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Everything posted by XOC2008

  1. @SpannerMonkey(smce) I don't personally see anything wrong with the build of this guy's submarine, and I am at a loss here. I went back in and tested pretty much the same setup in my game and everything is fine, and with ballast balanced out I can sit submerged at any depth with no movement.
  2. On the first page in the edited OP as well as his July 3rd update where he made it clear that the localization was required.
  3. Unless something is different that I haven't noticed, you can use the BDA input settings and map the fire weapon control to ANY button, including a joystick fire button.
  4. You obviously did not read the instructions, which stated you needed to download and install the localization file as well, which will fix these problems. As for ships, there are some bare-bones ships and subs to be found on KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/XOC2008/craft
  5. The MLRS is from North Kerbin Weaponry and uses the M-26 and M-30 rockets, also from NKW
  6. The missiles and Type 45 stuff are from SM Armory and SM Marine. So you need to go to those threads to get help. I can tell you I do not have the same issue you are describing so you will need to provide further detail.
  7. I suppose I should have, to go with my previous suggestion, added in "How about a MiG 1.44 cockpit for the mk2 cross section?"
  8. The maxthrust doesn't do too much to affect the performance of the engines because they are still governed by the atmosphere and velocity curves in the cfg files, so you would have to understand how to change those for anything to make a real discernible difference.
  9. Exactly. And that would work too I would imagine. I just figured that bit of flat area would be good for a surface mounted intake. Either way, my MiG 1.44 needs this part.
  10. Another part I would like to see added would be like the mk2 half to 1.25 adapter and the mk2 half to mk2 adapter all in one. (mk2 half with a flat bottom and a raised mk2 adapter section to give the part a more slanted profile) It'd be great for underslung intakes and mk2 cockpits.
  11. Please read back several posts where people have asked the same question and you'll see both the long and short form answers.
  12. Sounds like good times ahead. Glad to have you back!
  13. Any updates involving a certain Russian admiral on the horizon?
  14. This is the best news I've seen in a while.
  15. Well I mean, if you modified BDA itself anyway, there's little the devs here could do to help you since it's been modified and is not something they have access to to test, adjust, or modify to find the problem and fix it. Unless I am misunderstanding what you just said in that you have modified BDA.
  16. Curious to know what the length of this is. I suppose I could just download it to find out but I wanna know if it'd fit in without tweakscale or if it is "kerbal scale"
  17. Pretty sure more information than this will be needed in order to figure out the problem. Providing your ksp.log would be helpful.
  18. Though I am not part of the BDAc team or can speak for them, I believe it's been mentioned that they have found some of these armor inconsistencies and are working on giving it a bit of an overhaul to fix some of these issues.
  19. Well no, what resulted in that was the flight crew too close to the force of exhaust but whatever.
  20. No, you can't. It would invert both and they'd still go in opposite directions. It's a known bug, it just hasn't been fixed for the most recent version as of yet.
  21. Love this mod and I am looking forward to your aircraft, hope to see that mod soon.
  22. My mistake, misread it. There are some comments earlier in the thread of a similar problem and there may be an answer to be found there.
  23. Did you refresh the data? You added a new craft so you have to make sure that you refresh the data to receive from the radar source you specified. Example craft come with BDA, as well as being able to find them on KerbalX.
  24. This would help @lancefoxcia a lot since currently he has 3-6 versions of each turret in his mod for different ammo types.
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