rocket but for KSP planed as high altitude sounding rocket. tweakable relay antenna work on first EVA for BYOSSM modules BYOSSM size comparision of modules build of NEM module from BYOSSM parts BYOSSM in space always thanks to SSTU for the outstanding Solar Panels!
  15. @Kerbal01 CS-37b Solarpanel problem is fixed. Comes with next release. Recompile the animation and move the suntracker 1.7m out to 2/3 of length of the panel.
  16. Thank you. I will take a look in the UNITY-settings this weekend.
  17. Please post a picture to visualize the problem. Thank you.
  18. The creation of interior installations, ie IVA's, are planned, but the creation is lengthy, boring and, in my opinion, almost without added value for the gameplay. Sometime ...
  19. CD-Hermes (and all other Space Planes) generates a lot of lift shortly after the start, which can not be completely compensated by the cardanic suspension of the engines alone. It was already the thought to use the Mod RetractedLiftingSurface for Hermes to set the lift during the start to zero. This would then be comparable to an optimized trim.
  20. It works, with exercise and sensitivity for fly. The problem has existed since KSP 1.2.2 and the associated slight changes to the aerodynamics as well as the fact that CD-HERMES and ALIYANA 5 have a conceivably bad COM. With additional stabilizing fins (from RIVER) and a steep ascent, a safe launch is possible.
  21. Thank you, the Contares Space Agency wishes you a lot of fun and always good flight.
  22. Questions do not hurt! Neither the Space Shuttle nor Buran are on the ToDo list. At least not this year
  23. Good point, the craft files was quick builded and not planed to start row out of VAB.
  24. So far, FALKE X has not been lost to us by system errors. As the first immediate measure, I recommend installing the mod 'KerbalJointReinforcement', which hardens the parts connections. Secondly, we would recommend the mod 'destruction FX' for a test run to inactivate.
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