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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. The only advantage I can see for this is testing reentry, and SpaceX plans to do that with BFS anyway. The development would be pretty much a waste of time, because it's really a completely different ship. See how many unanticipated problems they had with "just strap three rockets together". They would be better off just working out the problems involved in BFR directly.
  2. Every surface is a table if it has Velcro on it.
  3. Yeah, desktop only. But still really neat! You can go to the Russian segment too.
  4. You've given her a few drawings, haven't you? So when you give your next one, ask if there's anything she'd like you to draw next.
  5. It's disorienting, that's part of the experience!
  6. https://www.google.com/maps/space/iss/@29.5603808,-95.085575,2a,75y,41.85h,84.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXD68A8T_h04AAAQvxgbyMw!2e0!7i10000!8i5000 I think you'll all enjoy this. Don't get lost!
  7. Based on how oblong moons tend to affect rings in the Saturnian system, I would expect the Haumean ring to be wavy and possibly exhibit standing waves or oscillating patterns. Some simulation should be done to predict what happens to the ring as Haumea rotates underneath.
  8. C'mon, you could send a giant wheel of cheese into orbit on one of those stages!
  9. At my school, it's a whole week where each day there's a different silly dress-up theme, and on the last day all the seniors go to the school atrium and yell, and at the end of the day everyone has to go to the gym to yell and watch random students play nonsensical games that involve balloons and arbitrarily large quantities of toilet paper for "school spirit". Then in the evening there's a football game and a dance and nobody watches the ISS flying directly overhead or turns off the spotlights to try to get a glimpse of the departing Progress supply vehicle.
  10. You know you're a nerd when you analyze every assertion to determine whether it follows physical laws.
  11. I think the X-rays actually started being emitted a little after the big gravitational disturbance. It'll be really cool to see what more we can learn about these collisions from their gravitational waves!
  12. Right, they could do it with a grasshopper BFS and study the effect it has on the engines. They don't necessarily have to fly it again, you just need to go and look at the engines. We have lots of sand and rocks on Earth, after all, might as well use them. I actually think that it might not quite be as bad as on the Moon or Mars, because in a lower gravity environment the rocks and dust that get sprayed upwards will fly further and potentially cause more damage. Of course, when the engines are running they will tend to push things away from the bells, but there will certainly be rocks flying. You can also do a more in-depth study of the effect the terrain has on the rocket when it's a five minute car ride away as opposed to on another planet. The rocket is meant to be reliable, so it has to work in a worst-case scenario anyways.
  13. SpaceX should try covering one of their landing pads with dirt and rocks such as might be expected on the Moon or Mars, then land a rocket on it to see what sort of damage occurs.
  14. Tomorrow's Astronomy Picture of the Day will be a "Smashing Discovery" and "will debut during an NSF discovery announcement and press briefing on Monday". So probably a massive collision has been observed.
  15. What you need is more boosters that cancel the rotation when necessary.
  16. Thanks, I've edited my post to reflect this.
  17. Yes. I can simply download a 3D model, modify it as needed, and then 3D print it in colored plastic. This is the Future, after all!
  18. Nobody would've gotten the reference. Besides, we were too busy watching it! Then my mouthpiece got chipped right before the halftime show, and I couldn't make a sound. I still played very well despite that! I have another for concert sound, but I think I'll try printing a new one for pep band. Maybe in bright blue.
  19. ISS was visible but Progress was too dim. Cool though, and the band played great!
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