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Fred Cop

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Everything posted by Fred Cop

  1. Is it okay if use a drawing of a Kerbal instead? I don't have any physical Kerbal merchandise like Plushies or 3D Prints to use anyway.
  2. I'm a little late to submit a bug, but I found this little one recently and I can't find a good place to post it: (Spoiler-ed just in-case I screwed up and that there was a topic for this)
  3. Hot chocolate is nice and all, but misspelling "sipp" isn't. 6/10
  4. When life gives you lemons, stuff 'em inside a Mystery Goo Canister for the sake of science.
  5. Banned for double posting and ignoring the Edit button.
  6. I usually try to give my crafts an "inspirational" name (as a result, almost half of my crafts are named "Horizon", "First steps", etc) and add "1" to the end. This unnecessary numerical addition is inspired by something in the animation software I use. All models are given their normal model name with "1", "2", "3", etc added onto the end (depending on how many copies of it are in the scene). I'm so used to it, its no surprise that I apply it to anything I can. Admittedly, I like the sound of the idea of a naming scheme used to hint where the craft'll go (e.g. M1LO - Moon, Low Orbit / DSS - Duna Space Station / etc). Maybe someday I'll try it out.
  7. That is easy to fix. But for now, shhhhh...
  8. EVERYONE ELSE: - Unlocked more than half of the Tech Tree - Roughly a million funds - 10 Reputation points - Landed on the Mun, Minimus, Duna, Eve and I am making plans to fly to Jool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me: - Unlocked everything up to the 2.5 meter parts - a fragile pool of 10,000 funds that will completely collapse if I launch one rocket - some reputation - Managed a sub-orbital orbit, getting into orbit, getting stuck in orbit, rescuing Jebediah stranded in orbit, flying by the Mun, and orbiting the Mun with JUST enough fuel to get back to Kerbin. - Haven't touched my career save since KSP 1.1
  9. You didn't specify how many buildings/crafts I'd have to build, nor did it have to be pretty; Meet the ugly leaning tower of everything!! As can be seen in the upper right, it has all stock resources apart from IntakeAir. Now, what about the rovers? Well, we have one for carrying Kerbals around... ...one to carry Ore around... (And yes, it can dock to the tower) ...aaaaaaaaand one for science purposes, plus it has an antenna, meaning it can transmit the science anywhere as long as it has signal. So, do I win?
  10. That, is amazing! Now I'm really curious as to what it'd look like when piloting a craft, but I'll just have to wait for you to add the controls.
  11. Nobody suspects a thing...
  12. This isn't exactly a "building technique", but it is a useful exploit; You see this pod? The Mk1 Lander Can? When it comes to obstructed hatches, this command module is... ...well, a little more forgiving; But other than airlocks, this exploit can be used for other things! Like... ...a door leading into a hallway... ...a... ...ummm... ...Kerbal launcher? (I have no idea how this happened)... ...and an instant death trap!
  13. Some people want the most realistic space program, concering resources like food, oxygen, water, and all the like. Some people want a game that looks breathtaking or adds clouds to planets with atmospheres. Some people want more contracts, parts and reasons to explore. ...and some people just want to launch rockets for the hell of it. There is no united opinion for what we want KSP to be. This is why we have mods; to shape the game (mostly) to our heart's desire.
  14. I can only remember about how he stated that the update'll be here "in a few hours".
  15. I take back the "coming in less than ________", Das says it'll arrive in a couple of hours. Apologies for that.
  16. Considering the trouble that Twitch streamer "Million Lights" went through when launching a heavy vessel on the launchpad with extended landing legs; Better landing leg physics when loading physics on lauchpad/runway.
  17. Less than half an hour left!! Prepare your rockets, planes and space programs!
  18. I'll admit it, I'm not that excited about the 1.2 update (since I've played the pre-release more than enough), but I'm still looking forward to watching the full trailer for 1.2. Still, less than 24 hours to go!
  19. You only have ten minutes to make and eat breakfast before you make a dash for the morning commute? You can make it easy and quicker with this tactic! For toast, don't rely on your toaster, that thing takes two minutes to cook, and besides you are a man, you must make every living moment breath-taking, on the edge and awesome! So what do you do? Why, you equip your flamethrower and "ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom", toast! ...and a burning kitchen... ...and third-degree burns all over your body... ...oops. Cereal! Making a single bowl of cereal takes WAY too long. Why? It turns out that this is the result of people being too careful when making their important meal of the day. So go for it! Do it as fast as possible! What do you do when you accidentally spill stuff? Well screw it! You don't have time for being neat and tidy, and you can clear it up later! (if you have a wife, don't worry, she'll do it for you in spite). What about orange juice? It doesn't take long to pour out, it just takes forever to drink. So grab a straw and slurp away! Sounds crazy, I know, but some studies show that;
  20. Farewell, all ye SQUAD members, With your help under the leadership of (the unfortunately gone) Felipe, you've all created and supported a game that has inspired millions, and helped spark a new interest in Space travel for kids and elders of this generation. So spread out, explore, and find new opportunities. Discover. And we will hope you find your new place in the world, no matter whether you continue your work in the game industry or not. We won't forget you, we know you all poured your hearts and love into this amazing project and through the fruits of your labour, we (the community) have all rediscovered our creative spark. So thank you, thank you, thank you, for creating Kerbal Space Program. No doubt that you have created a masterpiece that will forever be in our hearts. God bless you all. I wish you all a good future. Farewell...
  21. I think what he (wired2thenet) is trying to say is that this isn't as big a deal as we think. Sure the 1.2 update may or may not be on the line, but we still have KSP and, of course, an extensive modding community to keep the game going for maybe a few more years. At least, that is how I interpret his message.
  22. Food for thought: Maybe SQUAD had planned this whole thing as a form of retirement in advance, and placed the barrier at the top of the fourm's home page in order to get new developers to take their place. Just a thought.
  23. We might've mixed up your order with NASA's. The chef sends his apologies. Waiter, there's a big red button at the bottom of my soup bowl.
  24. I was at least hoping for the K.I.A screen to pop-up again, but when a Kerbal passes out, their portrait turns to static and you get a notification reading "[Kerbal's name] has lost consciousness". Also, as a neat little detail, there is a meter beside a Kerbal's portrait, showing how many Gs the Kerbal is enduring. I haven't played with it a lot, but I get the feeling that braveness and stupidness levels affect how many Gs the Kerbal can stand (so far, it seems that Bill always faints before Valentina). If you have a probe core on the same vessel, provided you have a good relay network set-up, you'll still have control over the craft. So yeah, it's good to have some form of auto-pilot. (I'm wondering how long a Kerbal could withstand entering Eve's atmosphere with this feature enabled...)
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