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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Didn't really realize how big it was without humans for scale.
  2. Well, if this space force project actually takes off, you can be 100% sure that “enemy nations” will follow suit. Rocket and satellite manufacturers crave for a space race, as military and government contracts are their bread and butter. And the politicians will be more than happy to fund it, because “we need to have a Moon base and train space marines there to protect our nation!”. Win-win situation for everyone.
  3. Interesting, they are considering rocket reusability at some point in the future.
  4. I’m not saying the Moon should be colonized or anything, just that it will be used as a proving ground, a test site for new technologies, such as cargo delivery and loading, base construction, long term habitation, hydroponics, power management, low-g basketball, whatever is needed for human survival on distant worlds. Make sure everything works fine, then pack up and move someplace more interesting.
  5. Agreed. I just think we have to make sure everything works fine on the Moon first, so that if something bad happens and the crew can’t fix it, there will be a possibility for a rescue mission. Then go to Mars, then to Ceres, gas giant moons, ice giants, Pluto, Kuiper belt, planet 9, other stars, wherever.
  6. Your family may think otherwise. They’ll want you to return back home safely. Can you tell your wife and children that you're going on a suicide mission, and there’s a good chance you’ll die (for science and progress)? I don’t think I can.
  7. Well, that’s the whole point of Block 5, isn’t it?
  8. Guys. Forget chemical thrusters, this is Tesla. Looks like they finally made it work.
  9. I've always secretly wanted a set of Draco RCS thrusters on my car. Next step:
  10. Orient the ship radial or antiradial to the Sun?
  11. That would be a seriously badass microbe, to survive through billions of years of near-vacuum, radiation, cryogenic temperatures and toxic soil.
  12. I thought there wasn’t. But then I built a similar thing in KSP and had to name it MOP-G...
  13. They could outfit the Crew Dragon though. It’s yet to make its first flight, but I think it’s pretty much done at this point. With BFS there’s going to be much more stuff they’ll need to develop, but there’s still plenty of time. Was it in 2024 they were going for the first manned BFR flight? Or was it the first Mars flight?
  14. So where does all that extra energy come from? Do you steal it from the planet’s own orbital energy somehow?
  15. I might be missing the obvious part here, but... how do you "catch" something moving at several dozen kilometers per second, while converting all of that kinetic energy to electricity?
  16. Found the Midnight Cherry Tesla Roadster crash site.
  17. In addition to that, he is easily the worst possible person to be appointed head of ANY corporation. Not surprising though, considering the downward trend in Russian space industry since ‘91. He probably won’t do much damage anyway, since there’s not much left to damage, lol
  18. Rocking like that also happens in KSP when you have more than one engine with strong gimbal. PID controller freaks out a bit. RD-108 has four vernier thrusters, so they might induce some rocking when the stage is almost empty. Unrelated: Top-1 hilarious mission failure causes - Soyuz-2.1b/Fregat-M 28 November 2017. Quote "The orbital insertion burn was conducted while upper stage was oriented in the wrong direction sending it back in to the atmosphere."
  19. NASA webcast had views from external cam.
  20. Mach 3.4, actually. Faster than SR-71, which was heated up to 300°C during the flight, and it had to use active cooling with fuel circulating under the airframe. It also had "leaky" fuselage with gaps between panels to deal with thermal expansion. SS2 can't use this approach, obviously.
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