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Everything posted by jpkerman

  1. Next Generation? Like in "What if the Soviet Space Program had made it to the 23rd century?
  2. Does anybody think it is a little humorous that the hardest task in a game about rocket building has become how to make a propeller engine?
  3. here is a link to the test ksp.log https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ki4cfadqnwz1sxk/AABQ7-t9o0Muw2amtN1SxCUka?dl=0 The conflict is only with the 'activate pre-landing' button on the Mk 1-3, no floats top or bottom and an never ending inflate sound. The other add on items function fine. (heat-shields, impact bags, retro, float and airbag add-ons...etc) The MK2 pod (Squad expansion Gemini style) still floats nose up but the 'Activat pre-landing' button works OK. Since the revampes Restock MK-1 only has add on CL items it has no problems. My test never seemed to generate an ksp_output.log so it must no be of notice to the game.
  4. In that case, may I mention that when I tried Comfortable Landing with the Restock and Restock+ mods the inflating bags did not appear and there was a never ending inflating sound. T his was on the MK1-3 pod. I believe that the mod changes the mesh so it may be a coordinate change thing. CL is such an important mod to me that I dumped the Restock mods to keep CL. T hanks for your modding work.
  5. I have long had this problem since my typical configuration is a RealChute stack chute with a docking port on top. The cover is too short with that combination but I do not expect mods to be able to cover all player part construction madness. I believe the SM-6a came after the mod was made and I believe that LGG (who goes above and beyond with all the great work keeping mods going) may only be updating and caretaking this mod and not re-making models which may be restricted by the original maker's license.
  6. I got 8 errors regarding something abou the systems reliability (might be Module Manager related) in 1.7.1 with both DLC modules. I removed Kerbalism and will wait. I figure it will be smoothed out in time.
  7. I know I am late to the party but for docking what about just putting a node on the bottom of the X-20 for a re-entry shielded docking port?
  8. Texture switch options at some point would be welcomed...White/BW and perhaps orange/black options?
  9. I have always though in a career game that the docking cam should start in B/W and add color and other filters as tech upgrades.
  10. An amazing feature would be if the docking antennas could actually give an auto-alignment of the docking ports function between two vessels with the antennas.
  11. Tonkacrash has been warning mod makers that there is a bug in 1.6.0 & 1.6.1 that can lock up the parts menu in the VAB if a bulkheadProfiles isn't defined for each part. I checked the change log and did not find that listed.
  12. It is in Raster Monitor prop but is deep in the file structure. RasterPropMonitor>GameData>JSI>RasterPropMonitor>Library>Parts>ExternalCameraPart
  13. To help with mod adaption. LGG has released an updated Probe Control Room. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166760-151-probe-control-room-recontrolled/ This mod gives probe cores a right click IVA option that takes the player to a mission control style control room. This lets the player run the mission "remotely" rather than the all-seeing stock chase cams. Using the Raster Monitor Prop mod: PCR only adds 1 crucial part, the JSI External Radial Mounted Camera. It appears in the Basic Science T4 part of the tree. With PBC it would seem that players using PCR would want to have the camera available from the start. This seems to be the only issue between PCR and PBC. Real Chutes https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/52931-15x-realchute-parachute-systems-v1471-161018/ has it's first chute in the Start T1 node and needs to be moved to the node with the Mk1 chute.
  14. I always thought that would be a good use for the original KSP CM. There are several mods that re-introduce that pod so it is possible to have it in a 1.6 game with no new modeling needed.
  15. Tested this with RealChute. It places a chute in the start node but the others are not too badly aligned to the stock chutes. Tested with Mechjeb (popular with a lot of players despite the eternal debate) and MechjebForAll. With command pods pushed higher in the tier, my opinion is that it expands probe ability but since the Mechjeb functions unlock as nodes are researched it seems to me it does not grant too much too early.
  16. Kerbalism would be a good add to the tree. It has a few supporting parts but the rest is mostly features added to parts.
  17. Looks promising but I note that (as with many unmanned first mods) the KSC starts with a basic runway so I would think a basic aircraft should be T1-T2, not as late as T4 for a cockpit. It also seems to not include the Making History Pods and stuff.
  18. If Mechjeb is cheating then I don't want to be right.
  19. I would like to draw your attention to a use for the Fuel Valve you may not have considered. Many of the different life support mods store or collect waste stuff in the command pod and I place a valve on the pod to dump these items. This is especially useful in career games before resource transfer is possible. Unfortunately I have to turn off the items I do not want dumped (the fuel valve is not selective) which creates "No Life Support" messages and other complications. If you could consider a solution to choose/exclude the resources being released by the valve I believe it would expand the usefulness of the part. To be helpful I suggest perhaps a menu with check boxes and a "Dump" button? I am more than confident you will know the best option based upon the code and what is needed. Thank You very much for all you have done for this game.
  20. U.S. Army, Infantry. Thank you, It was an honor to have served. Not to throw off the mod but if the display field for the ribbons in the GUI was turned 90 degrees medals instead of ribbons might be possible. Currently the ribbons are 120W x 32H. A 60W x 100H might give enough visual definition.
  21. Yes, as the singer Billy Joel wrote "...When I wore a younger man's clothes..." I was in the service for a while. Of the mod set I am a recipient of the Army Commendation, Army of Occupation and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medals.
  22. Good looking mod but I am going to be extremely picky about one detail. It is your mod and you may do as you wish since this is for the "Kerbal" world but the Bronze Star Yeager earned was not for an aerial flight event. The Air Medal is the equivalent of the Bronze Star in achievement criteria and restricted to aerial flight while the Bronze Star is specifically excluded from being for aerial flight. Yeager's award was for actions during escaping to Spain while shot down. Again, it is your mod. It is a common error that many games may when it comes to the Bronze Star and I always point it out. Maybe the fact I have three of the included awards is an influence or not, but it is why I am detailed about their historical award criteria. Good luck with the mod either way and hopefully you can find more to expand with. (Orders of the Black or Red Eagles? order of the Sacred Treasure?)
  23. Which mods are 32-bit? How can we tell if the mod maker does not denote that? Thanks.
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