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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. How are you installing them? via ckan or manually? and the updated scatterer comes with SVE no need to download it seperately
  2. unfortunately not. I'm running into issues right now too I plan on putting all of my mods up on GitHub soon
  3. That particular skybox is from rve. Also, If you go to the texture replacer thread you can find many other skyboxes you may like
  4. Looks like you tried to download as it was uploading. Try again
  5. This is an issue with the kerbal atmo cloud layer. I removed it with the latest update which is available now. I have fixed the issue you guys were having in the latest version. its currently uploading so check back soon!
  6. yes sigma causes it. you can however, go into the cloud cfg and cut all cloud height in half (ex: 6000m to 3000m etc.) and that should fix your issue
  7. I have fixed this issue. Its not on your end, its on the end of any modder who didn't set his sun cfg up right in kopernicus (me) I fixed the issue in SVT. it was my cfg
  8. There is an offset setting in eve if you open gui in game. Alt+0 guess work is never good when messing with the cfgs
  9. No it determines the distance at which you can see the details in the clouds
  10. ALL of the versions on the TextureReplacer thread work. Just because avc pops up as incompatible doesn't mean it is. Terrible typeface btw. Hurts to read. The dev just hasn't done an official update.
  11. OK so i think I have finished enough for an update, however, I think I'm gonna play with jool a little bit more. Is there anything you guys want added? (Let's try to stay within the realm of possibility) Lightning will be pushed to a future update. It doesn't look terrible but looks off when you have very visible lightning on the day side but not on the night. So i'm pushing it.
  12. I don't understand any of that except that it's a fix of some sort but I assume other Linux users will! Thanks
  13. I think this is pretty cool. The patch is a little ridiculous, but hey, if it gets younger people into space and science then I'm all for it. My irrational fear revolves around future generations not being able to continue what the past few generations have accomplished in the realm of science and space. All i can see is twitter, Facebook, selfies and kale smoothies coming from current a future generations. Maybe I need to take the blinders off. Whoa, sorry to rant. This dumb little patch set off more than I anticipated lol
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