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Everything posted by RaendyLeBeau

  1. now have the "big boy" - "WPT 2800" completed. - All now with fine textures, bump maping and emissive engine glowing. the LBSI wpt-'skyline 'series Engines has fully comprehensive constructions very stable fairing * - which means there are no additional bracing (struct connectors) needed. - wpt 500 FAIRING = corresponds 1.25m diameter constructions - wpt 1200 FAIRING = corresponds 2.5m diameter constructions - wpt 2800 FAIRING = corresponds 3.75m diameter constructions * Now I just embedded another collider beneath the fairing. This seemed to work. The fairings are really good and keep the upper construction stable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - In addition I have the NK-V 'Leia' equipped with fine cockpit hatch and lighting. - Now jebediah has no excuse he could find no longer return to the ship in the darkness of space. - full animation cheers
  2. niet! no rather not. Anyway, I have so far found no really good solution. got a lot has tried everything not functioning satisfactorily. I've read (do not remember where) with Unity 5 it is in the IVA area also new features will come. I hope that soon KSP with U5. will come, so that any solutions already available. The danger is that we Mod-developers now have plenty of time to put the matter up with the upcoming version KSP Unity 5 will change fundamentally. That's why I still hold myself back with developments in this area. (as good as possible ..) I think (and this is the most important to this thread) it must be currently considered many ksp mod Topics. cheers
  3. wow looks awesome !! I have to try. cheers !
  4. wow, looks very awesome. good work. - I need time with this "Infernal Robotics" plugin closer look. he man ! on something wait the guys from NASA .. is very likely that she herself using KSP - play through all the scenarios. cheers
  5. hi all, now have still the cockpit lights of NG-1 provided. - Looks better than I thought. here as always something for the eye. cheers picture album & gif animation
  6. HELLO EVERYBODY, MANY THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT. I appreciate this very much ! - Feedback from the trials still follows. (first try in unity to move the collider 'up' seem then to export the game to not work) - That's with 3t manufacturers-plugin as you have just mentioned such a thing. nobody guarantees you with a new release that will work this .. therefore your parts of the dependent are .. so if possible rather not. - This weekend I've looked under Unity .. perhaps this could be an alternative towards solve the problem .. http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-FixedJoint.html http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/FixedJoint.html https://grovecodeblog.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/combining-physics-and-animation-in-unity/ - nice animated overview about Unity rigidbody (unity web player) http://sampsy.com/blog/physicsanimation.html cheers
  7. ahh thanks you all for the tips!!! - have found the link to - awesome if I understand correctly, it is possible to move through the animation Unity collider parts upwards (in Y direction) using. but if I'm not mistaken, I have the animation also created in Blender that. (later exported to Unity) .. I must look again. I have to try as soon as possible ... I'll give you a later Feedback - big cheers for tips & hints !!
  8. hi all, finally created also the 2nd engine. textures and emissive glowing. * Missing only the WPT 2800 and 5 more .. and when I'm at it get my Pods also very very nice cockpit lighting. I am looking forward especially - .. the "Sigma" will light up like a Christmas tree here a lot of animated gifs and pictures of the "WTP1200- skywipe" [ mass = 3.7 t / maxThrust = 1120 kn ] cheers
  9. hi artwhaley, oh yes, you have helped me. Thanks for the advice ! as with the "nodes" I thought somewhere I have so times in a forum. as with the "nodes" I thought somewhere I have so times in a forum. - So I look at times the concept "ATTACH Nodes" & "Infernal Robotics plugin" more closely. Many Thanks ! cheers
  10. hi all, need little help to fix an issue. Perhaps there is no answer to this problem, at least I'm grateful for any feedback. - in short. I would like to extend an object (similar to a telescope) Now the problem is the 'node_stack_top ".. the changes after the animation UP - the parts originally fitted to overwrite. - Would be the solution the attached parts (like ship or decoupler etc.) are brought with the telescopic movement upwards. - Attached image gallery with problem detail description. * config * --- node definitions ---
  11. hi, you mean this Fighter piece.. I once the model Long time ago but imported without "control surface" Processing .. - So this issue I could not deal with .. I think I'll stay in parts first rockets. Who knows .. maybe at the moment but I have other KSP projects. cheers
  12. hi gaultesain, which is a material (with color) Assign unity. the colors can be made from small 64x64 pixel textures. This variant is super fast to test prototypes which I (have obviously the models in Blender no material & color assigned .. are still prototypes) of blender from export. - So I can try in untity with different colored materials and define an external vote. until the very end when the color design fits, then I make the textures .. cheers
  13. yes men ! thats a funny 'kerbalistic'-style mod !! really a successful addition to the game cheers !
  14. here briefly a little prospect of a future project .. This includes a large habitat and Lander Module and be around colonization of planets .. OK, may receive the following series of images is not suitable for this thread. so please with caution .. "Soon tm" cheers ! ps. sorry the many pictures .. did not do anything by - just like from scratch more about the development and problems of inflatable habitats I run from this thread. - To tips and hints suggestions etc. I'm always happy.
  15. HI Cobalt, ja's just a matter of time .. so for the rest its very simple. i used this very good emmisive tutorial : and for config i use actually this way : MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = wpt2800HEAT dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True responseSpeed = 0.008 } for the right Unity-parttools Tools Setup I have some nerve and requires much caffe this variety .. cheers
  16. Thank Yooouuuu!!! my kerbals need now no hair gel, they shine now with "Windows-shine" thnx 4 downloads ! cheers
  17. now have held still tinkering with this problem .. So with Unity 5.31 you can bring nothing to run with the current part tools apparently. - Anyway, ... I've installed "Unity 4.22" with PT.020 at end. Before that I had 'Unity 4.3' with PT 0.23 in use since I originally wanted to renounce "emissive shading" ... - Still images of the first implementation of engines with "emissive glowing" * engine wpt500 "SkyWipe" : [ mass = 2.1 / maxThrust = 590 ] - cheeeersss !
  18. Last weekend I've also tried "Emmisives/heat glow" according to various forum entries to make. unfortunately works only partially. obviously it's up to my Unity 4.3.4 installation.. - Create one more try with Unity 4.2.2, this was supposed to according to various forum entries function .. did however also read that one with Unity 5.x and part tools (no idea which version ..probably 0.23) it should work. have except animations .. as I understand - They would have to be imported using "legacy import" in unity. - What is inexplicable to me is how do you get now in Unity 5.x and part tools (no idea) "Emmisives/heat glow" to run. - Well somehow I have not really recovered since the survey which should be currently used for developer tools .. there's a sort of list that is currently supported by which Unity version and what KSP tools ? - I would love my future projects do not have to tackle 2 or 3 times ...
  19. question from a newbie ..and operate the KSP tools? - Which version you would have to use 00:22 or 00:23 ? cheers
  20. Hello, sorry for the late reply. still had some way to go in the planning phase and textures. to your question. YES enters the atmonsphere no problem. have parachute successfully done today in this respect also be tested with the CX400. This parachute was actually developed especially in the DUNA Atmosphere for reentry. as you can see from the images is the size and scope of the parachute for extreme weights designed. so no problem for a 10-15 ton spaceship... only during reentry into the atmosphere, the speed should be about 2000 m / s. Therefore, I start before reentry the retro booster at (LAE 250 laterally Advanced Engine) cheers ! raendy [ingame reentry test - play with 100% reentry Heating difficult ] at last of picture series : [* LBSI Stack Chute CX0400 - 'Fast Save Chute Reaction system' especialy developed for DUNA's Atmosphere Descending. dimensions fully deployed : 22m Diameter, 14 m hight ]
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