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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. I found a couple of resources that seem well maintained from reddit to make my little table above: https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/wiki/cores There is another one for capsules: https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/wiki/capsules They don't have a lot to say about future flights though.
  2. Sure you could lean the 'cycle, but the rider would have to adjust the center of mass of the system by adjusting their body to maintain vertical stability The only way to be stable with an offset center of mass is to be turning - then you have centripetal acceleration acting sideways on the system countering the offset center of mass.
  3. Welcome back B1049! You are now tied for second place. Block 5 Landing Scorecard Booster Landings Note B1046 3 Bangabandhu, Merah Putih, SSO-A B1047 2 Telstar 19V, Es'hail 2 B1048 2 Iridium NEXT-7, SAOCOM 1A B1049 2 Telstar 18V/Apstar 5C, Iridium NEXT-8 B1050 0 CRS-16/Landing Failure B1054 0 GPS IIIA-01/No attempt
  4. Is it considered a stack if it only has a single stage?
  5. The payload is part of the huge Iridium network, which has a pretty low orbit. My guess is that the deployment needs to be exact since the 10 individual sats won’t have much dV for orbit correction.
  6. I had this issue too, but I haven't downloaded 1.6.1 yet to see if the bugfix fixed it.
  7. Yes, thats how I play usually, but I had to come up with Transmogrifier (see sig) to resize rockets to be big enough to get very far.
  8. They are in another part of the forum called.... Announcements. But it does seem like they downplay the bugfix releases.
  9. How can I tell what version is available on steam? I don't want to redownload 1.6.0
  10. Does crapping your pants count as regenerative cooling in this case?
  11. I've been working with maps about 60km in diameter, offset depends on your minimum elevation, and Deformity on the difference between the highest and lowest elevations. if you are near the coast you want to sink it a few dozen meters below sea level. If you want to get some OK resolution height maps of actual places on Earth check out https://terrain.party/ . It was made for some other game I've never played but works great for this. The resolution varies in different parts of the world (US tends to have very good 10m resolution) other places may only have lower resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data. The terrain.party file is only about 1 - 2 MB so if you want higher resolution you may have to look into using a GIS program and processing proper elevation data yourself. Here is an example config. KK_MapDecal { Name = GC_1 CelestialBody = Kerbin Latitude = 36.1806350 Longitude = -111.9280125 Radius = 30000 HeightMapName = GC_1 ColorMapName = None RemoveScatter = False UseAlphaHeightSmoothing = True UseAbsolut = True AbsolutOffset = 2826 CullBlack = False HeightMapDeformity = 2132 SmoothColor = 1 SmoothHeight = 0.125 Angle = 0 Order = 100011 }
  12. Which settings? The game visual/terrain settings are maxed and I have scattered in these pics. You could also edit the scaled space map, or you can find places on Kerbin with similar features and replace them with a high resolution height map. I haven’t been too concerned about it myself. It would be hard to get it to look right though. Maybe better to install a cloud pack and jus make the ground harder to see.
  13. You need to use Kerbal Konstructs. i posted detailed instructions on that thread a few days ago.
  14. Clandestine bookends for an exciting year, is the gossip still flowing on that one?
  15. It’ll be like seeing someone who always has a beard right after they shave. @The Dunatian, great thread! Please keep us updated!
  16. Does the current VM work in 1.6? It may not need any update.
  17. Background info: A height map is a 2D grayscale image used to represent or generate a 3D surface. The lowest elevations are represented as black and the highest as white with a continuum of grays in between representing intermediate elevations. In my canyon image above I used an actual elevation map of the grand canyon. The height map for this something like this: However, to get started you can use the height maps included with the mod. Step 1. Travel to your desired location. Use tools like Vessel Mover or HyperEdit to make this easier. Step 2. Press CRTL+ k to bring up the Kerbal Konstructs editor Step 3. Press the EDIT MAP DECALS button Step 4. Press the SPAWN NEW MAPDECAL button, the Mapdecal Editor window should appear. Step 5a. Click the HEIGHT MAP button and select a height map; 5b. Since you just want a flat area to build on, select the AllBlack height map. This map won't have any variation within, just smoothing at the edges so it matches surrounding terrain; 5c. Set parameters, RADIUS (try something like 2000 to 5000 depending on base size), ABSOLUTE OFFSET (this is altitude for the lowest part of your map decal, set it to approximately the existing ground level at your site) & HEIGHTMAPDEFORMITY (this is the difference in elevation between whites and blacks on the heightmap, since we are using an all black map this doesn't matter, but it is important for all other maps), these values are in meters. Press APPLY & SAVE, and inspect your work. You can changes and edits to your parameters and position then press APPLY & SAVE again. Post pics of what you make!
  18. Started messing around with this again. I added a "grandish" canyon system between KSC and the eastern mtn range. I gave up trying to do this with Kopernicus/Kittopia as it was pretty buggy with my install, so this is done with Kerbal Konstructs. I also added some lakes at higher altitudes using Kerbal Konstructs custom water, but they disappear with Scatterer installed.
  19. What are you trying to do? I may be able to answer soem questions too. I've had great success making cool terrain. One of these days I may get around to releasing something. Here are some pics I took last night of a canyon system I added in between the KSC and the eastern mtn range. More pics:
  20. Ok, sorry for the delayed response. It works with RSS & Kopernicus. It must be one of RSS's soft dependencies, I'm pretty sure it would be KSC Switcher. In hindsight that should have been the obvious culprit. I dont' see a big need for both in my install, so I will say I have no issue. Thanks for your help!
  21. Thanks, I will take out the other mods and then add back Kopernicus and check, then add RSS and check. Is anyone else using this combination successfully?
  22. It has been a few months since I played with KK, and I forget how to bring up the instance editor. I thought it was CRTL + k, but that doesn't do anything. I am playing 1.5.1 with latest KK, the only mods I have installed are Kopernicus (+dependencies) and RSS.
  23. well someone else made it work with a .dll
  24. @Shadowmage, I am trying to add more models to the SSTU radial tank part, specifically the radial tanks from Near Future Propulsion, but without success. I tried to copy the method you used on the stock radial tanks; I created an SSTU_model node for the model and added that model name to the part’s CORE node. However no new options show up in the part switcher. Is there anywhere else I need to define something or am I missing something else?
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