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Just Jim

KSP2 Alumni
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Everything posted by Just Jim

  1. My closest escape happened after landing my first big Mun base. The landing went fine, but when I tried to eject the skycrane parts, they went up in the exact wrong direction and smashed together just feet over my Munbase!!! It was a huge fireball, and I'll admit, I freaked out a bit. After it rained skycrane parts, and I lost one of my rovers, but by some miracle my Munbase survived
  2. I might.... hmmmmmm... lol TUBM still can't decide between Star Wars and Star Trek....
  3. Very nice! This was my first full eclipse. I saw it doing a launch pad test in IVA view:
  4. What's really scary, if I remember right, is the movie has the Cubs winning the world series in 2015, and right now they're in the National League championships..... creepy...
  5. Today I learned an ironic fact... In a weird way, Big Oil actually helped save the whales... Hear me out: I'm building a wooden model of the whaler "Charles W. Morgan" and while I don't approve of whaling, I admire the courage it took. Back then they were basically hunting an angry mountain in a rowboat with a pointy stick. In my opinion it was wrong, but it also took real guts. Anyway, I've been doing a lot of reading about the old whalers. And today I read the biggest reason whaling stopped in the United States is because crude oil was being discovered in Texas, and as more oil was drilled, the demand for whale oil in the US dropped to almost zero. And so a vast majority of whaling came to a screeching halt. I find the irony bittersweet...
  6. I'm probably going to get into trouble for this, but I wasn't very impressed by any of the three... My choice for best space movie: The Original Alien.... heeeheehehe....
  7. Oh hey, yeah, I have one. I started this thread back when I signed up, but I haven't don anything with it in a while, and I plan on restarting my career when 1.1 or 1.0.5 comes out. Could someone make this one go away? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130318-Moonkricket-Space-Agency-and-interplanetary-tourism-center?highlight=moonkricket Thanks
  8. At first I thought nothing... but then I thought about New Horizons and how different Pluto turned out to be from previous theories... and it made me think, if I was to change anything, it might be to update Eeloo into something a little more complex and interesting, like Pluto turned out to be.
  9. Very exciting, today I learned that Saturn's moon Enceladus really is a giant snowball!!! These stunning photos were taken four days ago (Oct 14th, 2016), when Cassini did an 1800km fly-over Enceladus. http://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/closest-ever-views-of-saturns-moon-enceladus
  10. Actually, I was starting to feel like you around the time the upcoming 1.1 update was first announced. So I decided to take a break and play something else for a bit, mostly Neverwinter Nights II, one of my favorites, and good for killing about 3-4 weeks. I'll be right back to playing KSP when 1.1 or 1.0.5 is released.
  11. wow, I've just been innocently killing time until 1.0.5 comes out, but somehow today I picked up three rep new comments, so I guess I'm getting close to my next rank thingie. Thanks whoever you are for the nice comments!
  12. Thank you! She's currently on hold until I get the right size lettering for the side rails and stern. Then I can start planking the deck.
  13. One million, seven hundred and seventy one thousand, five hundred and sixty one... hehehe
  14. Add to this a media that is chock full of junk science conspiracy shows, it's no wonder people don't now the truth from the X-files...
  15. I am so very sorry for your loss... I have 4 rescue cats, and they're like family for me, too.
  16. I don't know if that's an answerable question... From what little I understand of physics, FTW engines or not, we're still confined to our universe. But some theories suggest there may be much more beyond our own universe, other dimensions or perhaps a multi-verse. How would you get there??? Seems to me, unless you have a TARDIS, you're never going to be able to find the edge of nothing....
  17. I have one I haven't seen mentioned yet... There's this stuff called Perchlorethyline... I think that's spelled right.... we used it in a factory I worked in way back when to degrease computer components.... and it is foul!!! I lost count how many times my department cleared the room when someone opened the degreaser too fast. That's all it took... open it too fast and the fumes would make you so sick!!! People would drop whatever they were doing and literally run for the door! The labels said it's quite deadly.... and I'm afraid to think what it's done to those folk that worked in that place their whole life breathing in that crap...
  18. Wow... where to start.... I paint, do computer graphics, make music, hand-craft flutes... and I'm currently building a wooden model of the Charles W. Morgan (New Bedford whaling ship), and I'm making myself a new cane. Sorry, I don't have pics of that yet, but here's a few examples of the rest. This is just a sliver, I could fill pages with my paintings alone... They're not easy to see, but in these shots I'm playing flutes I made myself. And I got lots and lots more...
  19. I had to think about this a while... there are so many to choose from. But in terms of how much this one impacted me as a kid, I have to go with the Eagle Lander, from the classic Space: 1999. I was 13 when this show was on the air, and this was the first ship that I thought truly looked like it belonged on the Moon. It screams function over beauty, and I still think it's one of the coolest, and most realistic, sci-fi ships ever created.
  20. I have a loose-leaf notebook full of KSP stuff. Not so much sketches, but lists of action keys for particular ships, or coordinates of Easter eggs I've located (so far)... I have tons of notes.
  21. Wow... I have to be honest, I normally disapprove of KSP being combat... but this I absolutely make an exception for! Das Boot was a great book, and movie, and I do believe you've done it justice. I'm most loving the interior.... your attention to detail is stunning. And it's stock??? Again, wow!
  22. I think the biggest thing I plan on changing is not terminating debris I leave in orbit. What goes up, stays up, until I get enough science to get the Claw. Then I can plan missions around either retrieving the debris, or degrading the debris' orbit's and letting it burn up on re-entry.
  23. Early on in my career I found they are quite maneuverable and work great for landing on buildings to collect science.
  24. The only one I use all the time is chatterer... and I wish the DEV's would just add noises and voices to the game so I didn't need that one.
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