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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. It's now live, 50 years ago to the second!
  2. Basically your cold sensors are sensitive to cold but really bad at sensing hot. It's kind of a bell curve, like your color sensors. When something is really hot it can send a strong enough signal to activate your hot and cold sensors at the same time. So super hot things feel hot and cold simultaneously.
  3. I would make myself biologically immortal, and I would build myself a good robot hand.
  4. See, I play the organ so I need as wide an auditory range as possible...though I will probably be modifying my skull by removing its rearmost teeth within a week or two. (I have a hunch that'll fix my migraines, at any rate.)
  5. Psychoneuromuscular regeneration and simulation. Money
  6. The baby at the house I'm staying at has learned how to make the worst mathematically possible sound: a loud, high pitch which achieves a resonance with my skull.
  7. Someone is singing Happy Birthday.
  8. *clap* *clap* Good, that's still working.
  9. I would say the photon goes backwards in time.
  10. 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628304ihopeshemadelotsaspaghetti7
  11. At last we will reveal ourselves to the mods. At last we will have our revenge.
  12. Very good, the ratio is prosperous. Very good!
  13. Super Mario Sunshine is just Mario-Kazooie
  14. Making your customer pay for a new device every time a minor thing breaks is profitable.
  15. I think it would be within the range of what a lot of other medical equipment costs...You could basically just change the shape of a typical CNC laser cutter and tune it to the right settings. I see that you might not want to cauterize it. It would be less messy, though, and would leave a clean, flat cut.
  16. Why don't amputation surgeons use lasers to cut through limbs? It seems like it would work pretty well if you used a typical cutting laser with several passes.
  17. A Kerbal stole my car, and now I'm stranded in the Ocean of Storms.
  18. Heh, wouldn't that be a weird superpower. "I ate these magic fruits and now I am energized forever!" Really the little fruits only have about 2 seeds each, and that's not a lot compared to what's in a cup. =============== I saw today's solar eclipse too!
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