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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. I mean I noticed things like that with a stock game with just scatterer on the launch pad. The little water towery thing with the light on it for example. It's something with the textures interfering with scatterer or vice versa. So I dunno but I haven't seen it in my game on trees or on my crafts. Maybe @blackrack can clarify?
  2. You are using it to save memory. Try deleting that and see if the issue persists. Dx11 causes some weird bugs in the game. I don't use it and don't test with it as I don't see a reason for it as ksp is now 64bit. Unless you are only running 4 GBs of ram
  3. Are you running this with a mac or with dx11? I have not seen this issue in my testing (which was fast and unfinished) but I have not seen this
  4. Ok yeah it is an issue between scatterer and Kopernicus. I haven't had lot of time to figure it out but I will hopefully next update. For best look, with that stock sun, try the alpha yellow sunflare. It doesn't look bad and I kind of like it.
  5. That looks like a cloud layer not being seamless and it's probably less noticeable with scatterer. Ill have to look at it when I get home on Tuesday
  6. Does not work with SSRSS... Yet It's all included
  7. I know im sorry. This is just easier for me. This way if ONE thing gets updated i dont have to upload 2 gbs of mods at once. and its really hard keeping track of a DL like that. i hope you enjoy this update!
  8. This is the ground textures mod for any STOCK game. It is developed to work best along side Stock Visual Enhancements. This mod adds ground textures to ALL celestial bodies within the STOCK SOLAR SYSTEM and makes scatter objects tangible. Here are some comparative screenshots of the scaled space textures in v2.0, courtesy of @RadGH Comparative Scaled Space Screenshots SVT v2.2.0 Change log Update for 1.6.1 Fixed mountain texture issue Added the workaround to fix black terrain with Sigma Dimensions If you don't want rocks, trees, cactus' and other scatter objects to be solid, remove the "EnableColliders" cfg in the SVT/configs folder. REQUIREMENTS: KOPERNICUS https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases DOWNLOAD SVT To install: 1. Install Kopernicus https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases and drop into your GameData folder. 2. Drop the SVT folder into your GameData folder. This mod is licensed CC BY-NC-ND Thank you to @Avera9eJoe and @Endraxial for the awesome scaled space planet textures. (that's half of this mods awesomeness!) If you would like to help keep my motivation up, please donate. Any amount Is amazing, really!
  9. I'm getting ready to begin uploading the newest update. THIS UPDATE WILL BE TOTALLY MODULAR -Stock Visual Enhancement will consist of SVE, EVE, Scatterer. -The terrain textures have been branched off into its own mod and will be on spacedock. -No longer will planetshine, or distant objects be included although they are highly recommended. -A skybox is no longer included. -Scatterer updated and its sunflares work now so I included a flare from my sun flare mod, Galileo's Sun Flares The reason I am doing this is to give you the freedom to build your visual enhancements the way you want. have you tried to install it on an unmodded ksp? are you using any other visual enhancement?
  10. I'm not sure what the issue is. Everything seems like it's in the right place. That's strange. @Nhawks17 ever seen anything like that?
  11. Ok I need more info. Do you have BoulderCo in your gamedata? What OS are you running? I'm not seeing this at all and I assume nobody else is experiencing this as you are the only person so far with this issue so i need to know what you are doing good on your end. Yeah there is way too much going on here. It could be anything. Probably a lot of incapatibilities.
  12. No I had it last update. I'm currently packaging another update. That should fix a few small things.
  13. with this current update your collection of endraxials textures will be redundant as I am using them in my Kopernicus cfgs and the textures are in plugindata folder included in each planets file. in fact, they may cause issue because some of the planets color maps and normal maps have changed so I recommend you delete those files in your texture replacer folder. This is the package I put together because I think it gives the game its best look. I made it very simple to delete what you don't want. It was a little confusing I suppose. I wanted the particle effect to be a surprise, but now its literally right click delete if you don't want it. I made the package this way to avoid confusion for people that have a hard time installing mods manually. If you have enough knowledge to do this manually then deleting what you don't want should be a breeze. I don't necessarily want to continuously answer questions about putting this on CKAN or how to install everything so I made it simple. drag and drop. If you don't agree with this strategy then I'm sorry?
  14. ah you should NOT be using boulderco if you are using SVE
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