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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. Can I make a centrifugal catapult? I already have a *relatively* stable turbine engine ready.
  2. Today, I managed to kill 3 kerbals in a horrible accident involving a payload fairing, a huge 1-launch Duna ship and large fuel tanks. Turns out fairings are harder than we anticipated. EDIT: Luckily, it was a "simulation"
  3. My prop planes are blowing up due to some phantom forces and the small wheels are shooting out of the turboshaft at somewhere around 10% of the speed of light.
  4. I'd love to test out your turboprop for myself! Do you have the download file?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gman_builder


      which one? I know my original only works with KJR and I built the other two in 1.1+ so they should work. I know for a fact, the Bee Gee works quite well actually in 1.1.2

    3. The Optimist

      The Optimist

      I searched up it on KerbalX

    4. Gman_builder


      I have multiple on KerbalX. The first one works only with KJR and my 2 newest (I.E. Bee Gee Mk1 and 2.5 meter turboshaft) all work in 1.1.2


  5. What's the context? Data is useless without context.
  6. It seems my engines have gained a tendency to spontaneously deflagarate into small pieces. It has something to do with the wheels, I'm sure. Can you send me a version of your new engine (1.1.0) so I can steal take inspiration from it?
  7. My orbiters on the exact opposite side of the planet can still be controlled, and no, I do not have any satellites other than the one in question KSP version 1.1.0, remotetech from github, for 1.1.0 It's the only mod on the save
  8. Is there a download for 1.1.0? I don't want to update ksp right now.
  9. That seems to clear it up. Is there a 1.1.0 version for it?
  10. I started building a battlestation. It will have the capacity to support 30 kerbals indefinitely and to strike any ground target with a precision-molded 6-meter long metal spike. The secret design files are as fo- Wait, wrong place to be posting this. Uh, um, I built a machine that spins around which pretends to be a helicopter.
  11. There's the red Wifi logo I uninstalled kerbalism and it works fine
  12. I downloaded remotetech. My rocket's on the launchpad, with 3 of the remotetech default antennas on around it, and it says "No signal" EDIT: It's unmanned
  13. Replace the can with a service bay and two chairs
  14. EDIT: Do the antennas function at any range when your stuff is completely upgraded, or do they still have limits
  15. Go into the configs and toggle the break strength of the wheels.
  16. M Is for Money O is for Onion rings, which you buy with money N is for Nyquil, my favorite drink E is for excitement, which is the exact opposite of my life Y is for you, who's reading this post
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