I don't know the average age of a KSP player, but I'm 52, so I'm probably a little older than many of y'all. And I'm still a huge fan of old, campy, sci-fi movies from the 50's and 60's, which I grew up on (born 1962) And it's these movies that I sometimes find my best inspirations for KSP. For example, about 2 months ago I watched the classic "Godzilla vs. Monster Zero" The next morning I built this ship, based (more or less) on the rocket they used to land on planet-X in the movie, with four big rocket ""Pylons". Surprisingly, it turned out to be a very good moon lander (Except Tylo) I grew up on movies like that, and now whenever I see a cool, old sci-fi rocket or whatever, I find myself thinking, "I should try and build that in KSP"