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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Yea, that landing is probably just some artist’s imagination. It’s only supposed to be able to reach lunar orbit and return, but not land on the surface. (But honestly, I think it’ll be canceled and will never fly, but that’s another story).
  2. Yea, until BFR starts flying. It'll have proper bathrooms and showers and everything.
  3. Soyuz has 3 times more habitable volume than Gemini, or 2 times more per person (7.5m^3 vs 2.5m^3). Crew Dragon has something like 10 m^3 of pressurized volume, no idea how much of it is “habitable”, but let’s say all of it. Then with 4 person crew it will have the same volume per person as Soyuz, and less with larger crew.
  4. @sevenperforce Its funny that they didn’t even need to hire a rocket scientist to get it all right. Average KSP player would be enough to polish most if not all of these ridiculous moments.
  5. How do these stations even dock? Are they designed specifically to do it? It’s kinda unrealistic unless they were initially placed into almost the same orbit with precisely equal inclination and longitude of ascending node. Otherwise we’re in the territory of OP thrusters and fuels, and I don’t buy it.
  6. Cmon, everything related to Crew Dragon is interesting!
  7. It’s really loud. “...and deliver our customers to orbit” Literally?
  8. I looked at it during the eclipse too. Had no telescope around, so had to use binoculars. No details, obviously, but it was definitely red.
  9. Trade Soyuz seats for future Crew Dragon and Starliner seats? Seems fair.
  10. But! Crew Dragon will fly first (if nothing else slips). This I like.
  11. I don't think it's an issue, satellites usually have their own orientation thrusters that can fix unwanted spin.
  12. You can do it in the options. "Reverse line fade" or something like that.
  13. No. No need to retro fire when you're splashing down in the ocean.
  14. So, what’s the right answer then? 1/3, according to Bayesian math tricks, or 1/2 or so, according to common sense?
  15. Now his yearly $1B donation to BO seems really small
  16. Knowing SpaceX, I bet they’re going to try to recover the booster as well, or at least make a soft splashdown. They’d never pass up the opportunity to try new landing profiles or to get some data that might be useful for future launches.
  17. Yep, the price doesn’t need to be low, it just has to be lower than that of your closest competitor (Also applies to SpaceX and their launch pricing)
  18. You serious? It's like a thousand times worse. Ballistic reentry is 2200-2500 deg C heating. Everything that's not a heat shield will melt, even the combustion chamber. The engine is also regeneratively cooled during ascent.
  19. Still have to protect the engine against heat.
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