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Everything posted by RaendyLeBeau

  1. Hi all, so now i fixed all POD's emissive-color Bug (darken screen unity 5.x) - now following testing phase. - after them soon as possible following publishment of 'Rocket Factory' version for KSP 1.1.2 cheers
  2. hi all - today try it to convert "emmisive animation"of my Pod's in Unity5 - but i dont have understood the new color animation tools in U5. maybe I'll find 'how to' video on this topic. i have evidently understood only the half.
  3. hi all, i tryed today to make emmisive_color animation with Unity5 for my pod's but probably i dont understand it realy. - have only understood the beginning ( first article on this thread) but after - include the property and assign it dont work realy ?? possible if exist a link of a 'step by step' video ? (dont found nothing on forum) would be very grateful ! cheers
  4. sorry guys i am still in vacaction ... update to 1.1.xxxx will following soon. cheers !
  5. ohh sorry, obviously I've missed something .. ok the work does not go out of me
  6. @Houtchmaster ( and all others ) remember the actually 1.1 is only a pre-release .. it still in development progress, and is NOT the Final Release. some mod developers wait for the final and BUG-Free Version. thanks you for support and your patience in advance @Table hi, yes is possible in future. ( see first page P l a n n e d f e a t u r e s )
  7. @Enceos oh gratefully thanks for your hint !! - so now I can continue to work on the solution. mille grazie !!!!!, cheers
  8. hi all, at moment i investigate about an issue that i have to result bevore i can release it to 1.1 I noticed this during 1.1 pre-release game tests - the symptom are the follow ; - after i turn cabin-lights ON (or navigation lights) .... -> the entire universe will be brighter ... problem status : - i cant see a hint in another forum contribution as yet - i can reproduce it, but have currently no solution approach .. - but.. possible that this is a pre-release bug ! somebody has any idea for a solution approach ? so if somebody have time to investigate about this i am very grateful, cheers, Raendy
  9. yes it works (only starting version 1.1) - but remember this version is not yet released for 1.1 ..
  10. superb work !! great design as usual !
  11. yes will try to include some from russian space programm, because the Russian space travel has done a very great tradition and a lot formerly and also currently. like the new "PTK-NP" - so by the way mentioned it is well that Russia has resumed its space program. - there will be a lot more in future
  12. well many prototypes at the moment. but no publication schedule. First comes 'Aiakos-1'
  13. thanks for hint, yes I can understand, I'll do it exactly the same with my follow-mods.
  14. hello @ferram4 thank you for this brilliant mod ! Unfortunately "KJR 3.1.4" it does not seem to work properly for 1.1 (pre-release). My question - it will be further developed for the final release of 1.1 - am already looking forward it .. without this mod it is almost impossible to keep the larger rockets together (for example - my 'Aiakos -1' without 'KJR' these "dancing" and finally going crazy during ascent..I'll spare you these pictures cheers and thanks for your awesome mod, raendy
  15. Hi Leocrumb, oh yes thanks for the note. is my fault. but the NK-V remains as 4 man capsule. - but I have planned other capsules in a later mod*.. ( see pls. the old development thread) *intention is to publish a 'lander' collection like this .. and other (for others capsules there are no pictures at moment) - they will be an extension of the stock equipment. but, i am currently still at the development of a "DLS Aiakos -1" (Duna Launch System) - like this : cheers !
  16. Hi ctbram, actually this mod dont are released for pre-release 1.1 - (but we are working on for the final release, please READ older post's) because the current pre-release* (is defacto still in development.) has as many bugs. pls. inform you on forum posts - for example here : cheers !
  17. hi, i downloadet your plugin but how i 'activated' the debug during game ?
  18. yes, u are absolutely right I have studied this subject again and read some forums threads - here i found a good thread -> so I'll rework this point again to all Pods for next release ! many thanks for your support. (mentioned you on FP.) - by the way, i see the "Sigma-V" had no 'Center of Pressure' , got it now improved for next release to this values : // internal version 1.1p CoPOffset = 0.0, 2.34, 0.0 CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.86, 0.0 here some pictures to rework the CoP/CoL Values :
  19. @Jimbodiah hi Jimbodiah, am glad for your notes, really - Unfortunately, I have the 'CoM' never understood right (in this theme I'm still learning it). - Maybe you could Post an improvement suggestion, i would be really glad. basically I'm about each improvement proposal of the community open and very joyful. as mentioned: post Just your improvement with the values as 'config file' example. - so I will consider this in the next release. many many thanks - question : you are Playing with RealSolarSystem ? cheers ! reandy ps. technical consultants will I mention on the mod. FrontPage try "CameraTools" mod, its awesome
  20. hi all, here you can found the problem & solution description. -cheers !
  21. hi all, dear community A. -I want it mention that the current mod version of 'Rocket Factory 1.0' was published for KSP 1.05. sorry but, therefore I have no stress so that the other versions are not compatible with this. B. - basically we are talking NOW about a new Rocket-Factory MOD release compatible for the KSP 1.1 (pre-release) - (would like to remind you that the ksp pre-release version 1.1 actually has many bugs...see ksp bug-tracker http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/prerelease/issues) what are the next steps to making a new Version of 'Rocket Factory 1.1' for KSP 1.1 * i need first to convert all PODs of my MOD with new Unity Version 5 and new parttools 1.1 * Moreover, I would like the other improvements according from the forum-feedbacks can be be included, where these are possible. * all test out as well as possible - in other words normal quality test cycle. This all this steps* requires time. Unfortunately, I can do it only in my free time. i estimate 1-2 weeks .. Without promise ! after them i will announce the new download link for the new version "Rocket Factory 1.1"
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