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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. I made a special section for babies dres fans It would be nice if you could provide more figures, like the weight of the LV and the weight of each satellite. Thanks!
  2. Perhaps existing craft, such as space stations and previously landed probes could continue to provide reputation as long as they are active.
  3. Next morning, after a quick bit of welding and duct-tape, Jeb and Corry carried large cases of alcohol and deep-frozen tacos onboard. Nearby, Beranna sat, looking at Jeb pushing a trolley full of beer cases with contempt. "Do we really need that much alcohol?" She asked, with obvious distaste. "It's mainly for you!" The reply came from behind the blimp. Corry and Jeb both laughed. Beranna sighed, and stood up, carrying a small bag of clothing and her service pistol, which she had kept after her 2-month patrol a few years back. It was an absolutely deadly weapon, which could almost break a sheet of paper at point blank range. She packed it anyway, just in case. A few minutes later, they were finally prepared. Jeb settled into his pilot's seat, popped open a cold one, and turned the ignition. The Kessna 18 engine sputtered to life, filling the rear compartment with an oily black smoke. "Everyone have their toothbrushes?" Jeb asked "Oh s-" Corry started "Great!" Jeb shouted, with a manic grin. He gave the anchor a good tug, and off they went, into the glorious summer skies. -T O B E C O N T I N U E D-
  4. You may be familiar with the concept of Cubesats, which are very small, low cost self-contained space vehicles designed and built by smaller organizations, such as by universities and certain video game forums. Now, you can (Read: will) experience the joy of deploying a massive cloud of miniature probes into orbit or onto other celestial bodies. Here's a scoring guide. Probe Criteria: YOU RECEIVE HALF POINTS (ROUNDED UP) FOR CRAFT IN ORBIT BUT NOT LANDED AROUND OTHER PLANETS -If in orbit of Kerbin, receive 1 * # of probes as your score -If landed on Mun, receive 3 * # of probes as your score -If landed on Minmus, receive 2 * # of probes as your score -If landed at Eve, receive 10 * # of probes as your score -If landed at Gilly, receive 2 * # of probes -If landed at Moho, receive 6 * # of probes, plus (Mass of all probes) * 2, rounded down as your score -If landed at Dres, receive [REDACTED] points as your score -If landed at Duna, receive 8 * # of probes as your score -If landed at Ike, receive 2.5 points as your score Add 3 to all Joolian probes that can circularize around the planet without aerobraking -If landed at Jool, receive 1337 * 0.01 points, rounded down as your score -If landed at Laythe or Vall, receive 10 * # of probes as your score -If landed at Tylo, receive 14 * # of probes as your score -If landed at Bop, receive 8 * # of probes as your score -If landed at Pol, receive 8 * # of probes as your score -If landed at Eeloo, receive 18 * # of probes as your score Vehicle Criteria - Add 50 points if the craft is lighter than 35 tons - Add 20 points if the craft is lighter than 50 tons - Add 10 points if the craft is lighter than 60 tons - Add 15 points if the craft is an SSTO - Add 20 points if the craft is a interplanetary SSTO - Subtract 15 points if the craft is over 80 tons - Subtract 200 points if the craft is over 80 tons and carries less than 16 cubesats - Subtract 20 points for each 10 tons the craft weighs over 80 tons - Ignore the above rule if your craft is over 300 tons and carries over 32 probes Bonus Ducks Points 25 points if mini probes are capable of deploying even more mini probes (General) 50 points if mini probes are rovers in disguise ( 5 points for each cubesat or probe capable of being deployed (Per probe) 10 points for cubesat having power generation (General) 20 points for probe having controllable propulsion (General) X points for each cubesat safely landed on another body (Per probe) 25 points if each cubesat is lighter than 0.5 tons 23 points if Antennarange or RemoteTech is used. 5 extra points if the cubesats are arranged properly (Provide screenshots) Extreme Bonus Points 10 points if you ignore Dres 25 * # of celestial bodies visited, if your MOTHERSHIP is capable of visiting