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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I don't remember the path, but some scenarios come to a screenshot of a 'MOAR BOOSTER'-type rocket exploding and the F3 menu.
  2. No! Why would I want to lose the excitement of calculating delta-V and Hohmann transfers on the fly?
  3. Granted, but you have to pay $49 each day to the Galactic Empire so that we can finish constructing the Death Cube. I wish for every sword fight in a movie to have the sword noises replaced with lightsaber noises.
  4. Only an hour late! Sorry! @Spaceception
  5. But it wasn't aliens, it was future humans! They knew all along, and they helped Cooper.
  6. I remember when I was a kid I used to have this dream, exactly the same, several times. Let's see if I can recount it: I'm outside my house on the patio, my dad pulls up a giant (6-8 foot) earthworm that can bite from behind the pine tree. A little while later, a Transformer (yes, really) comes out from behind the tree and starts chasing us. We run to the front door, but it's locked. Then I wake up. It's crazy, I haven't ever had two identical dreams, even when multiple happen in the same setting (evil trash cans in a Super Mario 64-style haunted house), except that one. It was exactly the same dream, every time. The worm, then the Transformer, then the locked door. Weird. Has anyone else had recurring dreams? I suppose they're usually related to a particular memory, but I can't recall anything that's ever happened to me involving Transformers and earthworms. Btw, on the evil trash cans, they were like that friggin' AWFUL piano, but smaller, and there were dozens of them in this one room! That piano was one of the scariest video game enemies I've ever witnessed.
  7. Banned for pointing out that I was ninja'd.
  8. He did mention the proton Earth, explaining that an Earth mass of protons has much less charge than a Moon mass of electrons, because a proton weighs much more than an electron for the same charge. The proton Earth would barely affect the electron Moon because it would have so many more electrons than protons. The black holes would merge instantly and the Problems would go on expanding. Well, it certainly falls under "absurd hypothetical questions".
  9. I thought of that too; now someone needs to actually make one!
  10. Banned for not realizing you're in the future too!
  11. Granted, but your genie doesn't know what a "Dboosters" is so he gives you a Steam gift card instead. I wish, I wish, upon a star, that I knew what that reference was from. I *think* it's Dragon Tales, but I'm not sure...
  12. Because then your computer would have to have thousands of tiny monkeys flipping the light switch for each individual bulb. When can I go fast next?
  13. Banned for your like count being a number I see in everyday life.
  14. But you know what happens when you put lots of negative charge together, right? A whole lunar mass of it? https://what-if.xkcd.com/140/ The electrons would be pushed apart with such force that they would gain enough relativistic mass to become a black hole with as much energy as the observable universe. That would be incredibly destructive.
  15. Yes, that one probably destroys the universe.
  16. That one's too easy. Try finding the reference here (I assure you, there is one): https://xkcd.com/1350/
  17. [a steam code which I will not be sharing for all the internets to see]
  18. The first intelligent aliens? The universe is really, really old, they're probably long dead by now. I won't press it. This button is on a control panel with a display that reads 'WORMHOLE GENERATOR READY. AWAITING INPUT.' There is a small window into a hangar with a wormhole generator and an X-Wing, all shiny and new.
  19. [airplane noises] VVVVVVVVVRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEUUUOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if light switches had been invented upside down?
  20. Banned for impersonating a protein.
  21. I swear that wasn't there when this thread started!
  22. More like heedlessly swallow the whole damn thing into its event horizon instantly.
  23. cubinator

    Apollo 21

    Well, we do have a couple of fully assembled Saturn V rockets which could be scrutinized, disassembled, and copied if need be.
  24. 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 300 unvigintillion tons. 3 x 1069 tons. 1 solar mass = 1.989 × 1027 tons. 1.989 × 1027 x 4 x 106 = 7.95600 x 1033 = 7 956 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 7.956 decillion tons, the mass of Sagittarius A*. Hm. We need to find something bigger to compare. Estimated mass of the Milky Way: 6 x 1039 tons. Still too small. Let's see: https://people.cs.umass.edu/~immerman/stanford/universe.html Ok, so the Universe weighs 6 x 1048 tons. Your mass of diamond is 500000000000000000000 (500 quintillion) times heavier than the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. Well, that's if you're using metric tons. I'm not sure about the exact number in American tons. It's actually a lot heavier than anything we know of. You're welcome.
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