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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Yep you are still using PQSMods{} instead of just Mods{} and you need to check the opening brackets on those PQS mods. You are not using an opening bracket, instead you are closing then closing again.
  2. Yes from the GPP readme: Recommended mods with support for or by GPP Environmental Visual Enhancements - min-version: 1.2-2 Scatterer - min-version: 0.0300 TextureReplacer Distant Object Enhancements PlanetShine JX2 Large Antenna Kerbalism Strategia RemoteTech MechJeb ResearchBodies Waypoint Manager Decal Stickers USI Constellation
  3. I am very happy that non English speakers will now be able to enjoy the game as much as I do, but as a native English speaker, it's hard to show excitement for the localization update even if I wanted to. It's wonderful that it's happening, but the waiting game is getting a little dull and I think that has put a damper on the enthusiasm for the patch. On the plus side, the longer 1.2.2 lingers around, the longer the mods aren't broken!
  4. I'm just happy the terrain seams are fixed. Everything else is...meh
  5. I have just checked the current version, and I'm not seeing this issue. I am curious to know what version of GPP he was using and i would also like to know if he changed any scatterer settings prior to that playthrough
  6. You just have to go into the texture replacer folder included in KSPRC and locate the visor textures in the default folder. move those textures to the default folder in the latest texture replacer and they should work
  7. There are instructions on the EVE thread OP on how to install the mod. It's pretty straight forward.
  8. Rings are broken still, worse than before and solar panel charge rates are jacked up pretty bad still.
  9. OhioBob did a comparison of how the rings are handled between the latest version and blackracks dll @blackrack's DLL, innerRadius = 1250, outerRadius = 2250 Kopernicus 1.2.2-6, innerRadius = 850, outerRadius = 1250 After much discussion, we have come to the conclusion that something is in fact, messed up in the latest release with rings.
  10. I agree with this suggestion. I have noticed this but it never really bothered me and still doesn't. There was always bigger fish to fry with this mod.
  11. Its a stock problem that has been around since 1.2 was released. Using a scaled up system like RSS makes these terrain seams worse. In the prerelease 1.2.9, the terrain seams are fixed, but RSS will not work in 1.2.9 because Kopernicus is version locked to KSP 1.2.2. The only thing you can do is deal with the seams, and wait until 1.3 releases and all the mods catch up.
  12. you can update module flight integrator but it doesn't really matter. Just do not update to the latest Kopernicus. It breaks GPP.
  13. A little late? 3 years late.. I'm sure that guy hasn't waited around this long for an answer. Better atmospheres is defunct now btw. Probably won't work.
  14. I reuploaded the mod to include the fixed directory.
  15. OhioBob had the same issue. Microsoft is being overly cautious. Just use chrome or Firefox
  16. @Waz correct me if I'm wrong, but nothing changed config wise. The only real change in the update was the cloud shadows and what they can and cannot be cast on. You can go to the github repository and download the previous version if you want to try that.
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