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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. I think most airports are aligned to match the prevailing winds, so having some variety would be nice. Looks great! Do you plan to share your fixes? It seems like @AdmiralTigerclaw has gone AWOL.
  2. the funds symbolis called "Funds" in game. I believe the fan name is "roots", because it looks like a square root symbol and sounds cute.
  3. Could you post pics? if you think it’s an improvement maybe consider pushing the changes to @linuxgurugamer, for the next mainline version.
  4. Have you checked the MM cache to see if the changes are being applied to the config?
  5. Just vacuum out the top of the tube with an air hockey floor.
  6. Very strange, let me know if you find anything else out. I have hundreds of runways in my Actual Sites project and I’m hoping these are configured correctly, but I haven’t checked in depth.
  7. I don't think so, but you can adjust the settings to be less resource intensive, turn of ocean shaders, etc, which will improve performance.
  8. Your points are not lined up to your runway, and it looks like the mod recalculates the heading between gsLat/Lon and LocLat/Lon, which in this case is 231 degrees. Assuming the Loc. is a point on the runway, you may need to adjust the gsLat/Lon point. You can check here: https://planetcalc.com/7042/
  9. Fingers crossed that these will be compatible with the upcoming stock decals! thanks for sharing your work!
  10. They made a great effort with interesting, realistic ships (with radiators! take that Kubrick!), and the setting is realistic. (The movie is basically Heart of Darkness in space, where the hero, on his way to confront the monster, becomes a monster himself.) So amid all that, there was a strange sequence where he has like 5 minutes to swim through an underground lake in a spacesuit, on Mars and somehow board a rocket in its final countdown and struggle in while it takes off. I mean, I guess you can lift off from Mars at <1g, so maybe, but the lake really bothered me.
  11. If is designed to be totally self sufficient from the beginning then the number is arbitrary, based on whatever your starteR system would support. you would certainly need lots of redundancy in specialists. And a certain number for long term genetic diversity, but some clever gene editing could help circumvent that. Just watched Brad Pitt do this in a particularly cringe Worthy scene in AdAstra.
  12. when you ask proper Engineers to crash a train....
  13. Are thermal tiles back in style for the cargo variant? This model looks more like the Moonship.
  14. @Avera9eJoe @rib3irojr If you can retrain your self to use the icons to access your buildings, it works great.
  15. Welcome to the forums.Why not ask in the Principia thread?
  16. New to the BDA scene, is there a good "low-tech" weapons pack around? WWI or WWII era stuff?
  17. CTRL-K is correct. However it sometimes doesn't work if you have a corrupted config file or maybe a conflicting mod.
  18. Nope, it is a news site, although I agree this article is a little awkward. I think they are taking great pains to not specify whatever crackpot theory the operator was promoting. Trains don't even have to go very fast to derail, the scary thing about trains is their MASS and hence their INERTIA. A train loaded with a hundred oil tank cars traveling 5 mph will have a lot more kinetic energy than a fast car travelling 100 mph. That said, this particular train appears to been only a locomotive, there aren't any cars attached in the video. Even so a locomotive is BIG and if it is moving fast, it will have a lot of kinetic energy. Just because he opened up the throttle doesn't mean the train was moving at its maximum speed by the time he reached the end of the track. It burns diesel, so it releases Carbon Monoxide, who knows what other solvents or chemicals were in the cab. Operator is probably a better term. A train engineer is an old term from the days when the operator probably did need to know how to fix the engine if it failed in a remote location. Like software engineers, train operators don't have a background in physical sciences like civil or mechanical engineers, it is just a job name. This guy was nuts, I don't think he was calculating his kinetic energy why chugging down the rails. Except on Star Trek, most engineers don't make repairs, they design or analyze systems or structures.
  19. Yeah, although it wouldn’t surprise me if this was normal, just with dramatic, side lighting as stage1 peaked over the terminator. Really cool to see it launch in night and land in the day. This launch/landing is definitely worth watching for any of you not up in the middle of the night with a 3 week-old baby.
  20. Was worried about all that fluid before the boostback, and what seemed like a lot of RCS firings, but I think it was just that sunrise lighting...
  21. Seems like there was a comment from E a little while ago about a change, but I never saw a new design.
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