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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. If that's what you please, get out. You obviously do not understand the concept of a CHEAP and LIGHTWEIGHT delivery system. And if the mothership is over 250 tons wet mass, ignore the stated rule. Sorry for not properly balancing it. Your entry is actually pretty good, to be honest. It's just kinda too heavy. I like it! Maybe I should make an additional category for those really heavy rockets which doesn't have as much of a downside. Good work.
  2. Can you update my entry? Here's the optimized (not a pun) entry: My final lineup: 2 Woodpeckers, 1 Desert Moth, 1 Beefalo
  3. This is a perfect demonstration of Newton's Third Law in action.
  4. What the hell is a "Gothic Lolita Propaganda"? Nice station though
  5. How do you know what my thanksgiving dinners are composed of?!
  6. Please, please, stop filling the forum up with these badly made challenges. Would you actually try to read the submissions guide before you make another one?
  7. Amphibious tank + Kraken attack = A crew of russian tankmen on a journey to Alpha Centauri.
  8. It's insanely manoeuverable, unless you try and make it do a loop-de-loop, in which case it explodes.
  9. Then you shouldn't get encounters; If you're at the KSC or a vessel more than 3km away, the ship CANNOT get an encounter
  11. Minecraft profile pictures make me cringe ┌(˵༎ຶ ل͟ ༎ຶ˵)┐ Maybe OP could read the submissions guide?
  12. Name: Scrubmeat Company: Skrubs Source: Skrubs like you Backstory: A generic term that applies to a skrub Type: Skrub-flavored Meal Designation: Skrub-in-a-can Meal Type: EZ RIP Nightingale
  13. You can send cubesats to other bodies, you can send probes to other bodies
  14. Name: Personalized Launch Ration (Open package to use) or P.L.O.P Company: Equatorial Republic Space Center (KSC) (Made by me!) Source: A small tin full of starchy tubers in puree form, some small chunks of salted ham, and a variety of different vegetables suspended in a healthy mixture of motor oil and corn syrup. Backstory: In the early days of space exploration, food was not necessary, due to the unmanned, short, and one-way nature of them. This was changed when the first astronaut to enter orbit returned, complaining of a craving for something starchy. And so this primitive but rather quaint food product was invented, to sate the hunger of many a hungry astronaut. Type: Tinned vacuum packed ration Meal Designation: Short/Medium term service rations aboard type 2 ships (Tourist or routine craft) Meal Type: Lunch/Dinner
  15. Ksp models from a standard, non-wide-view camera angle
  16. Elcano Attempt, Mission Log Day 1 EDIT: Refueling mission no. 1 has failed, due to a complication involving the wings of the supply craft. The pilot was rescued by the LandKreuser and will join them for the remainder of the journey. A supply cruiser is setting out to resupply them later today. EDIT: The Landkreuser has reached 50 kilometers distance from the KSC. 50 down, 550 to go! EDIT: A tank of oxidizer (Fuel cell fodder) has fallen off. We probably didn't need it anyways. EDIT: I wonder what glue tastes like Map:
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