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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Two passes at Mars means orbital sunset/sunrise, which is something I would like to see but have never even seen photos of!
  2. The Force. You know the one. Now people deeply connected with the universe can gain new powers, there is potential for lightsabers, and there are blue ghosts. What's to lose?
  3. Venus apparently has had significant volcanism in the past, it may even be fairly active in recent history. This releases a lot of CO2 which on Earth gets picked out of the atmosphere by plants and algae. Venus doesn't have any of those, so the greenhouse gases just build up and make the planet hotter and hotter. I don't know that we can tell anything about Venus' condition earlier than the 715 My age you cite, it may have been resurfaced completely many times. Earth has had similar resurfacing events (though more slowly), and the oldest ocean crust is only about 140 My old. We only have a few places with rock older than 1-2.5 billion years old. We can trace the continents back to Pangaea, and further back to Rodinia, but there may have been many supercontinents prior which we have no way of knowing about. But we know Earth has had its oceans for all that time. Venus may well have been similarly inhospitable prior to this most recent resurfacing.
  4. First I'd go find some kind of invisibility suit from someplace. That'd take care of some of the little stuff, but a whole starship? Maybe pump toxic gas through the whole thing first?
  5. Today I took a spill riding an electric bike. Factors that went into this: 1. A stretch of road on my route was closed, and I had to take a detour. This flustered me. 2. I tried to signal my lane change and turn, but 3. The handlebars on this bike are too low, and I lost balance. 4. I was also braking pretty hard while trying to signal, and I lost balance and had to jump off. I am ok, just minor scrapes in various typical places and a little sore on my left arm which I landed on. My head and brain are a-ok because my helmet is what went 'bonk' on the ground. Wear your helmets, folks. It's easy for stuff like this to happen.
  6. A couple small pieces of the Moon's surface, diced up so as to fit on a Rubik's cube. I'll prepare the whole Moon for that soon.
  7. Not this time! Though I do know the feeling...It's part of the fun of engineering! Fail, fail, fail, but learn a little bit every time until you can put it all together and succeed. The print turned out about as well as I expected it to, so I'll be printing pretty often from now on!
  8. I brought my 3D printer to my dorm to do homework more efficiently, but it was not extruding properly. I isolated the issue to the extruder stepper system, but not the specific issue. As is typical with these untraceable errors, I took it apart and put it back together, and now it works perfectly. Printing time!
  9. Last night I dreamt I was visiting some kind of artificial lake someplace in Africa. I want to say it was Tanzania. A huge, very clean lake, exactly 40 m deep all around, surrounded by tropical forest and I was overlooking the lake from an extremely high place, far above the trees. There were more plants and a huge purple flower at the overlook. Inside the lake were dolphins. It was the future, 100-200 years from now, and the lake served to protect and enforce the biosphere.
  10. I found this today. It's really worth watching.
  11. I dreamt that I was running for president of Mars.
  12. We hear in one dimension, for the most part.
  13. 30 second portrait of my math professor from today:
  14. I really liked Close Encounters of the Third Kind, where music was the medium of first contact.
  15. It's-a Me! ftfy I think the next poster will be Lo Var Lachland.
  16. Certainly. I just did it to talk with the guy, and I'm only in a video because he was recording it. It wasn't necessarily something do be proud or ashamed of, rather it was an educational experience for me. I did learn some core things about the mindset.
  17. I'm in a Flat Earth video. Now I can relive this experience as many times as I want. That's 0 times.
  18. 1. Nor 2. No 3. No I have... 1. Solved a 3x3x3x3 Rubiks hypercube. 2. Climbed into a lava tube. 3. Eaten a giant water bug.
  19. Well looks like likes are on hold for the moment. We'll just have to express our appreciation for people verbally.
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