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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. I'll take the ring shader for sure over a fix for SVE. The last official scatterer release still works beautifully for me. I'm in no rush to update
  2. I thought about it, but when you have volumetrics tied to a 2d layer, and you set the alpha to 0, the volumetrics clouds will also be transparent
  3. Well, using the stock boulder Co folder is already known to work. If you were to actually use SVE you would see that it is broken. And yes, if you were to to remove the mun dust, Minmus dust and Duna dust clouds, it should work theoretically. If you add the snow and geysers though, it will break it again. @blackrack is still working on compatibility with SVE. Besides removing those textures there is no way to fix SVE at the moment with scatterer
  4. That seems normal. Does your configs that you are using have the mun and Minmus fog included from SVE?
  5. What did you do differently with the clouds? The issue sve was having with the new shaders was caused by cloud layers that just had volumetrics and no visible 2d layer.
  6. Gaels is a re-textured clone of kerbin and uses the ID of 1. I have included a patch for GPP with the correct coordinates for ksc and it should be working fine. I haven't heard anything otherwise, unless they are just running to the RT thread to report bugs.
  7. The performance gain from them being turned off really isn't that great, so maybe I should turn them on next time I update something
  8. Retract my last statement and replace it with this because I agree with this 100%
  9. You cannot use Para Sci and SVE together. The cfgs conflict. SVE comes bundled with Scatterer and EVE so you do not need to install them separately. If you do, you will get conflicts. SVE has a very simple readme instruction included, and it is basically "drop into your gamedata and poof" https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/v1.1.4 Just follow the instructions. Do not download EVE or Scatterer separately.
  10. SVE doesn't use kopernicus. SVT does though. SVE and SVT does work with OPM but only on the stock planets. If you are looking for clouds and scatterer for the OPM planets, you will have to wait for OPMVE by @Poodmund. I guess to answer your question about stock EVE and Scatterer, It does work with OPM, but only will add clouds and atmospheres to the stock planets, just like sve. So you will either have to wait until Poodmund updates his mod or you will have to write your own configs.
  11. It is very simple to do it yourself if you are willing to try and learn. Most users are intimidated by "modding" and think it requires prior knowledge of coding or programming when in fact, it does not. That is the main reasons most users don't make "beautiful and functional bases". Also, many users are lazy and would rather wait on someone else to do the work or just use what's available instead of learning to do it themselves. So really, it all comes down to the willingness of users to learn how to do things for themselves. Until then, nobody has the right to complain about a free mod because they are the ones not willing to put in the work to make things the way they want them, and ultimately the dev can do what they want. The tools are there. Users just need to learn how to use them.
  12. Thanks, this was the only mod I was worried about
  13. @Sigma88 so I added flightGlobalsIndex to my configs to mitigate any issues with ships moving or disappearing in future updates. I know it's it sort of frowned upon since kopernicus issues index numbers randomly now for better compatibility within planet packs and having them in the config can hurt that compatibility. What I'm here to ask is, is it possible to add something to your configs to remove the flightGlobalsIndex from my cfgs when GPP is loaded in GN? That way, I won't have to remove it from my cfgs.
  14. Well, kopernicus automatically issues the index numbers at the start of a new game and stays persistent throughout updates unless something changes on a celestial body. After thinking about it, the reason people experienced moved or missing vessels was because I had to change the templates of some planets due to them losing oceans and others gaining them. That is what caused the issue. It was a knee jerk reaction on my part to update and add the flightglobalindex to the cfgs because they are not necessary anymore and it might cause some incompatibilities with other planet packs if they use the same index number. I will likely have to update again in the near future to remove them, breaking saves again, but for now, I'll leave it in. There is always the chance that my index numbers won't conflict with anything. If that's the case, then I won't have to worry about anything.
  15. UPDATE (did not warrant a version change) Added flightGlobalsIndex to planet cfgs. This is potentially save breaking, but will allow you to update the mod in the future without vessels being placed around random bodies or disappearing. Sorry for the inconvenience.. but you are welcome for the future convenience (this might change in the future again) ENJOY! DOWNLOAD
  16. Im uploading now. If the flightGlobalsIndex is still relevant, this problem shouldnt happen again.. Shouldn't... i dont have time to test it This will require a fresh game though. i just loaded my save after making the changes and I now have a ship standing by for launch...on Icarus
  17. As @Phineas Freak said the flightglobalindex should be in the cfgs. Unfortunately its not in GPP. I was under the impression that the flightglobalindex was irrelevant now. I will add it if it is still a necessary thing.
  18. I would just have to recommend you don't play with every planet pack available. Also, Galactic Neighborhood does not support EVERY planet pack, so you are probably experiencing some conflicts.
  19. UPDATE! v1.0.2 Accuracy Update Fined tuned some scatterer settings Adjust heightmap and ground texture render altitude Changed heightmaps for Gratian and Niven to reflect the surface more precisely Changed atmoshperes on Augustus, Tarsiss and Hadrian Removed Lakes from Niven and Augustus Added added lakes to Tarsiss Hadrian is now an oceanic body with an LN2 ocean Added RemoteTech support Added Research Bodies support Added Kerbal Konstructs, KSC++ support Probably more stuff I'm forgetting **Some atmospheres have changed. Tarsiss has gone from 75 km to 130 km and Hadrian from 50 km to 80 km. Anything orbiting could get swallowed up by the atmosphere, crashing and burning.. If you have anything in orbit around those bodies, be sure to move it out far enough before updating the mod.** Make sure you make a save of your stock game. This mod replaces the stock solar system completely. It will probably destroy any ships you had in orbit. This is your warning. DOWNLOAD
  20. I have never used this mod but I assume either the sun was renamed or that kerbin was reparented around a new sun. Either way, scatterer cfgs have to be changed to reflect name change of the sun
  21. Well svt is just textures and cfgs so there isn't anything that can be removed unfortunately
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