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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. Probably a more difficult landing than typical because of the off center thrust. Would cause uneven loading of the little leggies.
  2. It’s pretty funny to think of all the ways the actual implementation would get screwed up.
  3. Are there any laws of physics in the Marvel universe?
  4. Can't say I'm especially excited to watch a static fire, but with SpaceX there is always a pretty good chance a static fire will be a short flight!
  5. How does the ‘copter control itself with just two blades?
  6. it worked a couple of versions ago, when I lasted tried it. But it is a little funny because it has some jets flying over the launch site as part of the static, so they just hang there in the air.
  7. Sounds like you are missing a mod dependency perhaps?
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/Oriana0214/status/1286415742590767104 Space force is Gravy Fortress in Swedish.
  9. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great idea, but at this point, there have probably been thousands of mods created for Ksp. It is a Sisyphean task to keep it up to date every time the game updates. Maybe a list of mods not hosted on the major platforms would be useful though.
  10. Essentially, the forum, Ckan, and Spacedock are the list of maintained mods.
  11. 10 - 50 ft. So, could be ground water. http://water.nv.gov/WellLogQuery.aspx
  12. Maybe they let it drag to pick up dinner on the way home.
  13. But the Artemis program wouldn't provide any of that. Except possibly to serve as a petri dish if a crew becomes infected after departure.
  14. It looks shiny, but I'm not impressed at the functionality. Limiting transit to small vehicles might make sense in a complex network with many entry and exit points ( imagine the vacuum tubes in the intro to Futurama), and limited peak usage periods. This system would need to have much more than just 10 cars to be functionally equivalent to even a small airport shuttle/rail system. This is just another Vegas attraction, not a transportation solution.
  15. Those nets are HUGE! that massive fairing gets lost in there.
  16. Not miss, but Ms. (rhymes with "fizz") which doesn't denote marital state. Seems line an ironic spin on the old tradition of giving boats feminine names. Plural of Ms. is Mss.
  17. First time for a double? How many singles have they even caught?
  18. Haha, loved the "nominal orbital insertion" callout right as the booster lands.
  19. Seems like it's part of the job to build the production line to build the Starliner in a timely fashion.
  20. Pretty sure this violates forum rules in the best possible way! Thanks for sharing your work!!!
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