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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Also, I am the developer of SVE and this mod. I made this mod with SVE, Scatterer AND TextureReplacer installed and initially, SVE included this mod and the others you speak of. So I know for a fact it works fine with all of those so the crashes you are getting and the issues you are having are probably on your end. Hope this helps narrow it down for you.
  2. OK so I tried my best to combine the most popular choices.. this is what I came up with.. hope you like it because I'm not gonna put myself through the process of creating that many textures again lol
  3. Kopernicus causes things to be offset. Known issue. Yes minmus is a little gridded. I plan on fixing that. I have had absolutely ZERO crashes so check you are running everything correctly ex: 64bit and making sure it isn't another mod. I'm glad you like the mod. Sorry it's not acting right for you
  4. its has something to do with the color/normal maps. there is no fix for this. the only advice I can give is to ignore it for now. especially since you have to be in the perfect spot to notice/ replicate it. once you go into the canyon you cant see it anyway
  5. so I finally went to dres to check out this issue and I cant figure out what it is. I think it has to do with the color map I'm using ill switch it up and see if it fixes it
  6. How did you guys install? This is what I'm seeing. No problems here.
  7. No it woulnt work. Afaik I have tried it and the aurora detail just shows up on the terrain and look awful
  8. No would ask @Amnesy but it doesn't look like they changed anything I don't think you can tell in the photo but I changed the cfg a bit so that the volumetric clouds follow the detail texture, meaning if there is not a main cloud texture above you, there will not be any volumetric clouds. Much more realistic. I hope to have an update by this coming weekend
  9. You can go into the cfgs and delete the vumetric clouds Have you tried disabling the volumetric clouds or playing without scatterer?
  10. Yeah the clouds always did kinda look like rain clouds.. These stay pretty white. So I can probably say with confidence that the grayness was caused by EVE's rgb cloud particle. I'm probably wrong but these do stay pretty darn white.
  11. For a while now, I have disliked the volumetric clouds that are included with EVE/SVE. I'm surprised nobody has ever complained about how cartoonish they look. Tonight I decided to fix that and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with the new particle I made. This will also allow for better dust effects on the Mun and Duna. Just look at the results and let me know what you think! this will also allow for better dust effects on the Mun and Duna. Well, I honestly cant tell you I'm not too keen on GPU's and their benchmarking. From what I just read though, I think you should be able to run the medium or low resolution no issue but it all really depends on your processor. KSP is pretty CPU heavy thanks to the physics of the game. A GPU wont really help you all that much with KSP but rocking an i3 processor wont help your cause either so I would look at getting at least an i5 or an i7 with whatever computer/laptop you decide to buy. I hope this helps and I hope you are able to enjoy this mod in the near future!
  12. I really wish I could answer that but I have no idea what he would have to adjust. I'm not the best at coding and what he has put together is a lot more complex than I expected. I can work on the videos this week hopefully.
  13. I have already made lightning and I plan to include it next update patience is key here as I am trying to balance college, family life (wife and a 3 yr old) and ksp it tough but luckily I have an awesome wife that let's me ksp lol
  14. Those look familiar Btw if you don't offset the image in photoshop there will be one small seam on the thin bands
  15. There's your issue. Especially for helplessly long mod lists. SVE has an issue with ckan at the moment and is causing some wierd things to happen like minus disappearing. My suggestion is to install your visual enhancement mods manually. OPM, also if not installed correctly alongside sve, will cause issues too. Ckan is not the way to go if you want to smoosh a bunch of mods together and hope they work. Try it manually, that way you will have some idea of where the issues lay
  16. this is the easiest way to show SOME illumination. I'm still working on it and it has become very difficult, almost to the point of abandonment until rbray can fix it. this is the closest I have been to getting illumination in orbit.
  17. Didn't look at the OP did you? This may seem strange, but, it's in the OP. To save you the trouble here: https://github.com/Pingopete/RVE-KSP-1.0.4/tree/Linux64?files=1 Also, if you don't already know, just throwing it into your gamedata folder won't work. There is a process getting this to work in 1.1.3. Look back a few pages and you should come across how to install correctly.
  18. You had to quote the entire OP did you? Could have just asked your question, the mod is implied seeing as how you are on the thread. To answer your question, it looks like the mod was recently, possibly taken over and is currently being worked on. In this case it's better to have patience than a release date. It will happen when it happens.
  19. so, for everyone having the landing gear/ tree artifacting, just know that this is something that happens in an all stock game too. landing gear doesn't have the artifacting but the trees do. I think its caused by the way the trees cast shadows... boo. but at least I know its not caused by this mod. no more trying to fix things here.. I'm exhausted
  20. Well I'm not using clouds for the volumetrics and that's the issue. I am trying to create a texture that looks like an aurora. It not easy. And the light from clouds isn't possible like you stated. All we can do is wait for rbray89 to fix it but I think he is gone again. He hasn't been on in over a month :/ Cool cool. I am hoping after the next update that I will be able to actually play for a little while. I know that the mod will never be perfect but i go crazy when people point out things I obviously looked over lol so my work never ends. Viscous cycle. I'm the king of wishful thinking I want to play so badly lol
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