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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. That makes sense. A rectangle definitely does not stretch over a sphere gracefully. I have seen hi-res surface textures used before, but I don't know the source or methods.
  2. Check out links on the OP of these threads: What kind of stuff do you want to make?
  3. Looking through the Real Solar System Github and wiki is a good place to start. That said, aren't most textures just a regular 2D image, projected onto a surface? Why would you need a cubemap? I'm certainly no expert on this stuff though.
  4. Ok, I can't see enough definition on the earth to see which way it is oriented. Is it really that sunny there?
  5. Where on the moon are those astronauts? North pole?
  6. Your plan already exists to some extent. Scaling of bodies and systems is already handled by another mod, Sigma Dimensions. And there is a “extra features” mod called Kopernicus Extensions for some more elaborate features, ie footprints, etc. Maybe multiple system support could move there. That said given that the author hasn’t been around the community for a few months, I’d wager the issue is lack of time/interest. PreCovid, I’d have said the mod was abandoned, or at least severely neglected, certainly LGG has adopted mods with a shorter downtime. I would be surprised if someone who has devoted so much effort to make something that is so critical to the community would just drop it without passing the torch, but there is lots of precedent. Given the immense value this mod adds to KSP, I’d think someone at Squad would be willing to help untangle whatever new issue have arisen with changing game version. @Murdabenne, best wishes for your recovery.
  7. DSEV has this feature, though you might need to use ModuleManager to add it to other engines.
  8. I guess they can still plan to ferry crew to and from the Moonboat with Dragon.
  9. Crew won’t be launching on the initial version. The lunar lander variant would still meet up with Orion.
  10. If you are an experienced programmer, it is possible to create your own version of Kopernicus that will work in 1.9.1, but for the rest of us, the latest version only works with 1.8.1. Either revert to 1.8.1 and use all of Spectra, or stay in 1.9.1 and only use Scatterer and EVE.
  11. I’ve looked at Kodak too. If you look at it in Google Earth, some of the older images are actually better.
  12. Hi Interesting that the KSP jets are too light, since the rockets are all too heavy. I guess it could be tricky to make a blanket patch to cover the diverse range of jet types, but it certainly could be done.
  13. @THX-1138 @Avera9eJoe I think that the basic Boulder Co has a low-res version of what you describe. The trouble is that although it might look good from 10000 m up, it looks really strange if you fly low or land. really you just need actual cities.
  14. Welcome to the forums @Nate Simpson. Don't be a stranger, but also, like don't let the tides and tempers of the forum (or worse Reddit) sway your vision. The new Navball is cool, but make it easy to mod and you don't have to worry about getting it perfect.
  15. Not at the moment, although I love the idea. I haven’t ever messed around with contracts. I’d certainly be interested in collaborating with someone though.
  16. BFS - Banana for Scale
  17. Ah, well, whatever it is, they should pay you more!
  18. I’m so glad to hear you get paid for your talent! Probably some kind of Comsat company? I wouldn’t be surprised if you know more about orbital mechanics than some of the designers...
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