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Just Jim

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Everything posted by Just Jim

  1. It looks darker than I expected... cool. And the effects look pretty amazing... But watching the trailer, I have to ask: Where is Luke??????
  2. OK, I guess I'll be the first to actually admit my age... I'm 53. I remember watching the Moon landings from my grandparent living room floor... I remember the very first Star Treks.. And I read the book Star Wars in high school a year before the first movie as released.
  3. Yeah, I'm on steam, and F12 works, but I re-assigned the Aerodynamic Overlay Enabled real fast...
  4. Well, if we're showin' off... lol... Seriously, this is my first true Spaceplane. She can't haul cargo, but she can take a total of 6 crew into orbit and/or back. And while it's sort of hard to see, she also has an Mk2 inline docking port, so I can dock with an orbital shuttle to transfer personnel and refuel if needed. I love flying this thing!!!
  5. Oh I see, I didn't read the OP close enough... the bar thing is in hundreds, but the mouse-over comment isn't... confusion solved, thank!
  6. The reason for a space plane is cost, mostly. And the challenge of actually getting one into orbit... took me forever... lol. Because there are no lower stages or boosters, a true space-plane SSTO should cost nothing to launch into orbit and return home but fuel. All parts can be retrieved.
  7. OK, I know in the grand scheme of things this is very trivial, but it's one of my pet peeves... is there a way to light up all the windows in KSP? Space-plane cockpit and passenger windows can be lit up, rocket cockpits or hitchhiker compartment windows do not... and I really wish they did, especially on my space stations when they're on the night side of a planet or moon. It would look very cool, and maybe help with docking in the dark. I've looked around and so far found nothing. So I thought I'd post this and ask... is there a mod, or a way, to get all the windows to light up? If not, well, I've never written a KSP mod before, but if it's not too difficult I'll do it myself. But I have no clue where to begin. Any advice would be most appreciated, thanks!
  8. Oh.... OK... I was confused, I thought I got my next bar at 200, but it's not until 250. No wonder I'm still drawing blueprints... lol..
  9. When I do something big, or hit some sort of landmark in my career game, I physically go into explorer and save the entire saved game folder and back it up into a separate folder. And there have been plenty times I was thankful I did!
  10. Yup, I went thru one of those binges building shuttles and interplanetary craft, and eventually came up with this:
  11. After leaving Vallhenge, the Annabel Lee heads out to Eeloo After watching the sunrise on Eeloo, our brave crew boards their mighty ship one last time. And after a staggering 38 years and 259 days, the Annabel Lee is home!
  12. Wow... I only said I was getting close, and next thing I know I'm getting a few freebies... thank's whoever you are!
  13. By far the most interesting name I've seen is Langertrix Kermin, one of my tourists. I liked it so much I named one of my ships the Langertrix
  14. Vallhenge has a new spire.... my ship!!! hehehe
  15. Landed my flagship inside Vallhenge! I can't believe this worked!
  16. OK, in a purely Sci-Fi universe where physics doesn't count, what would happen if Kerbol and Sol came close enough for the Humans and Kerbins to contact each other??? This scenario has already been predicted... bwaahahaaahaha
  17. Sorry, I launched this a couple months ago. Had I known about the challenge back then I would have gladly taken more pics. The lighthouse rover was landed earlier, yes. I used it to find a nice, flat landing spot and targeted it when I landed the base. Almost landed right on top of it.. Scott Manley would be proud. lol
  18. too bad if it's a glitch... I would have loved to try and find them
  19. wow... only 7 points away... guess it's time to do something cool! hehehe
  20. OK, I'm in... I'm entering my Mun Station Teraskova and the tarantula Skycrane I used to get it there: Liftoff she has 480 parts, 10 stages, and weighs in at 697.8t Landed on the Mun she has 148 parts, and weighs in at 38t Oh, No mods, its completely stock. Not sure what other info you need.
  21. I would love to see the only Mod I use 100%, Chatterer, become stock. I absolutely love the ambient noises, voices, beeps, etc...... they really seem to add a level of realism to the game, and I don't think it would be as hard to make stock as many of the other mods on the list..
  22. 8/10... Wouldn't mind trying my hand at a couple awards you have
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