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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Today I had an idea on how to improve the Moon Rubik's Cube I tried to make over a year ago, so I started playing around with the files for that. I might need to purchase another puzzle to mod into the Moon. Update: I've ordered a replacement rhombic dodecahedron, so I can start 3D printing the Moon parts and de-stickering my current one to turn into the Moon later.
  2. Since when is Jeff Who the ULA sniper? Or is he simply reciprocating his un-knownness?
  3. What do you mean, it is already very easy and intuitive and not buggy to build stock propellers and bearings. See?
  4. random.org uses atmospheric disturbances to provide us random numbers.
  5. Peroxide is super dangerous, requires special care to keep from spontaneously decomposing, and is very difficult to obtain as an amateur group even if you can spare the cash. They will have trouble unless they have a really solid safety plan.
  6. Indeed. When questioned about it, Musk has said that it can keep you safe in a vacuum chamber. That is a long ways from keeping you safe in space's extreme temperature environment.
  7. Using dinosaurs to cause a mass extinction (Yes I know it's mostly plants but still ironic)
  8. Planetarium and museum educator. I present planetarium shows and museum tours, along with other events and stations the museum needs people at, like telescope viewing events. People learn about space from me.
  9. I have had people comment positively on how I don't shy away from eye contact while talking with them. It's one simple step that can make you seem absolutely more amicable in just a few seconds of conversation.
  10. I've been playing Breath of the Wild. I finally found out how to navigate the Lost Woods, so I finally found my sword. I don't have enough hearts, though, so I'm going on an adventure until I find enough shrines. There is so much world to explore! My horse is named Skbulbunt.
  12. Well, generally launches to orbit require permits, but once there spacecraft seem to be mostly free to go wherever they can. Landing on the Moon, especially with humans, would probably get NASA's Planetary Protection involved, but I think your point is the very reason why getting the government's permission would take so much longer than actually doing it: The laws haven't been written yet, and simply can't be well defined until people start doing things like that in space. There may not even be a lot of regulation until the population of the Moon begins to necessitate a governing body of its own.
  13. So we've learned that engravings on metal/stone are the way to go for leaving messages on other worlds.
  14. Things progressing faster than predicted in spaceflight? Not only is this almost unheard of in spaceflight, this is the most exciting current project for that to be happening on.
  15. They plan to use lots of TPS to deal with the heating, according to the presentation.
  16. No, he survived and is now Emperor of the Moon.
  17. Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!
  18. I am stressed out because I have so many things to take care of and I'm not used to failing at important things but I persevere anyway and I know I can make it and it will be ok But also there might be a mass extinction within my lifetime
  19. It's a dark liquid fuel nozzle in the very middle, surrounded by something white. (Probably the mount plate, underneath above behind which are fuel tanks.)
  20. They will need to turn the rocket around anyway; in the animation it looked like they won't do any extra burns but it will have to enter tail first while still moving prograde. My guess is they would use a cold gas thruster system to point it in the right orientation, then basically not have to do anything after that. Also, IIRC small things get slowed down faster by atmosphere, so heating may be much less of a concern than for F9.
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