those locations and leaving cubesats there Notes: For interplanetary missions, it is the mothership that must ferry your craft there. Cubesats are only allowed to make interplanetary transfers if they are ion-powered Only mods allowed are Scatterer, EVE, KJR, Remotetech, and Mechjeb Provide ample documentation of the mission (VAB (Weight, Delta-V, probe design), launchpad, middle atmosphere, space, orbit, during transfer (map view), circularization, deorbiting, landing, etc.) Thanks, and have fun! LEADERBOARDS: -@CunjoCarl in the lead, at 143 points -IT WILL BE YOU! -IT COULD BE YOU! -IT COULD BE YOU! -IT COULD BE YOU! Dres leaderboards #1 babby #2 babby #3 babby #4 babby #5 babby Badges: Take one! (WIP) Moon of Jool (Dres I think it was called?) Award 1-50 points (You are only eligible if the launch vehicle is lighter than 20 tons and you have 4 or more probes or cubesats onboard) 51-100 points: 101-200 points: 201-300 points: Legit Badge Owners: 1-50: - - - 51-100 - - - 101-200 -@CunjoCarl (Congratulations) Entry 1 - - 201-300 - - -
  5. Look, it's a glitched part and the glitch has been fixed. This doesn't really bring anything new to the table.
  6. I don`t think he understands how hyperedit works
  7. Sure, it'll look a little bizarre, but it'll allow us to make a scale model of a whale shark!
  8. If kerbin's only economic source runs out of money, the space program is the least of your concerns.
  9. It carries 33 kerbals, flies at a maximal top speed of 45 m/s and can hover at any altitude. In the bottom pic it's at around 36000 meters.
  10. One day, after Jeb's rocket nearly killed him again for the 57th time, Jeb had had enough. Flying his personal jet home and crashing it beside his house, he decided it was time for a vacation. Frustrated, he gathered up his friends Beranna and Corry and took them to the local party shop. A few hours later they left, carrying a 2-ton rock with hundreds of party balloon strapped to it. They went to work, strapping balloons to every inch of exposed metal on the remaining bits of the plane's fuselage during the night. Finally, it was done. "Hop in!" Jeb said, rubbing a piece of paint off the fuselage. Corry was waiting beside him, while Beranna was trying to sneak off the premises. She didn't get too far, however, when a errant jet of water leaking out of a fire hose shot her back towards Jeb and his rig. "so, what will we name it?" Corry asked, attempting to stop Beranna from punching her way through the thin metal of the cabin. "How about... hmmm... J.S.S. Pourquoi-Pas?" Jeb suggested. "Sounds pretty fancy, right?" "Yes, but what does J.S.S. stand for?" Corry replied, covering a small hole in the wall with a piece of duct tape. "I don't know." Jeb said, pushing up the throttle. "And I don't care!" Corry pried a half-frozen taco out of the icebox. "Did you bring a microwave?" he asked, eyeing the taco hungrily. "Nope! I do have a RTG though." Jeb answered through the hatch."It should be under your chair." Jeb gunned the engine, a recycled Kessna-18 motor Actual Chapter 1: 5 minutes later The grass below them slowly darkened, as the ground rose higher. The foothills of the great western mountains and the towering K-2 loomed in front of them. A particularly high hill rose in front of them, momentarily blocking their views. "PULL UP!" Beranna shrieked, and in the process smacking the taco out of Corry's hand. Corry's eyes reddened, and a deep guttural growl emanated from within him. "I HAVE BEEN AWAKENED! I AM TACTHULU, DESTROYER OF INTESTINAL TRACTS!" "Pipe down back there!" Jeb said sharply as he pulled back the stick. The feeble Kessna-17 engine shook, but it held on. Suddenly, another hill appeared. Jeb and his friends smashed into it, at velocities exceeding R18, which is definitely much too fast, especially on a road trip, causing the kerbals and their vehicle to rapidly assume the form of a crushed tin of mint jelly. But luckily that was in an alternate universe where due to a billion years of erosion said hill had formed. In this one, a slight change in the soil composition denied the hill from ever forming, while the slightly improved Kessna-18 engine that the real Jeb had managed to pull them clear. In this universe, Jeb and his friends were still alive and relatively