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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Wish I'd known it 20 minutes ago I manually updated every USI mod, got confused by a triple MKS archive and updated it twice.
  2. Can someone please help? I can't get any accurate readings for ore and many other resources with SCANSat. First I did a fuzzy scan with M700. Then I ground-proofed the biome with a Surface Scanning Module. Now I have a Narrow Band scanner running, but it still doesn't show me any actual numbers for ore. What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Never mind, solved it myself.
  3. @voicey99 Just stock and MKS. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46597246/quicksave %231.sfs Other crafts have DMagic and Mechjeb parts, but not the base.
  4. Local logistics tab seems bugged as well. It offers me to transfer LF/O, even though there is no LFO storage on the "MatKit Delivery" vessel. On the other hand, it doesn't allow me to transfer materialkits when there clearly is a storage for them availible on both vessels.
  5. @RoverDude I've also noticed an inconsistency in life support window reports. It shows over 3 years of hab for 12 kerbals in VAB, but only shows 1 year for five kerbals when the base is actually deployed. All the hab modules are turned on.
  6. @RoverDude for some reason I can't transfer crew into the Ranger greenhouse, it's just not letting me do it. The greenhouse has the greenish outline, but nothing happens when I click on it. I can transfer crew to the hab modules, though. Also, do I need to have a scientist inside the greenhouse, or he can be anywhere on the base?
  7. By any chance, does anybody know why some fonts became blurry? Most of them are fine, but there are some that aren't. I've only seen this in various mod windows (notably, MechJeb and KAC), but since it occurs with multiple different mods, I'm not sure if it's a mod issue or a stock one.
  8. Just want to toss my 50 cents here. I had un unbearable stutter that was repeating every 3 seconds or so. So I went and cleaned ~50 or so debris pieces that were flying all over the Kerbol system. Doing so increased my GC time to 12 seconds. Not bad. Four times less garbage per second. But it gets even better. With 2GB heap padding I got something like 24-26 seconds between GC hiccups. After cleaning up the debris it went up to 150. Wow. You made KSP playable again!
  9. I just restart KSP every hour or so to avoid stuttering and frame-freezing. It's not much of a problem, really.
  10. Yep, also happens to me all the time when I test SSTO designs. God, it's so annoying. So, basically, if I don't use aerodynamic forces overlay, it shouldn't crash, right?
  11. What's the purpose of these new medical facilities?
  12. I think he said it when he was asked about the multiplayer. Or it was something along the lines of, "will the player be able to see himself". He was always super vague and had this funny look on his face. Also, reversed version: — Sean, will there be a multiplayer in No Mans Sky? — Sorry, NDA.
  13. — Sean, will there be a bright future for KSP? — Yes... kinda...
  14. It's like a regular rover seat, you have to transfer a Kerbal there from somewhere else.
  15. Finally! Now we can get our hands on all of the amazing stuff from the livestreams! Congrats on releasing another awesome mod!
  16. While I like the idea, I can't help noticing that this mod is getting reeeally hardcore...
  17. Well, the catch-up mechanic for planetary storage still isn't working as axpected. ILM has to put the overflow into the planetary storage, right? The overflow is lost as of the current version. Edit: just realized that this is probably the wrong thread to post about logistics stuff, dammit
  18. Don't know if it's a bug or not, but the game tells me I can't attach stakes to the ground. If I put them on the ground without attaching, however, they just explode a couple of seconds later. Which is clearly not supposed to happen. So, what am I doing wrong? EDIT: Probably related to KIS, reverted back to the previous version, and it works fine again.
  19. I just have its CustomBarnKit settings file that drops the cost for hiring kerbals back to reasonable amount. I deleted everything else from that folder. And it's not like I have opposite kinds of issues. I see exactly the same issue with new crafts.
  20. My old base seems to be stuck at 89.6 supplies/day with 6 kerbals. It has two 50% recyclers and six 25% ones, but turning them on or off does nothing. Previously it had a proper 48.6 sup/day rate. However, my new crafts behave just as you described, being stuck at the lowest consumption rate they achieved. Unrelated: going on EVA and back can reset hab time.
  21. They don't seem to work for me now. The supply consumption rate stays at 100% no matter how many of them I turn on.
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