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Everything posted by EnderKid2

  1. Those values correspond to the ones seen in the waterfall module in the config file of the engine. You should see something like TEMPLATE { // This is the name of the template to use templateName = waterfall-hydrolox-lower-2 // This field allows you to override the parentTransform name in the EFFECTS contained in the template overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0, 0, 0 scale = 0.73, 0.73, 0.8 } (this is from the WaterfallRestock Skipper) ah, there's your problem, that's not the engine, thats the template From what I can tell of the file structure and what is selected in that pic, what you are looking for is the second engine in this file: NearFuturePropulsionWaterfallXenon.cfg although you should look through the configs to find out what the internal name of the engine you want is
  2. KSP 1.11.2, Restock... uhhh... the version file says I think
  3. As far as I know there are three different experiments/animations
  4. Not quite sure when this happened, but the floodlight and perhaps the spotlight are back to their stock model, and all the floodlights on all my ships got turned around 180 degrees.
  5. if this is done in the way I think it is, it should be less performance intensive than our current particle-based plumes
  6. Trying out the new update, and for some reason my Rapier config now links both open and closed cycle plumes to the open cycle mode. Both of them react to the open cycle throttle, and neither one reacts to closed cycle. They were working before I updated though. As you can see, the Rapier is in airbreathing mode, yet the closed cycle plume is reacting to the throttle.
  7. possible bug: the RV-1X and RV-1X-A RCS thrusters appear to be different sizes
  8. so are the new lighting effects something we have to specify in the config patches for the engines?
  9. I believe the first deletes the entire Effects section (to get rid of the stock plume) and the second deletes the EngineLightEffect module if the part has it
  10. Trying to make a Waterfall patch for the Restock RAPIER but for some reason the audio for the open cycle doesn't want to play. I copied it directly from the Restock patch for the rapier. When I remove my patch the audio works again. Edit: never mind, I figured it out
  11. Shock diamonds That's a fairly large quantity of Skippers Had to include this *chef kiss booster sep I just really like the Restock Skipper model
  12. Hmm... Other than that, and the (from what I hear, unavoidable) issues with the single-bell version of the Poodle, it all looks great.
  13. ah, I did those. I'll see about figuring out the Github thing Edit: although if WaterfallRestock is being redone there might be little point in doing that. Eh, might as well figure out how to.
  14. You should be able to fix that. I believe the steps involved are to enable the plume editor, offset the plume to the correct location and scale, then copy those values to the config patch for the torch in WaterfallRestock
  15. I mean, if you do that you can stick them in stock cargo containers and manipulate them with the stock system, which is enough to get the functionality I need (refueling craft without having to dock)
  16. there are some packs people are making. If you get Restock (which replaces the stock parts with better models), there is a config for most of the engines. some people are also making packs for the bare stock engines. I recommend getting Restock in any case, it makes your craft look much better.
  17. Speaking of into the mod, did you catch my configs for the Spark and Twitch (which weren't in the Waterfall restock configs at the time I downloaded) or make your own?
  18. Looking cool. I assume these can be slapped onto the Restock versions of the engines too.
  19. Here we go, Twitch and Spark patches https://drive.google.com/file/d/1anVkYEcXFIfuFczgxpD5rJiUAiUr3ndF/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PN34ahMGpyKHmH_1IeWYypumCf7GuFrg/view?usp=sharing
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