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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. 9/10 but unfortunately for you, such a weapon is required by the laws of plot physics to have one fatal flaw, being a hole just big enough for a proton torpedo to enter to the main reactor core. I divert a solar-mass black hole (with a wormhole or something) to pass through the inner solar system, screwing up all the orbits enough to devastate climate.
  2. ...Kerbal Soup Program? Waiter, there's a wasp in my OH GOD THE WAITER IS A GIANT WASP
  3. Do not tell the Magic Boulder it has a gravitational influence. Never speak about the Magic Boulder's mass (doublethink). Exposing the Magic Boulder to the Bagic Moulder will destroy the multiverse.
  4. http://what-if.xkcd.com/9/ Obviously, it can't be that hard.
  5. You must have screwed something up with Kopernicus. I assume the problem is Minmus being there? Try uninstalling any planet packs and reinstalling them.
  6. This already exists. In the top left of the menu, there are some little buttons called "gizmos". One of them allows you to move parts about in a manner which allows you to align things like boosters and decouplers.
  7. *cue plethora of uneducated conspiracy theories about Egyptians being able to mine asteroids* That's pretty cool, though. I didn't know they had a particular use for meteorite iron. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Great, now I feel obligated to make a pun. But I can't think of any roman puns! Waiter, there's a yak in my soup!
  9. Banned for banning for the best childhood toy ever.
  10. The tow truck accidentally went too close to Saturn and doesn't have enough delta-V to slow down around Neptune. I send a mission to catch up to the tow truck (now escaping the solar system) and put it in a bag to bring it back to Earth.
  11. Could The Boss have anything to do with this? Or could it be that darned Dr. Mann Hallock screwing with them?
  12. I hardly ever use the strategies. I rarely run into a situation that is too difficult to do without them.
  13. Well, the suit keeps flames out but not heat so he dies. I send a probe into Neptune to send back pictures.
  14. ^ this thread in a nutshell HOLD UP Is this a test of this comic?
  15. I'm going to get back into Minecraft now that I got it working on my Vive .
  16. Banned for naming the second prime by its true title. The second prime is sacred and must remain nameless.
  17. 10/10 almost as bad as Big Brother. I teleport everyone to exactly the opposite point on the world from where they are now (keeping them on the surface).
  18. Intolerable, isn't it? I wish we could just just drain away all the soup like we did the ocean. Waiter, there are Morlocks in my soup! (bonus points to anyone who identifies the reference)
  19. Associating lead with the devil is cheating!
  20. Granted, but the speed of light is 2.6 m/s (distances remain the same). I wish I didn't have to sleep, but could still choose to do so anytime I want.
  21. Kerbonauts are just spores produced by Kerbin that haven't matured yet; eventually they will grow and metamorphosize into full-grown planets which reproduce in a manner similar to flowering plants. I like having female Kerbals in my game; in my mind they have a slightly different personality than the males which makes for more interesting missions. Other than that, I don't think about romance or politics or any of those crazy problems we have in the real world. To me, KSP is a nice, little universe where everyone cares only about one thing: space.
  22. When you imagine a Clamp-O-Tron™ Docking Port at the back of every parking spot.
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