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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. A gyro helps keep your spacecraft attitude. That is a completely different thing than a taco, which is meant for consumption.
  2. Too many ads and gambling. Minesweeper, a couple idle clickers, and a couple physics sandboxes are all I need.
  3. Update: I'm bad at moving about, but ok at thinking. A little sleepy. It went well, despite some difficulties removing part of one tooth. There were like two times when I felt a mildly painful jolt, and I could feel the incision being made for one tooth, but the pain was very, very toned down. Otherwise, it was peachy. Very comfortable and interesting to watch. They gave me nitrous oxide to breathe throughout, and pure O2 at the end. I'll be sleepy all day.
  4. So tomorrow I'm getting two wisdom teeth extracted. I get some pills for a very unusual day, so probably take anything I say with a grain of salt? Not sure what to expect, other than just being along for the ride.
  5. I was watching Apollo in Real Time and was really impressed by a series of images of Eagle approaching Columbia just as the Earth rose. I could tell Mike Collins thought the same, because he took a whole bunch of pictures of it!
  6. Just wait till you hear about 1+1-1+1-1+1-...
  7. Speaking of three lefts, I had to do three lefts last night after Google told me to take an exit right after I passed it at highway speed. Thanks Google.
  8. We have the highest midichlorian count Which means that you Have a lesser amount Dance of the Fates, AURALNAUTS
  9. Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of fire to man. He was cast into the bowels of the earth and picked by birds... ...don't make lemonade...
  10. Right, but that's when you put a bound on the range of numbers to pick. If you go -INF to +INF, every number will be someplace very far from 0.
  11. The chance of two people picking the same random number is zero. Also, every number is outrageously large.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-vbh3t7WVI&app=desktop
  13. Elon said a monkey has already been able to control a computer pointer with its brain using the device.
  14. There was a presentation yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-vbh3t7WVI&app=desktop 10,000 electrodes on a chip is what they're shooting for in version 1. Holy crap.
  15. I'm watching live with the flight plan open at my side.
  16. If it turns out not to cause any damage they could just leave it a la Delta IV Heavy.
  17. I got moved to first class on my flight last night because it was overbooked. That was quite nice. I watched The Matrix.
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