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Everything posted by RaendyLeBeau

  1. hi all, have now completed the parachute for the Sigma-V. a first version. does not look bad. the parachute is specially designed for heavy-sigma class. (Diameter 20m)
  2. how do you like this ? (See page 1 under Fuel Tanks description) maybe should seriously think about a new resource in ksp .. cheers with "keineken"
  3. hi all, so i have just completed the Docking-Port for Sigma. name = LBSI Clamp docking port DPSG-160 uff... had almost forgotten how it all works in unity. - just added a few pictures for the developer-familiy-album. [ docking tests - Stock-Clamp.Sr. & DPSG-160 ] cheers thanks a lot Gaultesian !
  4. hi Gaultesain, unfortunately no built-in clamp. have indeed a few weeks considering who was working but too far advanced to separate this part. but looks exactly like that. Although I have a 2m docking clamp for GAMMA -serie created but does not fit all for sigma. (i post later pictures..) Sigma Docking port diameter is 164m. will still create a matching clamp it. [already created] *- LBSI Clamp docking port DPNG 2.0m (LBSI NG) -> Stock.Clamp.SR. [still open] *- LBSI Clamp docking port DPNG 1.65m (LBSI Sigma) -> Stock.Clamp.SR. (* the "LBSI Clamp docking port DPNG" series is with the stock part "Clamp.Sr." fully compatible.) cheers
  5. - here the album preview-picture of Navigation Lights implementation ! : have fun cheers ! - the full album : - here SiGMA light-show presentation : almost like 'from dusk till dawn' ..
  6. Thanks again Gaultesain ! yes to 16.3 I should already be completed. cheers
  7. Now have a fine-tuning of the Sigma made. - Textures revised, and additional navigational lights mounted .. - So now Sigma looks a bit better .. might be almost ready for release. I think now I'm satisfied. (pictures will follow soon "Imgur" is available again ... always the same)
  8. HI Roh-mu, thnx, - release date & overall progress stats described on the first page of thread..(after the pictures quite at the bottom) cheers
  9. Hi, here are a few pictures of the sigma-v in LKO. The image series is quite successful, even though a little long. but it has really nice pictures below. Including the current IVA images of Sigma-V - Have fun clicking.
  10. the pods are all now equipped with emissive lighting. In addition, the engines of skywipe series are also finished. in the textures of the POD Sigma-V I'm not quite sure yet. maybe there are still some little changes to the outer textures. - Anyway, I'm a good step towards the release progressed. Enclosed lot of pictures cheers
  11. nice mod- awesome ! very prof work ! some ship design setup remeber me a little bit Avatars- Valkyrie
  12. Here are some pictures of a similar setup. with wtp2800 Skywipe Engine-series & NK-V "Leia" Command POD on LKO. much fun - cheers
  13. now have the "big boy" - "WPT 2800" completed. - All now with fine textures, bump maping and emissive engine glowing. the LBSI wpt-'skyline 'series Engines has fully comprehensive constructions very stable fairing * - which means there are no additional bracing (struct connectors) needed. - wpt 500 FAIRING = corresponds 1.25m diameter constructions - wpt 1200 FAIRING = corresponds 2.5m diameter constructions - wpt 2800 FAIRING = corresponds 3.75m diameter constructions * Now I just embedded another collider beneath the fairing. This seemed to work. The fairings are really good and keep the upper construction stable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - In addition I have the NK-V 'Leia' equipped with fine cockpit hatch and lighting. - Now jebediah has no excuse he could find no longer return to the ship in the darkness of space. - full animation cheers
  14. niet! no rather not. Anyway, I have so far found no really good solution. got a lot has tried everything not functioning satisfactorily. I've read (do not remember where) with Unity 5 it is in the IVA area also new features will come. I hope that soon KSP with U5. will come, so that any solutions already available. The danger is that we Mod-developers now have plenty of time to put the matter up with the upcoming version KSP Unity 5 will change fundamentally. That's why I still hold myself back with developments in this area. (as good as possible ..) I think (and this is the most important to this thread) it must be currently considered many ksp mod Topics. cheers
  15. wow looks awesome !! I have to try. cheers !
  16. wow, looks very awesome. good work. - I need time with this "Infernal Robotics" plugin closer look. he man ! on something wait the guys from NASA .. is very likely that she herself using KSP - play through all the scenarios. cheers
  17. hi all, now have still the cockpit lights of NG-1 provided. - Looks better than I thought. here as always something for the eye. cheers picture album & gif animation
  18. HELLO EVERYBODY, MANY THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT. I appreciate this very much ! - Feedback from the trials still follows. (first try in unity to move the collider 'up' seem then to export the game to not work) - That's with 3t manufacturers-plugin as you have just mentioned such a thing. nobody guarantees you with a new release that will work this .. therefore your parts of the dependent are .. so if possible rather not. - This weekend I've looked under Unity .. perhaps this could be an alternative towards solve the problem .. http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-FixedJoint.html http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/FixedJoint.html https://grovecodeblog.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/combining-physics-and-animation-in-unity/ - nice animated overview about Unity rigidbody (unity web player) http://sampsy.com/blog/physicsanimation.html cheers
  19. ahh thanks you all for the tips!!! - have found the link to - awesome if I understand correctly, it is possible to move through the animation Unity collider parts upwards (in Y direction) using. but if I'm not mistaken, I have the animation also created in Blender that. (later exported to Unity) .. I must look again. I have to try as soon as possible ... I'll give you a later Feedback - big cheers for tips & hints !!
  20. hi all, finally created also the 2nd engine. textures and emissive glowing. * Missing only the WPT 2800 and 5 more .. and when I'm at it get my Pods also very very nice cockpit lighting. I am looking forward especially - .. the "Sigma" will light up like a Christmas tree here a lot of animated gifs and pictures of the "WTP1200- skywipe" [ mass = 3.7 t / maxThrust = 1120 kn ] cheers
  21. hi artwhaley, oh yes, you have helped me. Thanks for the advice ! as with the "nodes" I thought somewhere I have so times in a forum. as with the "nodes" I thought somewhere I have so times in a forum. - So I look at times the concept "ATTACH Nodes" & "Infernal Robotics plugin" more closely. Many Thanks ! cheers
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