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Everything posted by hraban

  1. These are not strange colors on H2/H3 parts, there are the way to come in the near of the originals. It was important to me to distinguish the H2/H3 parts in color of the america-heavy colors in KSP. The color of the jumbo tanks reminds me - sorry - on priming paint for trucks, pott ugly. Before adjusting the H2/H3 parts of the so-called standard colors get this Tantares gray! is there a good Plugin to change Textures ingame? The long, slender solid rocket boosters of H2 could still end up on the drawing board if indeed there is interest. The VEGA is a pure solid rocket limited in the use for stock KSP, a garage keeper nothing more. Chinese missiles already exist. With the existing parts they can be constructed in a simple system like LEGO. It is too costly if not impossible to reach reasonable information so that part is not recessed for now. As already described was the Kerbal-Style S1b for personal fun and to test the reactions of the readers. The burden to integrate the Saturn series renewed time and hopefully with more success in KSP i leave in your and your team hands.
  2. No I did not. It's bad enough when user needed a craft file for a launcher with 5 parts. (!)
  3. Explain the structure and functioning of a DNEPR the average KSP user
  4. RUS-M and the respective engines are how the developments in real life, on ice. Methane has a bad reputation cope lately. Seriously, this part is yet to come. At the moment the designer on strike because of a "no cheese errors". With DNEPR was already flirted but so far it fails at a reasonable implementation of the third stage. Swivel engines and the fact that the 3rd stage must turn 180 degrees to fire is not KSP friendly. At the moment, the revision of Aliyana engines, in particular eminence the main engine. In addition there is BA-2 with the third stage.
  5. Could be possible, just not with the next release. It depends on the ToDo list.
  6. new and reworked parts (suggestions are welcome)
  7. At the end of the open day an extremely Wide Shot through all the exhibits.
  8. More of the Contares Fleet ... with a Guest in center Daleth (Delta) as NLV-II from Bluedog "Cuddlewolpertinger".
  9. It is such a small, almost forgotten mod called "Vessel mover" that already exists for a long time and is in a 1.1.2 compatible version. Hint: Do not move Vessels with attached Launch-Clamps! Thank you BahamutoD
  10. Welcome to the Open Day! We welcome you to the presentation of the fleet. Unfortunately, you are not even able to capture all the exhibits with a wide angle lens in one picture. Have fun and a healthy neck!
  11. And not to forget: The most successful commercial satellite launch system. 100% free of stars and stripes
  12. From left to right: Aliyana 6 (Ariane 6), Kerlot (Zenit), 2.5m shrinked CLV (Tantares/Ariane 5), Tarockot (Rockot), H2B
  13. It seems the ESA is out of the transportation program of ISS. Modern satellites are, at the same power, always lightweight. In order for a carrier rocket with payload capacity 9,5t for GTO is superfluous. The Ariane 6 covers future requirements for payloads up to 6t GTO. Single or double-offs can be served better and cheaper by the dynamic Booster concept. The new booster based on the VEGA first stage is cheaper and more powerful (power to weight) than the old solid boosters. So I understand the arguments of the ESA. The Ariane 5 should therefore from 2020 finally the scrap heap.
  14. http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Launchers/Launch_vehicles/Ariane_6 .
  15. with REX-M additional parts for Tantares CLV was in progress. So the P-120 Booster for Ariane 6, the main engine for Ariane 6 (model is not completed), the EPS upper stage for Ariane 5 and many more. Only the texture for P-120 Booster and EPS was ready, all others are placeholders.
  16. Hi Beale, if you rebuild the Block-D please think about the angel (3°) of the torus tank. Thank you.
  17. Hello Beale, after a complete Mun-Testflight i come to the following conclusion: - L-8KM Orientation block requires a collider in the central region (to attach helpfull things) and a higher thrust (think about 2 kN). - L-T43 Lander Can need better batteries. With TACLS 100Ah are inadequate ;) - The landing legs L-DL6 can be operated only through action groups.
  18. Hi all. Under the titel "Mir is calling" a series of pictures. Most of the parts was from Tantares and Contares. Other mods used are BDB, DMagic, Procedural Parts, Coatl and less parts from Squad
  19. Deactivate "Auto Strut" in VAB on the Procedural Fairing Base. The Problem is known, but with this option the wobbling ends. And ... use Kerbal Reinforcement Mod.
  20. As with REX FF, REX M lands by parachute in the final approach.There required no special high-performance parachute for high speeds. For a landing with landing gear or skids the lift capacity by low speed is too bad. We guarantee a re-entry and landing with forces under 3 G. Gears or skids were also too heavy for the construction.
  21. Update: REX M works fine now. Sizes: length 7m overall max. widht 2.5 m max. hight 1.875 m weight 5.4 tonns Hatch on the upper side works. The control surfaces was from REX FF and adjusted with tweakscale. Four of the REX FF Monopropellant Engines used with REX M. The Airbrake from CA-1 works well for REX M. Seat positions: comparison REX FF and REX M
  22. First impressions of REX-M M for Manned max. 4 Kerbals
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