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Everything posted by Buzz313th

  1. Really? They already posted "For Science Sneak Peaks" of landscapes, rocks, rocks, craters, Kerbal Hairstyles, a floating kerbal near a dock, more landscapes, great looking dirt textures, grass and trees, a few illustrations of ships and kerbals on fire... Darn, if that doesn't just scream "For Science" gameplay features and functionality... We don't need a video to prove to us that progress has been made. Have some faith pal... And change that negative attitude. Take a deep breath and......... just have another look at these screenshots. They should paint a perfect picture of what to expect..
  2. I found Juno.. It's a nice change from KSP1, missing a good career mode, but the design through flight experience is kinda top notch. And Parallax just got added by Lynx on top of Juno ver 1.2. Very solid.
  3. Ha! Yeah, I'm not too concerned anymore. I'm holding off on installing KSP2 again until..... Did "They" publish a fix yet? Asking for a friend.
  4. I have two gaming computers, one which at one point had KSP2 installed and is in the process of being mothballed as the 2nd machine is new and never had the game installed. Last night I went in to the older machine, checked to make sure that KSP2 was uninstalled and deleted the entire "Intercept Games" registry key via regedit. It had enough entries in it that it literally took over five minutes to scroll from the first entry to the last. I would not feel comfortable running IG's registry fix, nor am I comfortable running any code from IG or T2 in the future. Given this stance, I probably won't be missing anything in the future considering the "Writing On The Wall" is a good indicator that this title will never be completed to the expectations that were presented to the consumers.
  5. Considering how much time the devs play the game, I'm surprised they never "Found Out".
  6. Outa curiosity.. Who in their right mind is so fond of KSP2 right now, they will risk running a game that is spamming the registry and then on top of it, run some random person's code to delete blocks of reg data? Unreal and absolutely pathetic.
  7. Nope, no thanks. I'll avoid installing this title forever, even with a third party hack. Bad, unfinished, poorly optimized game that has been found to have code that can affect the OS. No thank you .
  8. What else could be hiding in the KSP2 code? I don't think anyone really knows.. Even the developers have no idea.
  9. TBH, I wouldn't feel safe running this title on my personal computer. It has been uninstalled for 3 months. This kind of reinforces some people's opinions that the engineering team on KSP2 are not competent enough to finish this game regardless of how long they take.
  10. What a bunch of "Hacks". This should be stickied on the Store page under the KSP2 Steam reviews so people can be aware before buying. Maybe someone should let the Steam admins know. Why am I not surprised. And Thank you for finding this.
  11. Yep.. And hard to add future features when they can't figure out how to fix foundational low level bugs like orbital decay. It's a game that literally revolves around orbital mechanics, which is fundamentally broken and currently without a potential fix. I was originally very positive, but now I think they should just sell the entire franchise to a talented and passionate young independent studio for the sake of a cult classic game title.
  12. Recently I put together a new gaming rig. I have yet to install KSP2 and probably won't until... It gets fixed and we see the promised content, or the franchise gets sold to a talented, passionate and motivated independent studio that cares about the KSP franchise. Cheers
  13. Ha! Here, lemme poor you some more kool aid young fella... Just stopped by to peek around the corner and see what was going on... Nothing obviously. So pathetic.
  14. Hey @Dakota. Quick question... How much of the original KSP2 code team is still working on the project?
  15. 'IF' the engineering department can fix the bugs without completely trashing the code into a giant mess that nobody can fix! I asked before with no answer and will ask again. Are any of the original coders still working on the project? The engineering lead, is he or she still here? Is IG outsourcing the code work to another country to keep costs down? Could that be partly the problem? Why does it seem like the engineering dept is in way over their head?
  16. Just speculation here.... The answer is probably embarrassing and probably could have been avoided easily, or the internal politics were so bad that people left, key people, like the engineering department. Maybe malicious code was installed before they left, just to give the final "Up yours" to the company? This would explain why nobody at IG has a handle on the code and why most of the bugs are attached to the most basic mechanics of the game.
  17. This Bug has been around since the first patch. Before the first patch the fairings used to get stuck on parts of the craft. I'm assuming the fix for getting stuck was to just shoot them at high velocity off the craft.. LOL
  18. This 'reentry drag/skipping off the atmosphere bug', has literally made the current state of the game worse than it was at EA launch. Literally the game has become less playable after 3 patches. Can't make this stuff up. So yaw or pitch 90 degrees from prograde or retrograde to slow for reentry, like, go sideways right? What an incredibly embarrassing workaround. I'm embarrassed for the Devs. If I was the project manager at IG I would be firing people left and right, or resigning myself if it was my fault. There are no good excuses. I'm blown away that some KSP fans are still patient enough to remain positive and I used to be one of those fans. FUBAR
  19. Isn't atmospheric heating a foundational gameplay mechanic? Especially considering it limits and or defines design decisions to recover a spacecraft from spaceflight? Considering roughly one third of all planets in KSP, maybe more, will have an atmosphere and at some point we as players will be interacting with our spacecraft having to safely transit the upper atmosphere at high velocity.. Wouldn't you consider this pretty important? Furthermore, having it in game is necessary for the developers to finish writing the code that balances out all of the reentry dynamics. Not having it in game when the devs are currently still fixing code in the flight model seems like an ass backwards way to do things.
  20. Well, when the MK1 pod doesn't exhibit any drag in the upper Kerbin Atmosphere and or accelerates, then obviously the numbers aren't correct. But I don't think this bug is that closely related to the "Drag Occlusion Fix" , since a save game state affects it's existence. What about the pod skipping off the upper atmosphere? Please stop making excuses for a department or departments not doing their job. Either Q&A missed this simple "In your face" bug, or they caught it, but the code has been so scrambled that they didn't know how to fix it, or, management didn't want to give the coders time to fix it before the 22nd. See my reply above.
  21. Sounds to me like they didn't know how to fix it properly and just bandaided the code with a "Take from peter to pay Paul" solution. The numbers aren't even close and quite frankly I'm surprised they released that statement as it demonstrates how little the Q&A folks know about the topic. Or maybe Q&A didn't even say that? LOL, who knows. Let me remind you that all of this is kind of a moot point anyways, since the other major factor of simulating upper atmospheric drag is completely absent from the game... Aerodynamic Heating.
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