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Phineas Freak

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Everything posted by Phineas Freak

  1. Once RSS is updated i assume that RH will be updated as well.
  2. No, it won't work at all. You would have to change the revision number and do a recomplile for it to work.
  3. You could use 1 EC = 1 kW. RO uses that convention to keep these huge numbers down to more "practical" ones (your 4 000 000 would then be 4000).
  4. It is not broken. It is version locked (down to the revision number) because of user spam complains (using an older Kopernicus version with a newer KSP version).
  5. I guess that i could probably host the pack untli @Freedom returns. The license permits modifications & redistributions.
  6. No because the relative LOX ullage is too small to support indigenous pressurization (and would only work for the LOX tank). Now, if you had something like a Vulcan CBC (CH4/LOX) then it is possible. Speaking about insulation, the common bulkhead of the Centaur upper stage is a really wonderful piece of art: there is a small gap between the two parts of the bulkhead and it is filled with Nitrogen. Upon loading the tanks with LH2 and LOX the Nitrogen solidifies, creating a near perfect vacuum. And you cannot get a more perfect insulator than the vacuum itself!
  7. For liquid Oxygen you do not need insulation, the ice formed on the surface of the tank is adequate. For Liquid Hydrogen on the other hand, insulating the tanks is a must: you will loose 300 - 500 Kg per minute without it. As @Kryten mentioned, It is also very dangerous since the ullage will have enough back pressure to blow the tanks (see Atlas Centaur AC-01). Insulation is relatively light these days so it makes sense to pack a little more propellant than you need (to account for the inflight boiloff). From the fiberglass panels (early - mid Centaurs) to the honeycomb insulation (Saturn V S-II) and, currently, sprayed foam (Centaur 5, Shuttle ET & SLS, Delta IV CBC & DCSS) the mass efficiency of cryo insulation has improved a lot!
  8. No because the point of the slider is to customize the procedural tanks to whatever the user wants. If you want to "cheat" and use a 100% utilization on them then go for it, nobody will punish you for doing so. Normal tanks (like the stock ones) are set to a specific tank utilization, depending on the RF configs.
  9. @oversoul you are using the structural fairings (grey) and not the normal ones (yellow). These are not meant to be decoupled.
  10. @Benji13 use the following MM patch to cover all your parts at once: @PART[structuralDisk*]:FOR[StructuralDisks] { MODULE { name:NEEDS[Firespitter,!InterstellarFuelSwitch] = FStextureSwitch2 name:NEEDS[!Firespitter,InterstellarFuelSwitch] = InterstellarTextureSwitch2 textureRootFolder = StructuralDisks\Parts\StructuralDisks/ textureNames = textureDarkGreyMetal;textureGreen; textureDisplayNames = Grey Metal;Green; objectNames = Cylinder prevButtonText = Previous Color nextButtonText = Next Color statusText = Current Color showListButton = False } } Also, by changing the option "showListButton" from False to True you can log every object that the part model has so that you can find out the name of the mesh that you want to change. Source: Firespitter module documentation
  11. Hmm, is it worth it to consider adding an additional tank type for situations like that? Granted, we now have radiators that can keep the cryogens in a liquid state for far longer than before but having the option to minimize the number of them sounds attractive. I assume that it is easy to rig up an almost "ZeroBoiloff" tank type for testing. How many layers of MLI is the "Cryogenic" tank supposed to have?
  12. @michal.don yep, something like that! IIRC the "ServiceModule" tanks were specifically crafted to support the Apollo - style fuel cell system so that is what someone would need to use if the aim is to use fuel cells. As @Starwaster also pointed (thank you for correcting me) the "Cryogenic" tanks are not exactly your average Hydrolox tankage (more like a DRA 5.0 Copernicus MTV propellant tank).
  13. @Kerbas_ad_astra i was covering temporarily the state of the parts themselves. RSS still needs to set the correct range of the tracking stations but as i see from your git issue this is already covered . The only problem is the customization of the various stations (not all are created equal) but this might not be even possible with the CommNet. @oguz simply create a file (named however you like) with the extension ".cfg" somewhere inside your GameData folder. Open the file and paste the text included in the code tag.
  14. @oguz a quick and dirty MM patch to increase the range of the antennas: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FOR[RealSolarSystem] { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter],* { @antennaPower *= 10 } }
  15. Yes and no. They are better than the rest of the tank types (excluding the "ServiceModule" type) for keeping cryogenics in liquid state but they are not meant for long term storage. Think of it like the Space Shuttle ET or the Delta IV CBC tankages. Try the same thing that you did but this time comparing the "Default" and the "Cryogenic" types and you will see.
  16. FYI the mid & high Sounding Rocket contracts are there as a means of earning a quick buck or two (like a side quest) on top of a normal mission. When you know that you are going to GEO, Lunar or interplanetary orbits then you can accept them since you are going to complete them easily. Focus on the "big" missions (reach the Karman line, enter Earth orbit, flyby/impact the Moon etc.) to get the money required to build the infrastructure and the flight hardware. Also, be aware that the generic "position a satellite into a specific orbit" are not controlled by RP-0 so you could find yourself in a situation with an contract like that but without the ability to actually complete it.
  17. @theloganatorz yep, at the time i was testing RSS with the dev version of Kopernicus. One needs to recomplile the RSS binaries (and probably RealHeat) though to make sure that nothing is broken or will break. @oguz RSS has to be updated to support the new CommNet features. That means moving the tracking stations somewhere that makes sense and make some patches to increase the range of both the stations and the antennas to sane(r) values (like it was done for RemoteTech).
  18. The Real Scale Boosters mod by @NecroBones provides a PSLV but not a GSLV yet. Check it out! Now, if you are talking about non - mod (stock) crafts then no, i do not think that anyone has ever tried to make one.
  19. Close enough: !MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric],0{} Although i would be much better to check for every module, just to be on the safe side: !MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric],*{}
  20. One of your mods is not updated for the release version of KSP 1.2 (1.2.1586): MissingFieldException: Field '.MapView.MapIsEnabled' not found. So uninstall all mods and either add them back one at the time or: Remove half of them Test If the error is gone then add half of the mods that you removed Test again Continue from the step 3 until the problematic mod is pinpointed. FilterExtensions is also outdated.
  21. @Schneck there is an option under "Settings" for that ("Use per-vessel settings").
  22. I am pretty sure that your KSP versions is NOT the From your log: Initialize engine version: 5.4.0p4 . . . ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (OSXPlayer) ******* You have to downgrade to version 1.1.3 for RSS/RO/RP-0.
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