Today, I managed to kill 3 kerbals in a horrible accident involving a payload fairing, a huge 1-launch Duna ship and large fuel tanks. Turns out fairings are harder than we anticipated.
EDIT: Luckily, it was a "simulation"
My prop planes are blowing up due to some phantom forces and the small wheels are shooting out of the turboshaft at somewhere around 10% of the speed of light.
which one? I know my original only works with KJR and I built the other two in 1.1+ so they should work. I know for a fact, the Bee Gee works quite well actually in 1.1.2
It seems my engines have gained a tendency to spontaneously deflagarate into small pieces. It has something to do with the wheels, I'm sure. Can you send me a version of your new engine (1.1.0) so I can steal take inspiration from it?
My orbiters on the exact opposite side of the planet can still be controlled, and no, I do not have any satellites other than the one in question
KSP version 1.1.0, remotetech from github, for 1.1.0
It's the only mod on the save
I started building a battlestation. It will have the capacity to support 30 kerbals indefinitely and to strike any ground target with a precision-molded 6-meter long metal spike. The secret design files are as fo-
Wait, wrong place to be posting this.
Uh, um, I built a machine that spins around which pretends to be a helicopter.
I downloaded remotetech. My rocket's on the launchpad, with 3 of the remotetech default antennas on around it, and it says "No signal"
EDIT: It's unmanned
M Is for Money
O is for Onion rings, which you buy with money
N is for Nyquil, my favorite drink
E is for excitement, which is the exact opposite of my life
Y is for you, who's reading this post