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Everything posted by grungar3x7

  1. @DMagic Sorry to be a nuisance, But when is Maneuver Node Evolved migrating to this thread?
  2. On a somewhat unrelated note, I would ask you to please adjust both of the deployment speeds of the HGR MK.18 Inline Chute (InLineChuteSmall), as my numerous failed tourist contracts were caused by crew blackouts in the Radish lower pod. I neither confirm nor deny editing the .cfg's deploymentSpeed and semiDeploymentSpeed to match those of the LOM-7 Inline Chute (InLineChute), as doing so would be violating the demand to not edit below the line. However, it would also keep all three chute families (SquadMains, SquadDrouges, and HGR) distinct with respect to each other, while keeping to a modicum of acceptable behaviour.
  3. Well, you were able to recover all but the most necessary parts, so I'd say you're most of the way there!
  4. The mod assumes an engine's vacuum performance by default, but you can change it in the menu, I think.
  5. You don't necessarily need to, just edit the one in NFSpacecraft... go into the cfg in notepad, click the edit tab, select replace, put ":FOR[TacLifeSupport]" in the top field, leave the bottom field blank, click replace all, exit out of notepad, and select yes when it asks if you want to save changes.
  6. And also reduce stress on the chute's lines, so as not to tear them from their mounts.
  7. I mean that the spacecraft should be entering atmosphere inverted, nose down, like in the Adelaide presentation.
  8. @DAL59 Every time I see that video, I find myself screaming at the monitor, "EXECUTE ROLL PROGRAM, FOR GODDARD'S SAKE!!"
  9. I think they are referring to the slight blueish tinge around the blue-white dot just left of center in the image.
  10. While all of that is true, it always bugged me that tidal locking happened with two moons orbiting relatively close to each other. with the larger of the two now in the more distant orbit, (I am a fan of RaldL5.) it also messed with the design of my bases, and to a lesser extent, landers. Therefore, dropping two more modules, (each with roughly 5x the ec storage of the rest of the base.) just for battery backup, was my only solution for the tech level (I'm one of those who unlock all of the nodes on a tech level before going to the next highest). I was going to do a restart and was wondering if I could get some assistance with this, (either in the form of a patch, or as you have, an indication of the right direction, thank you.) as well as ask what your thoughts were on Distant Object Enhancement, specifically the flare colors of your lovely worlds. So, would this work? I call it SpinningMun.cfg @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Mun] { @Properties // Make Mun rotate at its former pace, releasing it from being tidally locked { rotationPeriod = 138984.38 tidallyLocked = False } } }
  11. If it isn't too much trouble, could we be provided with a patch to restore Mün's sidereal rotation period (138,984.38 sec)? Don't want to deal with a ~25 day-long dark zone. Sheesh!
  12. Patiently waiting, knowing that you'll knock it out of the park! Take all the time you need.
  13. Well, since the minimum one would need for adequate control authority is three, 222 is the best number!
  14. Thread title, mainly. Add in that it worked just fine in my (heavily modded) save a few days ago...
  15. Is the HGR Spud pod, and/or the green Soy-Juice, going to get a Kemini patch? In the meantime, I've bodged them together by renaming the MM_HGR config in the Kemini folder to MM_Radish, and going in and editing it to say Spud in the name field, saving it as MM_Spud, and again editing it to say Soy-Green, and saving that as MM_Soy-Green. As it was, I could not be sure if they could be combined, but if they can, it would perhaps save on filesize...
  16. Thanks for your (relatively) swift reply. Further, thanks very much for that explanation, and the link! Very concise, and yet definitive.
  17. ...Should I track down a replacement, (like from the KSPWheel mod itself) or just be rid of the whole thing?
  18. I am having the same issue as k9wolflord. Here is the log. In addition, is it necessary for the RetractableLiftingSurface folder to be both on its own in the GameData folder, and embedded in the SHED folder as well?
  19. Awesome! going to download straightaway!
  20. The SpaceDock download link leads to the CKAN forum post. just thought you ought to know...
  21. I haven't dug into the parts files yet, but I think the bottom stack node of the S.C.I.M.I.T.A.R. is mis-aligned. Had to invert an OMS engine from NFSpacecraft, then use rotation shenanigans, to get it to attach.
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