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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. Can you add an option in the poll for All day, everyday?
  2. I would just do what SQUAD is doing now - Unity Update. I'm looking for performance.
  3. Well thank you, there goes my life. I only just updated to 1.0.5 4 hours ago. Im completely avoiding Kopernicus for the meantime due to the buoyancy bugs since I'm now a submersible pod fan Great to hear that it will be updated for 1.1!! Less laggy game for me!!
  4. Dark... But beautiful. One of the few times you install something new and are amazed at it.
  5. It's because KSP hates too high an ap above the furthest bodies orbit, which makes the game say escape.
  6. What problems does this mod have in 1.0.5? (Not like excess fuel, I can live with that (MOAR CHUTES))
  7. I might as well ask now, why did you put the KSP version number to 1.0.5 rather than 1.0.4 on KerbalStuff? Kopernicus is not compatible with 1.0.5 due to thermal and hydro changes.
  8. I'm still in 1.0.4 but I did this by putting a plane in the water. Simply put a rocket with wings in the water. That should do the trick.
  9. Yeah I know, but I doesn't work typing that in sometimes. I must be putting a space.
  10. Ok, looking at the poll, I will continue to do this every update. Except for 1.0.5-1.1 since I will be on holidays. Hopefully I will be keeping an eye on the release date.
  11. Not even close. Kopernicus in 1.0.5 does not create buoyancy on planets and removes it on already existing worlds. It also has thermal problems. I would suggest that until Kopernicus 0.5 comes out you should keep the version at 1.0.4.
  12. Good challenge... I'll try it in 1.0.4 today and 1.0.5 tomorrow when I update KSP. - - - Updated - - - By the looks of it: 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes, but as mentioned before the Goliath has a reverse thrust feature meaning you don't need this. 4. Umm... Not sure. 5. Never heard of this option. Rockets facing down should make you crash???? 6. Yes 7 Yes but they need to survive
  13. *stares at iPad for almost an hour* What... The... Eve has updated!!! I'll just wait til Saturday to get it.
  14. Even better, Minmus since kerbals love it! - - - Updated - - - Thank you for that, for some stupid reason I did exactly that and it didn't work...
  15. Awesome, I'm not updating KSP til Saturday so I can test the mod out and replicate this!!!
  16. Yeah.. Might help if you post the code, since I cant access it from the quote syntax.
  17. Hello everyone, My name is RA3236 for those who haven't noticed me. I am a major planet pack fan and I'm also part of the Forum Games community. Since I'm one of the few people who have not updated to 1.0.5 yet I thought I might as well make a final mission in 1.0.4 to celebrate the release of 1.0.5. I initially thought that a Kerbal X orbital mission with Jeb boarding the craft would be easy, but I found multiple problems with my lack of judgement and my overall stupidity and the TA-18 Launch Stability Enhancer. BTW this is something I started back in 0.90, where I make a march after the landing of the KSP's flagship, the Kerbal X. But since I only joined the forums a month ago, I thought I might as well. I might keep this thread for future updates. Anyway, here it is!!!
  18. Banned for saying that KSP is only about rockets.
  19. Quite simply: Remove the OPM cfgs in the Galactic Neighbourhood Folder Put @Kopernicus:AFTER[GalacticNeighborhood] at the top of ALL of the OPM cfgs in GameData/OPM Change Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon and Plocks cfg so that referenceBody = StockSun
  20. Your mod: I am fine if you continue to update it, but as you said keep it close to Nova Silisko's ideas. That sounds good for me, and possibly have a separate star for planets for compat with the Remade version. Remade: KillAshley, do what you want pretty much.
  21. Umm... that issue is part of the core Other_Worlds mod, and is a current known issue on that thread. I'm sure someone will come around to fix it.
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