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Everything posted by pap1723

  1. RSS Extended would be tough. There are some duplicated bodies, but mostly, the things added are very small. Many of them do not have proper SOI and will be difficult to implement at only a quarter size. That will not work as I used custom configs that I wrote. Basically what you would need to do is go through each file in Planets sunflower and change the inclination value to 0. That will put everything on the ecliptic. Hmmm, I will check the values to make sure that I didn't break something. I know that I did a flyby at some point and didn't notice anything, but it has been a while. I have not used Tarsier, but I don't know not know why it wouldn't work. Strange.
  2. Yep, that is the issue.RSB doesn't really start until Saturn which is node 5 or so on the tree. If you are using SMURFF, you should be able to use packs like BDB or SSTU that will fill out the earlier part of the tree. SMURFF will convert them for you.
  3. Basically it is all sizes and distances multiplied by 25% to get the proper values.
  4. @Shadowmage. I just wanted to let you know that you have been getting a lot of love in the Realism Overhaul community. Keep up the phenomenal work!
  5. Thanks @Beale! I don't think I have landed on Titan yet, so I will check that issue. I will double check the time warp rates as well. I have had similar long time warps while in Venus atmosphere, that is why I use
  6. Quarter Size Real Solar System (2.5x Kerbin scale) Quarter Size RSS is a mod that uses the great work from @NathanKell and creates our Real Solar System in a smaller scale in KSP. At 1/4 the size of the Real Solar System, it is still 2.5 times larger than stock KSP and provides a huge challenge to players, but can be achieved with stock parts. It has been figured out by many people the 2.5x scale is the proper scale for KSP. With the way the engines and masses are configured, "realistically" sized rockets would exist in a 2.5x stock scale. Thus I present you with Quarter Size RSS. I am hoping that this is a good balance between stock sizes, Half Size RSS and full size RSS. You can play this with Stock Parts, but it will be best with some of the superb mods listed below. SPECIAL THANKS: @NathanKell and the entire Real Solar System group for creating almost everything that is released in this mod @CaptRobau for letting me use his planets Thatmo and Slate from the Outer Planets mod as two of the Dwarf Planets that we know almost nothing about @OhioBob for creating the atmospheres that are present in the mod The entire Kopernicus team for creating the mod that makes this all possible! @Thomas P. @NathanKell @KillAshley @Teknoman117, Bryce Schroeder @ImkSushi and @pozine for their work on Real Solar System Expanded that provided Ceres and Vesta DOWNLOAD: GITHUB: https://github.com/pap1723/Quarter-RSS/releases/ SPACEDOCK: Soon™ https://github.com/pap1723/ScaledRSS-Textures/releases - These are the textures that are necessary to download Included in the download: Quarter RSS Mod files Module Manager (by @sarbian, @swamp_ig, @ialdabaoth) See thread for details, license, and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 Kopernicus - See thread for details, license, and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114649 A configuration for Custom Asteriods by Starstrider42. See thread for details, license, and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80483 INSTALLATION: Extract to KSP/GameData. You should have one dll (Module Manager) in the root of GameData, and three new folders: QuarterRSS, Kopernicus and ModuleFlightIntegrator. However, you are NOT DONE YET!! TEXTURE INSTALLATION: Now, you must select a texture resolution. Download a pre-made pack (8192, 4096, or 2048) and then, if desired, selectively replace with different-resolution texutres. Note that 8192 is dangerous: you will almost assuredly run out of memory on 32-bit versions of the game. You can get the textures from: https://github.com/pap1723/ScaledRSS-Textures/releases Go to the releases page and grab one of the resolution packs, then (optionally) get replacements from the repo itself. The path of the folder will be KSP/GameData/RSS-Textures Make sure you download from here and not the other RSS versions. There are additional biomes as well as additional planets that are included with the ScaledRSS Textures. RECOMMENDED MODS: These mods are highly recommended as their sizes work perfectly with a 2.5x scale of stock. You should not need to make any adjustments to the values of any of the parts to be able to get them to function exactly how you want them to. Bluedog Design Bureau @CobaltWolf: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/122020-122-bluedog-design-bureau-stockalike-saturn-apollo-and-more-v11-razved-24feb2017/ Tantares / Tantares LV @Beale: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/73686-122-tantares-stockalike-soyuz-and-mir-4029042017tks/&page= These are my other mods, so I will always recommend them as well: Historical Progression Tech Tree: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/144295-122-historical-progression-tech-tree-v20-updated-02-22-2017/& Contract Pack: Historical Progression: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/143397-122-contract-pack-historical-progression-v15-4242017/ Contract Pack: Career Evolution (BETA): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/157417-wip-122-career-evolution-contract-pack-beta-release-v03-updated-3-27-2017/& License: CC-BY-NC-SA
  7. This sounds like you have some conflicts going on there. This tree is not designed to be played with Realism Overhaul as it moves the location of all of the parts around.
