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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. But did they survive the 138 m/s crash into rock?
  2. Flies are so good at getting away from your swatting because the nerves responsible are fused - they skip the part where a neurotransmitter chemical gets transferred between the cells.
  3. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com Etc.
  4. I honestly think if they'd gone through with Darth Darth Binks in Episode II it could have turned him into someone stunningly formidable.
  5. "Magnificent desolation." -Buzz Aldrin stepping onto the Moon.
  6. We'll probably see Luke's hand in a jar in Star Wars IX - it was with the lightsaber that somebody (most likely Sheev Palpy) retrieved.
  7. Well, when we sleep it's not like a black hole twins paradox, it's just a period of time where we're not doing much of anything. So time still passes for your sleeping dad, and you don't get misaligned. Maybe you encountered something that triggered the memory, like a place or a smell (particularly smell - the smell part of your brain is very close to the deep memory part, and they help each other out sometimes). I have found myself recalling interesting dreams years later too. Sometimes I like to draw a picture of what I saw, and then whenever I look at that picture I remember the whole dream. Maybe you recalled one dream, and that led to you thinking about other dreams too.
  8. Even better, Tony compliments Elon on his Merlin engines! ================ Today I found a 9x9 Rubik's Cube in a cabinet at work, completely disassembled. I took it home and completely reassembled it. Miraculously, none of the pieces were missing so I'm going to find out how long it takes to solve a 9x9 tonight!
  9. Interstellar soundtrack. It's incredible, it captures the feeling of space like no other.
  10. Oh boy more background reading! And that shot of Duna... o.o I don't even remember what space station that is, if we've even seen it yet at all.
  11. Guys what if Mercury is Theia? If it formed further out from the Sun, and brushed against Earth, maybe the core of Theia could have survived and gone on its way towards the Sun. It might still be there, a small planet that is mostly core in an odd orbit. We need some serious surface samples, we might find composition as similar as Earth and Moon.
  12. For me, I feel like there's a pretty good chance I'm either 1/5 - 1/4 through (if I live a long healthy life) or 1/2 through (if I die on Mars).
  13. We need to realize when judging a person that they are first and foremost a human being. Everybody is a human from the planet Earth (for now), and I feel like a lot of people skip that part to get uppity about the other things they are, which are usually less important. Also, I take some of Yoda and the Jedi's words very seriously. Anger, aggression, hate - They are quick to flow into your brain, but you can dissipate them so that you can solve problems intelligently. If you hate your enemy, then you are no better than them.
  14. I tried one of those new roomy VR experience places today. It was pretty fun with the props and moving between rooms, infiltrating an Imperial base near Vader's castle on Mustafar...Hard to describe, but I'm really excited for how this sort of thing will develop.
  15. My wisdom tooth holes now alternate between hurting and itching terribly. That's good cause it means they're closing up, but it feels almost worse than the pain...
  16. [movie] Coming in 2020! That is just mind-boggling, how there are movies being made now that will come out in 2020, because 2020 is next year.
  17. Thread loched? Great, now you have got that stuck in my head. On second thought, let's not go to Camelot.
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