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Everything posted by RaendyLeBeau

  1. I agree. In general, Very many are copying here are a lot of space concepte as eg. SpaceX. - nasa etc. Although the creation of own space travel concepts can lead to very interesting solutions. Well, perhaps, here is also the low average age ...
  2. Here is a *concept preview Heavy Lifter Stage (s1) coupling mechanism with subsequent stage2 * Unity preview but no test yet .. honestly no idea whether it behaves as expected In the beginning concept it was a mech. Decoupler with 4 gripper tweezers. But no idea how to realize alone with belnder + unity. - think is not possible. Therefore a simple giant decoupler. This concept is however difficult because of the implementation with collider .. iam estimated that the stage above can not be detached. - Let's see what the next test flights for results will bring. you can see more here http://imgur.com/gallery/BtTA5
  3. Such sketches are really useful. Especially during the development phase. I always make a project with manned space capsule. My kebals are to see them go. There were already some kerbals who have refused to fly a spaceship without a good field of view
  4. hi all, Here are a few pictures during the development phase of the new lateral SRB and decoupler for the XL Heavy Lifter Stage .. Hope you have fun http://imgur.com/gallery/ao4Ly XL SRB - stabilizing aereo fins on top
  5. hi all, I think these settings are new from version 1.2 added. who can explain the following config assets : CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0 CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift = True bodyLiftOnlyAttachName = bottom (seen at squad Mark1-2Pod (v.1.2) - links to this topic would also suffice Many thanks in advance for hints, cheers raendy
  6. hello all, after the first project sketches I created the heavy-lifter stage (code name 'ARTUS') with blender. Hope this ding also goes up stably. - so without FS-extender you get this stage NOT in the VAB. in. Well, as it will turn out to be in the next days. At least I have not yet found a suitable transporter stage would be cool it would work. http://imgur.com/a/As1Kf http://imgur.com/a/6VUQl here few pictures total height ca.95m - comparison with mk1-2
  7. dear all, so just finished assembling in Unity the SRB for the AVALON Interstage. here a cinematic preview. - enjoy, cheers
  8. dear all, many thanks to @Nansuchao !! so now the heatshield re-entry look very stable. here few pictures http://imgur.com/gallery/LGl7q ->
  9. The upperstage is ready to test. details see this post here : If you want to carry out tests to improve the configuration please feel free to contact me. cheers, raendy ->
  10. btw. i see your Real-Rocket page its awesome, you have designed great rocket models !
  11. @Kartoffelkuchen Hi Kartoffelkuchen, Can you tell us when the Dragon is ready for flight ? cheers, raendy
  12. hi all, have tried a little however however I get the engine-exaust not wider. - it looks too slim ATS-Propulsion_Engine PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge transformName = smokeTransform emission = 0.0 0.25 emission = 0.05 0.75 emission = 0.075 1.50 emission = 1.0 3.0 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.75 localOffset = 0, 0, 0 } // oben PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny transformName = fxTransformYup emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.45 emission = 0.7 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 0.6 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 0 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { //modelName = Squad/FX/ks25_Exhaust //modelName = Squad/FX/hydroLOXFlame //prefabName = fx_exhaustFlame_blue modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 1.2 2.5 emission = 2.1 2.8 emission = 3.0 6.0 speed = 0.0 0.8 speed = 1.0 3.0 } } shockDiamond { MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = LBSI/FXS/afterburner_flame transformName = mainFXYup emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 1.25 emission = 2.0 4.5 speed = 0.0 0.2 speed = 0.8 1.75 } }
  13. addet new emmisive lights at all Avalon Docking Units - looks pretty and useful for detection from a distance ... check here the new vid. Production from LBSI- Film Studios
  14. added new vid _ check it here - progress testing habitat modules, transferstage - docking modules
  15. new: added better structured ServiceModule Dockingport frontdesign ... - but it will still change - I do not quite like it yet. - but better than here - ok, textures are missing completely at moment.
  16. just created transferstage with engine (not yet texturized) - of course the completion of the habitat module is still open. *The design with inflatable-habitat I have given up in favor of this practical solution. previous design - inflatable-habitat - current habita design is like ISS-Cupola - but not shure But I'm not sure if the whole is not too difficult for the transfer stage. - looks almost like a tower from the series 'games of trones'. - I do not like the series at all Maybe I should apply a quite conventional contemporary design. a simple 2-man Cupola as in the ISS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- here picture first flight of transferstage with ServiceModule & SS-Avalon. - cheers !
  17. @Nansuchao Thank you so much ! Will test this. What do you mean "IRL"?
  18. It would be possible to integrate these animations also in IVA - zb. On a console monitor. amazing ! great work !
  19. It would be possible to integrate these animations also in IVA - zb. On a console monitor. Btw. great work !
  20. Upperstage consists of the following components : + SS AVALON + LandingLegUnit + Inflatable Heatshield Unit + Adapter ServiceModule to SS-Avalon + Service Module + Cryogenic Engine Block : the "upperstage" can already be played. But not yet optimally configured. For improvement suggestions or hints, I am very grateful. best regards cheers
  21. the looks very similar to the Spacex Merlin Family (1D Vacum) Also here I tried to choose a medium between good detail grad when modeling. But balanced enough not to burden the memory consumption @tater By the way, I've tried unfortunately, RSS does not run with my current ksp version 1.2.1 - maybe I'm doing something wrong, went with me up with version 1.13
  22. a look behind the scenes .. exclusive 4 you my friend - more making of here :
  23. all images are 'not in game' but only Blender Cam/Rendering Screenshot. the last background-picture are real from here http://study-mania.org/nations-sign-major-deal-to-curb-warming-chemicals-used-for-air-conditioning/
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