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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I've found that I can fight back against migraines, with some success. So I may be able to learn how to stop them and prevent them better.
  2. It would look more or less like this: So, not quite blending in with the rest of the greeble. An Imperial-class Star Destroyer is 1600 m long, or almost exactly one mile.
  3. Right now it is perfectly clear and officially Frickin Cold.
  4. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2019-january-21 Checking out info for the upcoming eclipse.
  5. I'll have to tape a handwarmer to my phone...but I'm thinking of taking a timelapse.
  6. My prediction has clear skies for the eclipse, and snow Mon-Tue. It's about 1 F right now.
  7. The Moon will begin passing through Earth's shadow in a bit under 1 day as of the time of writing this. Those of us in the Americas and some of Africa and Europe will be able to experience it, weather permitting. The total phase of the eclipse will last over an hour, which is cool. Anyway, here is a place to share in this event, wherever you are in the world. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2019-january-21
  8. Things I have: At home, I have tiny, tiny pieces of the Apollo 11 CM, the first Space Shuttle, I think Mir and Skylab(?) as part of "Mini Museums" - acrylic boxes encasing little artifacts of history. I have a few meteorites that were purchased from some oddity shop. Things I've seen: Actual stuff in space like the usual natural objects, and satellites in orbit and the ISS (and the latest Dragon!). I've seen the retired shuttle Discovery, that comet sample return vessel, spacesuits that have been to space and to the Moon, met a couple of astronauts over the years, and seen rocks from the Moon and Mars from meteorites and Apollo returns. Things I've sent: None yet! But that might change in three years or so. Also I was in space five billion years ago. I was also not really alive at the time.
  9. Rather than being a mission controller, I would prefer to be either looking at the science, or designing and building equipment for space, I think. I'll likely start doing this professionally in a few years. After that, I'm all for going to space myself.
  10. They were able to increase Falcon 9's efficiency by a huge amount. I think it's possible we could eventually see a single-stage Starship with F9-like payload capacity and full reusability. This will take a while, though. And it might not make sense to do that when you can just pack a bunch of stuff into the Starship's giant cargo bay in the two-stage variant.
  11. Well, they're certainly more secretive than building their rocket in an open field for anybody to see...BO seems to like to not announce stuff until it's practically ready to go.
  12. Oh boy. *ahem* "All pictures from Mars are CGI" This sort of thing can often be satirical on the internet, but this man was serious - he initiated that conversation after overhearing me talking with someone else. These people do really exist. I'm gonna give him a special mention when I get there.
  13. dink Birb out of specified range (0,126.826198640182470,9.1881702874017400000) Restart birb to continue
  14. Pretty sure the artificial lights will take care of that. ================================ This environment apparently contains fruit fly eggs too, and they intended it to be self-sustaining, like those bottled gardens sometimes made on Earth. Depending on how well things go, it may be able to last a very long time, a tiny ecosystem out of sight of its origin planet.
  15. I've thought about the scenario of a relatively small group of thought-criminals leaving Earth sometime post-1984, perhaps after there is some kind of insecurity with the government system, and trying to manipulate the politics from above.
  16. Venus is literally a better place to go than Io if you have balloons. See, now that could be a good movie with the potential for completely plausible near-future tech. Although, whatever technology allows humans to live sustainably on the Moon could probably be deployed on Earth itself and work just as well. You'd have to make the threat specific to Earth, something that is not present on the Moon, and still dangerous enough to warrant an evacuation of the planet.
  17. Unfortunately we can't discuss this because no object goes faster than the speed of light in this universe. There is no model to describe something doing that, so anything I say about what would happen is speculation and not very scientific. My guess is you would break the fabric of the universe along the ship's path and it would be very destructive.
  18. Its mass stays at infinity, and it doesn't get any faster than 1.0 c. It might just turn into a bigger black hole as you keep putting more energy into it, but other than that it won't actually get any faster than the speed of light.
  19. KSP soundtrack: Sun Near Far Moho Surface space Eve Far Near Entry Sky Surface Gilly Gilly 1 Gilly 2 (interchangeable anywhere in SOI) Kerbin Surface Prelaunch Launch Sky Space near Space far Mun Space Surface Kerbin-facing Surface Kerbin-opposing (only slightly different: omit references to Kerbin's theme) Minmus Space Surface 1 Surface 2 Duna Space Entry Surface Ike Space Surface Dres Space far (simple version) Space near Surface Jool Space far Aerobraking Laythe Space Entry Sky Surface Vall Space Surface Vallhenge Tylo Space Surface Bop Bop 1 Bop 2 Kraken (make like Submerged Castle) Pol Space Surface Eeloo Space far Space near Surface
  20. Gilly Minmus Laythe Eve Kerbin (technically for Earth but interchangeable) Duna (technically for Mars but interchangeable) Vall Sun I could definitely do it, but it would take me a while. This is my idea of a complete individualized soundtrack: That's 50 tracks.
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