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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. Notice: some mods may not work (i.e. Crash) on 1.1 even though they say they are updated for it, or otherwise another person has updated it themselves. The current list of known mods fitting into this category are: Kerbal Alarm Clock (a fix was put out by a user that is extremely buggy) Dynamic Texture Loader (large memory leak) B9 Procedural Parts Modified (I need confirmation from both a 32x and 64x bit version user for compatibility checks. From the posts I read it is having issues on 64 bit) If a mod is not listed here but should be, or it is updated, please inform me as soon as possible. I have a feeling a whole lot of people have installed a mod and it fails and they think it is 1.1. Also can the mod user please check the version is meant to be used in 1.1 before they install it. Thanks.
  2. If you have Dynamic Texture Loader, uninstall it. That's another thing I need to do...
  3. Here is a cool thing to show: Not extremely good pic, but that ion probe is the result of five hours of waiting, warping, mathing, and avoiding collisions. Could be better, since a correction burn was 2500m/s
  4. Uninstall Dynamic Texture loader, try, and come back. It has a major crash problem.
  5. Banned for unexplained time continuum break with @DolphinDude3. Is there something I missed?
  6. I disagree with your statement but agree with the proposal. I purposely haven't added Larinax Solar System to CKAN because I don't think it is ready yet.
  7. Well, the new version is here. If you want rescale get SigmaDimensions. https://github.com/RA3236/HarderSolarSystem-updated-/releases/latest
  8. There are plenty of other Saturn V craft around here, this craft is incompatible with the latest release. It is over two years old.
  9. Added my own Github repository. Link is here: https://github.com/RA3236/HarderSolarSystem-updated-
  10. I believe the initialRotation needs to be set one and a half hours back.
  11. Since @stevehead has not been here since January, I think I might maintain it (just update it) as a public repository. Since I don't use 64k I will be dropping support for it in favor of Sigma Dimensions. If you have any objections to this please notify me. SD is simpler to support than a bunch of rescales as well as halving the size of the mod. This is only because I cannot be so good as to figure out some minor problems. And no, it may not be hosted on CKAN until I get it to work. If stevehead decides he doesn't like those changes, he can revert to his state of the mod. I want the mod to be as easy as possible to maintain and have a good rescale customization.
  12. Unless you mean @Just Jims Grand Tour, change the name...
  13. I lied about bothering the mods about this: I have said it twice, but sometimes editing my posts on Chrome iPad fails. I can type stuff, but when I press Save, it hangs. EDIT (hopefully): a post in the test thread:
  14. I assume they get a warning. Other than that I don't know. /notamod
  15. Sorry to break to you, but a bridge like this will have over 2000 parts for the deck and heaps more for the supports.
  16. Nope. Hmm, let's see... Oh yes, @max_creative
  17. Banned for showing off badges.
  18. Banned for not being creative.
  19. Banned for excessive ninja's
  20. Banned for not putting enough room in your sig for badges because of the forum quotes EDIT: Damn, @max_creative you ninja'd me
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