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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. They have reduced thrust but still enough for flight.
  2. Mediafire links do not work, try something like Dropbox for your .craft files.
  3. *Patience Capacitor at 60%* COL is Center Of Lift, while COM is Center Of Mass
  4. The only reusable parts of my SSTOs and space shuttles is the cockpit. do you have the game?
  5. I'm bumping this thread Here goes... I'm really gonna do it! Watch out!
  6. Perfect for doing great stunts or dodging North Kerborean missiles, the AF-3 uses powerful gyroscope modules and a large lifting surface to achieve a short take-off time and practically VTOL-like landing abilities, despite it not being designed for such purposes. Designed to be fitted with any and all weapon systems. As I mentioned, it can take off within 30 meters of the start of the runway. It requires little speed to pull off a 180-degree turn, as shown below: It can perform extremely sharp turns, without much energy loss. Again, perfect for dogfights! Can pull off a vertical landing with careful piloting. Very careful piloting...
  7. Try having a large store of batteries, enough for any conceivable transfer burn, and a few gigantors. That way, you can have a long burn and timewarp to rapidly recharge your stores. What I just said was probably incoherent. No. It is not "more powerful than some jet engines". Ion thrusters have a maximum amount of energy you can apply to each particle, and after that limit the only way for more thrust is to have a larger engine area.
  8. Kinda a necro, but this is my thread so deal with it Chapter 1/Part 5 Jeb groaned as he and Gus pulled another metal pipe from his scrapyard. It was hard work, and the pipes were corroded yet sharp. Jeb figured that there were probably some nasty germs on it. "What do we need these pipes for?" he groaned. Gus winked at him, but said nothing. Another hour-and-a-half later, they finally finished loading the pipes. Only the thought of the cool 400 he was going to make off the pipes kept him going. He felt a fresh wave of nausea wash over him as he remembered that Gene had convinced him to give the pipes for free. "We'd better get into space soon" Back at the space center, Gus told Jeb to go inside for a while, which he happily obliged to. Then, he examined the goods. The pipes were light aluminum composite, and perfect for his experiment. Holding a paper cup filled with lukewarm water, he watched some old guy fish for a while. Eventually, though, he got bored and went outside again. As he turned the corner, he saw Gus pouring some white dust into the pipes. Then, he realised what Gus was doing. Squinting, he saw the label on the bags. "Mergee and Luc's icing sugar". Gus had somehow got ahold of his foreign imported coffee sugar and was now mixing it with cornstarch. Jeb started to yell, but his cry was cut short as the last of the sugar poured out of the bag. Gus, seeing Jeb's expression, shoved the bag into his pocket. It was too late. Gene, hearing the yells and loud noises, came outside to a full-blown bar fight. Sighing, he tried to calm them down. An hour later, they were in the staff room again, talking over a cup of coffee. Jeb apologized profusely for his misconduct, while Gus thought about his experiment. The second Jeb finished, Gus grabbed his arm and pulled him outside. 'Where are you taking me?" he asked worriedly. Gus shushed him, and went back to his experiment. He filled a metal pipe with a blend of pure oxygen, cornstarch, and fine sugar dust, while Jeb mourned his unborn cappuccino. "Done!" Gus looked proudly at his invention. A half-polished steel pipe, sitting in a pile of cornstarch looked back at him. "Look here" he pointed at the pipe. "It's just a pipe" Jeb replied glumly. "No, it isn't! Look!". Gus pressed a match against the bottom of the pipe. A few sparks emanated from it, filling the air with the acrid smell of burnt sugar. "You used my 125-dollar package of milled sugar for that? " Jeb asked, stepping closer. "Don't come closer!" Gus warned. Just then, the pipe-rocket sparked again, this time brighter. Gus held his breath. Suddenly, white smoke poured out of the bottom. The tube shook. Without warning, a jet of fire bloomed from the bottom. The tube quickly accelerated, until it was just a speck in the afternoon sun. Then, it started to get bigger again. Only Gene had the presence of mind to realize what was going on. Yelling at the others to get into cover, he dove underneath the overhang of the new administration building, courtesy of C7's sizable advance on their contract. Just as they dove underneath the roof, the metal pipe hit the ground nearby with a loud thunk. The dry grass nearby quickly burst into flames. The three were shocked. Gene because the rocket had worked, Jeb for the same reason, and Gus because the flaming wreckage had just set his shed on fire. Mortimer, holding a camera, was thinking about the money they would get from breaking the country's rocket world record. It would probably offset the fine they would get from launching a untested metal object, and also cover the cost of a cheap bottle of wine for him.
  9. My 23-ton huge Duna mission reentry craft, after burning up all its fuel to get a Kerbin flyby smashed into the atmosphere at a whopping 6 KM/S. The craft's main body was made of radiator panels and it had 5 3.75M heatshields. It was meant to land with a full capacity of 12 crew. Basically, what happened is that the ship had each layer of radiators peeled off as it slowed down, and blowing up in a very traumatic manner. At one point in the 3-minute descent (I was lagging hard), a hitchhiker container carrying 4 kerbals kinda disappeared. To this day, nobody knows where they ended up. At the end of the uncontrolled reentry, all that was left was Bob, a science lab, 2 parachutes and a OKTO probe core with a tiny bit of reserve power.
  10. Thanks! I was thinking more of the angle snap + shift trick for the 5 degree angles. On a different note, I'll give a cookie to anyone who can make a legit launcher for the H-013. And I'll give 2 to whoever can make a redocking mechanism for the torus, because as of right now when you timewarp the torus leaves the bearing. No way to prevent it.
  11. Unfortunately I'm not an expert at debugging save files and the like, but I can get you someone who has the know-how. For now, just try removing different mods and seeing which one caused it. Make a backup and delete them one at a time.
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