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Everything posted by genericeventhandler

  1. So I've been playing, I love tinkering with Module Manager Scripts. I did this for myself but I thought I would share. I changed the fuels to be Liquid Fuel and MonoProp. I tried to remove the other resource, but my patch wasn't doing it. Sometimes MM doesn't like me much. I bumped up the engines to allow them to lift off from Kerbin, either from hover or as a rocket and get to orbit. Copied the Passenger module to hold ore. Added a part category, using a squad image, I can't draw for toffee. Moved all the parts into the same tech node, I don't like compound ships that are spread out over several nodes. Added some supplies for USI-LS Bumped up the Reaction Wheel, it's still pretty feeble though. Added a 1 degree gumball to the main engines to help with ascent. While I've been playing I've noticed a few problems. When using the Backbone girder as the command point (right click control from here) the ship is not balanced very well. There is no hatch from the command pod. Hatches from the support section are blocked by the payload. Payload when decoupled, cannot be reconnected by making the Eagle kneel ( retract the landing gear ) . Or the payload legs need to be taller. General lack of manouverablity. landing over a landed payload is very tricky as it's attached to the backside of the docking node, as well as the manoeuvrability. problem. I did it, but it took me 10 mins. And some other things. The part names are way too generic, please use a prefix for each part name so that you avoid conflicts with other mods. The supplied craft files have hover on 1 and 3 and main engines on 2, Many crashes occurred before I got the hang of hitting 1 + 3 quickly enough to switch the engines off without flipping. The rescue pod. It's weird, there are no collision detectors for kerbals, you can walk through the wall, and then get into the buggy. Which then allows you to control the pod. But if you leave the pod with the buggy, you can't do anything with it. I really love this mod, it's the earliest TV show I remember watching and brings back good memories. Geh
  2. How you fit it together is in the part descriptions, I had no problem assembling it.
  3. Change the max Ah change the max amount to a small number 0.0001 perhaps?
  4. I've not checked this, but wouldn't this work? @PART[batteryBank} { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @maxAmount = 0 } } I can't check it at the moment, I'm working
  5. As soon as I start getting Mun contracts, I build a Mun Transfer Ship. The ship is tasked of getting supplies and kerbals to the mun, later it will refuel at the mun station once fuel production has started, but until then it is refuelled in kerbin orbit by a 100% recoverable fuel truck / crew rotation véhicule. Once the science has run out on mun / minmus I have unlocked all of the tech tree and then start building the Duna explorer. I've built 7 in orbit, not one has actually started the burn to duna. In all my time playing only one probe ever got to duna, and it was missing a part to complete the contract.
  6. I was able to fly around using the VTOL engines using TCA! Very nice, The main engines though, the fuel used and the rate of consumption as @Dux Aquila said, makes it pretty impractical. I'll work on a MM patch to make them dual mode using Liquid fuel and Mono propellant, and change the RCS to use mono prop as well. But great work, more pods would be welcome, mining rig for example.
  7. 10 - 12 minutes, I've got loads of mods active, and about 4k mm patches that run. Geh
  8. For destroying individual parts, For destroying complete vessels. HTH GEH
  9. Before you finally dock, you need to turn both ships to hold orientation or they will both try to over correct. Navy fish Docking Indicator + Mechjeb for manual dockings, I hardly ever let mechjeb dock anymore, it's very wasteful on rcs the way it always tries to go for the optimal straight in approach. The best way I've found is to set the top node of the station to + Normal, and have the force roll button checked, now if you set the docking ports to square on in the VAB, the ports will be Top = - Normal Button = +Normal Kerbin facing = + Radial Space facing = - Radial and Pro / retrograde for the two others. Makes docking so much easier. GEH
  10. I have both installed, Science [x] is for identifying when I there is science below the threshold of Automated Science Sampler.
  11. After many many years, I started collecting Lego again. I now have more than I ever did as a kid, and it's so relaxing to just create something when you are bored.
  12. delete all files Miniavc.* from your game data folder. That way lies madness. If your current game is working fine you don't need to update any mods. I've lost many games where I've decided to upgrade a mod to the latest version and it's deleted ships and stations in my career game. Geh
  13. A compiled dll and the modified soruce code is in the zip file linked below. I didn't want to commit my changes. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Au_FusKqvwUWguN-_ceWUImRM7qIXg Geh
  14. Over the long weekend I downloaded the source, and added autoland and autohover to the code, Autoland will allow blimps or probes using the parachutes to touch down safely from high altitudes without supervision. Autohover will try and keep the ship at 65m, 500m, 1000m and 10km altitude above terrain, it is not terrain following though so you still hit the mountains if you fly 270 from ksc. Is this mod being maintained? And would you like me to commit my modifications for review? Geh.
  15. Hi, With kRPC you can have a browser window open with a map displaying. And another with graphs and such. I don't know of anyway to get a different view onto another monitor though. GEH
  16. I recently did my first, takeoff, orbit, rdv, docking, undocking and return manouver all from inside the command pod. Was very fun, especially when I kept getting general alarms because I had forgotten to do something again.
  17. I love it, very very expensive in a career game though! Can you include a sample craft file, I managed to get it all fitted together but it wasn't obvious where each bit went. Thanks GEH
  18. I love the work you have done on this. I'm awaiting delivery so I can have insitu resources for my grand tour missions when they arrive in orbit. Good work.
  19. Use smartparts and ditch them at a set altitude. Is the way I do it. I love smartparts my current goal is a completely automated duna rover that only turns on its radio once it is on the ground. Jettisons fairings, heat shields, retro rockets all at height settings. The only manual part of the mission is setting manoeuvre nodes.
  20. When I've found out what my average landing speed, I'll lower it ;-)
  21. With the oatv, how are you supposed to land them with a 30m/s impact tolerance. 30m/s is below the stall speed, so the only way I can see it working is stalling it just above the ground. I tried landing it 10 times and couldn't do it. I had to bail jeb out and use his parachute to get him home. I've now upped the impact to 100m/s and that works ok.
  22. I'm using this for most of my science missions, I currently have four craft in orbit. Are there any plans to add to this in the future?
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