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Everything posted by genericeventhandler

  1. If anyone is interested, I've updated the code to 1.2.2 https://github.com/genericeventhandler/AutomaticLights The lights now work correctly, and I've add an autominer and autogenerator modules as we.. AutoLights turn off and on when hidden from the sun, checks to see if there is enough ElectricalCharge left. AutoGenerator - turns the generator off if EC <50% turns on if resource < 99% AutoMiner - Bit buggy, but will turn resource harvesters on and off if the watched resource is low. Add to an ore drill and watch ore. It will mine until full then stop, or EC is low. In the Electrical folder remove the autogenerator and autominer if not required. GE
  2. I'm updating some code from 1.1.3 to 1.2 and I have a compile error on var vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; var ec = vessel.GetResource("ElectricCharge"); // Compile error How do I do this with the new resource management? Thanks GEH
  3. I recover everything, with stage recovery, at the moment, I'm putting a drag and a normal chute on them
  4. I love this, I've been using them since you made the first version. Now you have added endcaps can we have an endcap with a parachute in it please?
  5. Try IntakeAtm instead of IntakeAir, that exists on Duna as well.
  6. I always have it installed, but I use it less and less each time. The only thing that I use it for at the moment is delta v calcs and rendez-vous, because it's boring as hell to do. That said, I learnt most things from watching how mechjeb did it.
  7. Don't attach them with kas. Bad things will happen, like looping around the ship and cutting it in half with the cable. When you do evas go forwards to the ship, but when breaking do it sideways on so that you can match velocities so much easier than trying to slow down by thrusting backwards.
  8. cranes, and pinpoint landing. then eject the crane reorbit, refuel and land the next part. UKS flex tubes have a huge range to connect bits together. However the frame rate is so bad if you have more than two sections that I no longer build multi part bases. everything I land these days is self contained. Hydroponics, Mining, and living quaters.
  9. Have you tried doing the burn from the lander, instead of the transfer craft ? I might be more stable that way around.
  10. has steam auto updated you to 1.2 without you knowing?
  11. Oh please someone do this, I've been hyper editing satelites ahead and behind kerbin to the correct position.
  12. if you remove a parts mod that is used on one of your active craft, you lose the craft and the kerbals inside. for info, I always play from a copy of the steam install folder, because I don't want steam updating my game while I am in the middle of a career and deleting all my ships.
  13. I use kurs style , on 1.1.2, you have to select both docking ports, the one you control from and the set as target one. then right click your docking port and view the camera. If you use navy-fish docking aid, then you still need to click on the port to make it work. hth GE
  14. I've got my own version that I compile for v1.1.2, I've taken a look at fuelflowsimulation.cs It copies the lookup dictionary, this is my version to avoid the copy. public FuelFlowSimulation(IList<Part> parts, bool dVLinearThrust) { KpaToAtmospheres = PhysicsGlobals.KpaToAtmospheres; // Create FuelNodes corresponding to each Part ICollection<FuelNode> nodes; var nodeLookup = new Dictionary<Part, FuelNode>(); foreach(var p in parts) { nodeLookup[p] = new FuelNode(p, dVLinearThrust); } nodes = nodeLookup.Values; // Determine when each part will be decoupled Part rootPart = parts[0]; // hopefully always correct nodeLookup[rootPart].AssignDecoupledInStage(rootPart, nodeLookup, -1); // Set up the fuel flow graph if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++) { Part p = parts[i]; nodeLookup[p].SetupFuelLineSourcesFlight(p, nodeLookup); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++) { Part p = parts[i]; nodeLookup[p].SetupFuelLineSourcesFlight(p, nodeLookup); nodeLookup[p].SetupFuelLineSourcesEditor(p, nodeLookup); } } for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++) { Part p = parts[i]; nodeLookup[p].SetupRegularSources(p, nodeLookup); } simStage = StageManager.LastStage + 1; // Add a fake stage if we are beyond the first one Mostly usefull for the Node Executor // who use the last stage info and fail to get proper info when the ship was never staged // and some engine were activated manually if (StageManager.CurrentStage > StageManager.LastStage) simStage++; t = 0; nodeLookup.Clear(); }
  15. I managed to save the base, by editing the thrust limits in the save file, My theory was correct, the base had separated into 5 distinct ships but was still attached with KIS joints. Thanks all for the recommendations.
  16. This is how I do it. From any orbit, Set pe to 67km At pe burn retrograde to bring the AP down to just below 70, or skip out of the atmosphere and try again, but leave 100km/s dv. Turn prograde again and keep the PE above 65km until you get to the last bit of desert before KSC. Turn retrograde and burn PE down to 40km Turn prograde and pitch up to 45 degrees When you have slowed down enough you should be over the "Too short Mountains" From there it's an easy glide to the runway, powered if needed using the remaining fuel. GE
  17. TL:DR; How can I turn engines off in an instant? Hi KSP 1.1.3, I have a base landed on minmus, MKS parts connected with flexible tubes, and a fuel truck with 10 engines on it docked with KIS struts. I have 2 seconds after the scene has finished loading, and the rockets on the fuel truck fire at full thrust, then the other parts of the station all fire together. How can I save the crew? I've tried editing the save game file to turn all engines off and that didn't work, I've tried quickly swapping vessels and killing the thrust on each one, but the base still takes off. I can't EVA the Kerbals from an uncontrollable spinning station to unhook the flexitubes from the main habitat. TCA can't stable it, and there are not enough RCS or torque to stop the spin once it has taken off and the fuel runs out. If anyone has any other ideas? What I think is happening is that the Kraken is separating the base into two parts but they are somehow still joined. Thanks GE
  18. That's what I thought, I've looked everywhere for a cfg file for them. Ah well, parachutes it is then. Thanks
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