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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. After the astounding success of our first custom vehicle order, Management has decided to reopen our old space dock for new orders! Spacecraft requests now open:
  2. Don't forget: no pics no clicks. You can also take screenshots from inside the VAB with f1.
  3. I'm going to rename this thread into something clickbaity like "extreme party station" or "stock alcubierre drive". Or maybe some even more clickbaity name, like STOCK HERMES CRAFT W/ALL MODULES Too bad no one likes The Martian anymore.
  4. Mods: Mechjeb FAR SVE Hyperedit Kronal vessel viewer I don't think Duna is so well inhabited... (City lights showing up on Duna's surface) THERE ARE CITIES ON DUNA?! TINFOIL HATS ON! (grey patches are city textures usually on Kerbin. The lights even match Kerbin's coastline!
  5. Looks like any old interplanetary ship, doesn't it. But it most definitely is not ordinary.This craft, inspired by a ship-that-will-not-be-named in a movie-that-will-not-be-named, features a rotary habitat ring! It provides artificial gravity in order to stop your kerbals from devolving into puddles of green slime. The habitat ring rotates independently of the main ship, and crew members can easily transfer between their quarters and the command section. The ring rotates at a speed of 20 m/s at its maximal safe capacity, enough to produce a centrifugal force of around 0.3 G. The rotary engines are good for about 120 days of sustained rotation or 220 days of 0.2 G gravity. Use the physics warp mod for it to remain rotating. The torus is held in place by a state-of-the-art system of road wheels and dinner plates. A few pieces of metal is all that is stopping the torus from floating away into the void. Some corners had to be cut in order to keep the craft light enough to be sent into orbit. Due to the limitations of the stock game, the torus must be at the end of the craft in order to function properly. Also due to the same limitations, the torus may exit the wheel cage when using physics warp, so be careful. Can reach Jool with a well-executed maneuver. No botanists allowed. Download link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs4inu48dx6wcqz/Stock%20Hermes%20inspired%20craft%20-%20Copy.craft?dl=0
  6. This is 1.0.4, right? I like the tweakscaled engines and the wheel design. Also I have a download link up now, please choose me for spacecraft friday. Heh, just kidding. But for reals, download link is (finally) up! wait that ain't a tweakscaled engine.
  7. Powered by 6 state-of-the-art turbojets, the V-22 is capable of 8-second takeoffs with its afterburners engaged. Turn RCS on for a easier time, but it is not required. When the craft reaches a minimal attitude of 180 meters above terrain, the cruising jets can be engaged. As they build up speed, it's a good idea to sustain the VTOL engines, just in case it needs more velocity. It does convert remarkably well though. While in conventional flight, it is capable of speeds exceeding 120 m/s. RCS may be disabled now. Armed with 10 medium range APHE rockets and a large cargo bay for bombs. Cannot take off conventionally without some VTOL assistance, but can land conventionally and vertically. Docking port on top is for landing purposes only. Action group 1: Toggle VTOL afterburners AG 2: Toggle VTOL jets AG 3: Toggle conventional flight jets AG 4: Open bay doors Instructions: Activate VTOL jets and afterburner. Wait until alt above terrain < 180M or so. Activate conventional jets, turn afterburners off, and activate RCS if you haven't yet. When turbofans hit 100 thrust, deactivate VTOL jets and pitch up immediately. You should be able to fly it normally now Landing: Set control to the Clamp-o-tron Jr. above the cargo bay. Turn off conventional jets, and point retrograde or semi-retrograde. Burn until angular velocity is > 2 m/s. Point engines down, lower gear. Throttle to 1/2 power, only throttle up if your speed is above 20 m/s and you're less than 40 meters above terrain. Alternatively, you can perform a conventional landing with the wheels. It can do that, of course. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afiaqw3am6wc7lg/MK2%20transition%20VTOL%20Armed%20prototype.craft?dl=0
  8. GRAMMAR POLICE ALERT Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
  9. your rep to post ratio is as of right now exactly 1:1

    1. Rune


      Makes me afraid to post! Wait... darn! xD

  10. How much fuel? A medium range craft or a long range carrier? What kind of payload?
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