  8. Thanks @DocRockwell! I will be updating this Soon™! Here is my question for anyone that plays with HalfRSS... The next update will be save breaking. It will remove the planetary bodies of Eris and Makemake since everything about them (except for their orbits) is made up. I don't like that and do not want to continue that support. Should I wait for a full KSP Version 1.3 release before updating?
  9. Ah, that is why I changed the First Station. It is now available immediately after the first Docking mission is completed.
  10. Yep @tater I had a typo in the new update! Get the hotfix here: Space Station Update I will hopefully release a new version tomorrow.
  11. Strange one @nightingale... @linuxgurugamer was playing with my Contracts and had a contract to launch at least 2 Kerbals into orbit on the same craft. Separately, he was running a rendezvous mission and the Contract completed as the game "thought" there was two Kerbals in the same craft. (He did not dock) I will post an issue on Github as well, here is the code in question: PARAMETER { name = TwoLiveCrew type = VesselParameterGroup title = 2 Kerbals in Orbit define = TwoLiveCrew PARAMETER { name = NewVessel type = NewVessel title = Launch a New Vessel hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = TwoCrew type = HasCrew minCrew = 2 maxCrew = 99 title = Have at least 2 crewmembers on board hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = Orbit type = Orbit targetBody = HomeWorld() minAltitude = @targetBody.AtmosphereAltitude() title = Reach Orbit disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true } } PARAMETER { name = ReturnHome type = ReturnHome targetBody = HomeWorld() title = Return Home Safely hideChildren = true completeInSequence = true }
  12. NEW UPDATED RELEASE: https://github.com/pap1723/IntelligentProgression/releases/tag/0.4 Fixed a major issue where the Space Station contracts were not actually finding the space station and therefore was not moving on - BIG THANKS to @metalpoetza for his work on this! Added a new contract Suborbital Return that is available after you first cross the Karman Line Changed the prerequisite of Orbit & Return to require the First Satellite contract as well as the Suborbital Return contract Thanks to @linuxgurugamer and @tater for their continued reports and ideas as well!
  13. Thanks for working on this @metalpoetza! This is going to make things so much better! I am also going to be changing some of the progression elements with feedback from @tater. Reentry will be broken out into Suborbital Reentry and then Orbital Reentry. Also the first Space Station contract will be available after the First Docking contract is completed. Any others I missed @tater?
  14. Here is a repository of files shared on my Dropbox. It is an assortment of PDF and other types of files that has information about real rockets, studies, engines, etc. Use it for information and please add your own documents to it to help grow our knowledge base. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tiyiwtppywu2doj/AABugzxHsAmkt1SSsdK9LVgqa?dl=0
  15. Hi @Shadowmage! If I haven't said it before, thank you for SSTU and I love all of the work you have done. It is one of my must have mods that I need to play with! I am using this in Realism Overhaul RP-0 and the way it works, the limits on the tank sizes are not necessary to upgrade like in stock. They should be available from the beginning. I have messed around with creating MM patches with the TECHLIMITS information, but I CANNOT get the max and minimum tank sizes available from the beginning, can you help me with my stupidity? Thanks, Pap
  16. Great success!! Thanks for checking! Hey @Daniel Prates, that was not something that was in my contract pack. A big part of the reason is that I personally do not fly planes at all. I have tried and failed many times. Therefore I could not test the missions to make sure they were working and did not want to include them that way.
  17. UPDATE to Version 1.6 Small fixes to many missions to fix completion issues Fix to STS-41B by removing the EVA component as it was not working correctly Fix Apollo Rover missions by allowing the player to accomplish mission using a separate rover from the lander
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