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Everything posted by XOC2008

  1. There's no tweakscale patch for the weapons themselves. I tweak my own weapons, but I tend to like my stuff real scale vs Kerbal scale, so I add my own modules when there are none.
  2. Best way to go about it is to zoom into the bottom of the tube while holding the missile and ALT, and positioning it that way.
  3. For those that have asked for prebuilt examples: https://kerbalx.com/XOC2008/T45-Basic https://kerbalx.com/XOC2008/CK-Basic-with-VLS https://kerbalx.com/XOC2008/CK-Basic https://kerbalx.com/XOC2008/Dallesque-Basic https://kerbalx.com/XOC2008/Omahesque-basic https://kerbalx.com/XOC2008/LCAC-Basic
  4. Your weapons say #autoloc etc etc, which means you did not install the SM_Industries Localization pack.
  5. And if there's a part that seems to be missing tweakscale you either have something installed incorrectly or it was accidentally missed and with 200 some odd parts it's easy to miss the odd part here or there. But if you go into the MM patch you can always add in the missing part.
  6. I'm... actually pretty sure this has been done with some success and there are videos on YouTube.
  7. There are none. Yet. Though if @SpannerMonkey(smce) wants, I'll throw a few together and put them up on KerbalX in a few days. Most of the pictures you've seen are snaps that us testers have taken, and some during and after Spanner's own testing.
  8. Did you download and install the SM Industries file as well? It includes all the localization definitions which should fix that. Edit: Spanner beat me to it.
  9. It sort of exists with regards to the ECM jammers. We're working (well @SpannerMonkey(smce) and @gomker are working, I just test and make suggestions) on "stealth" with regards to subs. It still hinges on the jammer settings and EC, though. It's related to the rcs (radar cross section) stuff @TheDog is talking about above.
  10. Oh well if that's the reason all you'd need to do is add the radar module into the cfg for the cockpits. It's an easy enough thing to DIY, btw, if LGG doesn't want to do it.
  11. Someone should update the Curseforge because people are convinced BDArmory hasn't been updated for 1.3, due to Curseforge saying it's 1.2.
  12. @jrodriguez https://www.dropbox.com/s/t8rfzw17u8focce/P-270 Moskit MM.craft?dl=0 Enjoy!
  13. Want my subassembly and you can see which one you can get to work best? (I had to reduce drop time to zero because it was falling into the deck and getting stuck)
  14. I'm building now so we're about to find out. I have a short SRB booster section that should drop after fuel is depleted.. and then a quad ramjet setup like the real Moskit, which should fire after separation. I will keep you posted. Edit: @jrodriguez So it's going to take some refinement. It doesn't like firing diagonally, or out of a tube(but I can't find a good tube to use). It does fire vertically, but then plunges into the water/ground after a bit. First stage separation worked okay. Second stage with the ramjets worked fine, it just steered into the ground. But this is also a big heavy missile so it's going to take some work I'm sure.
  15. Hey @jrodriguez would the modular missile system work for VLS type missiles too? Or, say, a p-270 Moskit launched from a ship with an angle of 20 degrees, from inside a launcher tube.
  16. Uh.. BDAc DOES have an official 1.3 update. is the official recompile for 1.3. There's an explosion fix in here somewhere I believe. But there are also just issues that need ironing out, and I believe the NKD explosions are one of them.
  17. The missile should be listed in the UI as selectable. Select. Fire. No right clicking required.
  18. Pretty sure JR has a link to the guide for the modular missiles. I played with them only a little, but I could fire them manually.
  19. Just to be clear, the above download is for the version of PEW that @SpannerMonkey(smce) was maintaining. He has since ceased maintenance and further development and handed it back to @LORDPrometheus since he has returned from his hiatus and is planning to redo the entire mod, or start a new one and leave PEW to get lost in the weeds. There is no new version of PEW currently available to my knowledge, though the last version @SpannerMonkey(smce) released will certainly work with 1.3 as long as you have the appropriate BDAc version for it to complement.
  20. I'm having issues with Kerplunk disabling my arrow keys once a vessel's hull reaches a certain depth in the water. This happens with surface ships, submarines, etc.. (And this is with the newest version, of the mod) As soon as the vessel reaches the depth that it disables my arrow keys, the view defaults to underwater looking up at the hull.
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