well, though a bit harrowed. "Take us higher, Jeb!" Corry said, gasping. "Good idea." Beranna stated, perfectly calmly, to everyone's shock. Jeb reluctantly turned off the innovative Mk-122 Rapid Cooling Pump he had stolen from a random rocket in the VAB. Some of the condensed gas began to evaporate back into the balloon. They slowly gained altitude, until finally they were well above the tallest of the foothills, passing a small field of "houses", which were in reality painted on outlines of actual buildings. "What are those for?" Jeb wondered aloud. Corry answered. "I'm not sure if I should tell you this, but they're supposedly fake buildings to attract enemy bombers. "Bombers? Is there a war going on?" Beranna piped in. Corry was about to answer, but he was cut short by a burst of static. The KR-7 Communication and Television disk that Jeb had installed had tuned itself into a station. "And welcome back folks, to a brand new edition of Fort Munderdale News! Traffic accidents along highways 23 and 42 are attributed to a passing meteorite shower, causing some fragile circuits in the radio of those cars to short out. The drivers apparently stopped their cars in the middle of the road to change the station. In other news, airship flying near heavily populated areas are now required by law to deflate their balloons before flying near them. This is due to concerns that unruly disposal of certain types of garbage over cities is attributed to literal @#$%storms. This has been FMN Hourly news. Tune in next hour for our executive interview with the Kerbal Space Center public spokesman *crkkkkk* -erman. Have a good evening!" "Ok guys, I think this was a pretty good test. Get plenty of sleep tonight. We leave for real tomorrow morning!" Jeb said, turning the blimp around. "Beranna, I promise it won't be as boring as your desk job." Beranna growled. And a classic Jebediah landing: Next morning, after a quick bit of welding and duct-tape, Jeb and Corry carried large cases of alcohol and deep-frozen tacos onboard. Nearby, Beranna sat, looking at Jeb pushing a trolley full of beer cases with contempt. "Do we really need that much alcohol?" She asked, with obvious distaste. "It's mainly for you!" The reply came from behind the blimp. Corry and Jeb both laughed. Beranna sighed, and stood up, carrying a small bag of clothing and her service pistol, which she had kept after her 2-month patrol a few years back. It was an absolutely deadly weapon, which could almost break a sheet of paper at point blank range. She packed it anyway, just in case. A few minutes later, they were finally prepared. Jeb settled into his pilot's seat, popped open a cold one, and turned the ignition. The Kessna 18 engine sputtered to life, filling the rear compartment with an oily black smoke. "Everyone have their toothbrushes?" Jeb asked "Oh s-" Corry started "Great!" Jeb shouted, with a manic grin. He gave the anchor a good tug, and off they went, into the glorious summer skies. Jeb climbed out of the cockpit, forcing Beranna to move into it, and sat on the newly installed chair on the top of the blimp. Pulling out his guitar, he began to strum it, singing off-key. The bright morning sun shone on the spinning propeller. And for the first time in the last two years, Jeb felt relaxed. -T O B E C O N T I N U E D-
  11. HAHA! I AM WIN! Ditching 1st stage boosters Removing random fuel tank stuck to 3rd stage engines Plotting super-efficient Eve transfer with ScrubJeb Eve SOI and aerobraking Feeling the burn Landed 1/2 hour later in midair
  12. What is the powerplant? It can't be jets, obviously...
  13. The mod is Editor Extensions, as the standalone mod no longer works
  14. how is 10km close?! Let's assume that there is a 10km radius disk around your spacecraft, which likely isn't longer than 20 meters and wider than 10. The area of the disk is 314159265.359 square meters, while the area of your ship is around 200 square meters. The rectangular silhouette of a Large Orange Tank is 8 square meters. If we divide 314159265.359 by 8 meters, there will still be a 39269908.1699 square meter area where a passing orange tank will not hit. Divide that by 30 and you have the chances of a collision, which turns out to be 1/1308996.939
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