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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Granted, but birds are the only intelligent creatures. I wish I could be granted a finite but arbitrarily large number of wishes.
  2. Did you mean Tennessee Eulers? I didn't know sports people were that into math.
  3. It's too small; you can block it with your thumb! Why doesn't grass grow?
  4. No. That's an awful button (nothing against Weird Al). If you press this button, you will be able to know your location down to the nearest meter no matter where you are I the universe, but there is a 15% chance of the universe becoming a singularity instantly.
  5. It's because while the magnets do pull on the turbine blades, the blades are also pulled towards the magnets with an equal amount of force. Thus, the whole thing would just compress slightly and it would not rotate. It's the same reason you can't move a car by pushing on the dashboard. The dashboard is pushed forward, but you are pushed back into the seat equally so the net force is zero.
  6. I think my solution would help both sides of this silly argument: Make Dres an actual dwarf planet. Now, let me explain, because that sounds kind of mean to Dres. It's not. What I would do is add several small (Mun-sized or smaller) bodies in the same region as Dres, but in different, crossing orbits. Then add random asteroids (up to several km wide instead of tiny ones like those we have now). That would make the region a proper asteroid belt, and give it many interesting places to explore. Perhaps I'd add rings to one of the small bodies as well. I'd also give Eve a couple of large-ish moons (smaller than Mun but larger than Minmus) in a resonance, and a purplish set of rings.
  7. I like them both. I like Minecraft as a fun, calming pastime with a massive random world to explore, and I like KSP for its physics that allow me to design and execute semi-realistic space missions. If I had to pick between one or the other to play for the rest of my life, it'd be KSP, though.
  8. I've always been fascinated by the night sky. I always get this feeling, ever since I was a little kid, that draws me to it. I read lots of books about space in elementary school, and I learned about planets and stars and the Big Bang, galaxies, supernovae, moons, asteroids, probes, rockets, astronauts, everything. I first decided I wanted to be an astronaut when I was five, and I am determined to get there still. I've also been captivated by entomology since second grade when we had a science unit where we got to see lots of exotic insects, but there has never been an entomologist astronaut as far as I can tell. I could play it safe and go with engineering or robotics or astrophysics, or I could take the biggest dice roll of my life and try to become the first. Insects are rather important to plant life, it probably wouldn't hurt to being a few along to Mars for whatever farm we put there.
  9. Some game about a fake bear that tries to kill you, I think. I can't quite see how that could be made into a good movie, but...
  10. That's definitely a better destination than some boulder.
  11. Hey mods, I just saw another premature Hype Train attempt get closed. How many of those do you guys usually have to close per update?
  12. But what if the rover is always COLD? I can never concentrate on driving a rover if it's too cold. The RTG is a perfect solution!
  13. I could live off of potatoes in general. Mashed, baked, French fries, grilled, sweet potatoes, anything.
  14. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you could do this in Universe Sandbox, but it would be really rare to happen in real life. But knowing how many planets there are in the universe, there may be a few out there.
  15. Banned for calling me a cheater in a thread other than the designated one.
  16. The dragon only eats the Sun. It never tries to eat the moon. But it's not hard to make it spit out the sun, so it's ok. If I look in a book, did I write it?
  17. Well, I find Kraken attacks are often quite hilarious, and I always quicksave anyway so it'll be fine if I just watch, right? I teleport every hornet on Earth to the next poster, whom I spray with a pheromone that attracts and angers them.
  18. 9/10 Good to know which end of the up goer to point to space!
  19. French Fry Fish does, but Italian Fry Fish will kill you. Will the walls go away if I don't change them?
  20. It's impossible to disentangle the cosmos without cheats! You should have learned to navigate it in its true, scrambled form, cheater!
  21. Granted, but you can never visit the house because you have too much work. I wish for Obi-Wan's disembodied voice to give me advice when I need it most.
  22. Banned for quoting everyone instead of just posting.
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