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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Well I just removed the code because I couldn't get it to work. Now, if a rat removes a wall in the maze, then we have bigger issues Can someone test the downloads on the website and let me know if it works well for you and if the speeds are OK?
  2. Created a new skybox if anyone is interested. Its more subtle than others but i like it https://www.dropbox.com/s/fexr40nlfswnwj6/Galileo's Skybox.zip?dl=0 Enjoy!
  3. @pizzaoverhead looks like someone downloaded this IRL.
  4. For anyone interested, one of my classes required me to build a website so I decided it was a perfect opportunity to create a site dedicated to SVE, SVT, and Galileo's Sun Flares, Its very rudimentary and simple as I don't have a ton of experience with html and css but I'm learning! All downloads will be hosted there as well. So without further adieu, I give you, WWW.STOCKVISUALMODS.COM complete with a small forum for troubleshooting questions no I don't require them unless its needed, and I think sigma requires kopernicus so that doesn't change anything.
  5. I believe it's just sve. It may only be the high resolution version. I don't really know tbh as I don't use Ckan. I know minmus disappears and there is a moire effect on Kerbin etc etc. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. The white kerbin when exiting to main menu is just bug with kopernicus I think. It might not be a bug and might be caused by my incompetency. Dunno. As long as it's not like that in game, it's cool with me
  6. The atmos are no longer included in any of the downloads. And i removed the main volume clouds and replaced them with volumetric clouds on the Kerbin main cloud texture that follow the detail so it's more realistic and maybe a little more performance friendly
  7. Was it working before and just randomly did this? Edit I just saw you installed via ckan. SVE doesn't work from CKAN. Install it manually
  8. Do you really expect answers talking to someone like that? If I were Squad I'd ignore you just because of your attitude. If you don't completely understand the process of porting a pc game to console, you shouldn't jump down someone's throat. Consoles present their own set of issue and limitations. You think this game didnt have its issues when launched on PC? Of course it did, like any game ever. You need to practice some patience and be grateful. The optimizations and fixes will come. And instead of getting on here, cussing and whining, try acting like an adult and ask nicely. Maybe get on the bug tracker and report a bug? Dont bring your Xbox live language to the forum, kids play this game. I know you wouldn't ask your waiter "where the F is my food" and if you do I'm sure you have had a good helping of saliva mixed in. I understand you are a paying customer but regardless if your issue is justified or not, you don't talk like that to a group of hard working devs. Grow up.
  9. https://imgur.com/a/pi7J0 There should be a few in this album. Jool looks a little different now
  10. AH fInally I get to play...and until the imgur album is fixed, I'm gonna flood my own page! Muahahahaha!
  11. you can also use SSRSS scatterer cfgs to add scatterer to more planets than just earth
  12. Well, you weren't wrong. Kopernicus needs a sun.cfg like the one in SVT in order for the sun flares to work. Without it, kopernicus' default sun blocks scatterers flare. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with either mod. They just need some TLC to work together
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